Get in the Flow of the Power of Trust!


Posted by Chaya | Posted in Newsletter, Spiritual Connection | Posted on 10-05-2013

We all have it…that little quiet voice inside that will guide our next step if only we let it. You can just sense it telling you

where to go, what to remember, what to avoid, and more. It’s not always easy to pay attention to it (much less trust it!) in

this noisy world of ours. But it can sure save you a lot of hassle when you do!

Trust2 - Night full moon 3

Could any of these be a scene out of YOUR life? 

  • “I’m just so out of the flow today. Everything I try to do just turns out wrong. I feel like I’m just swimming upstream, and it’s totally stressing me out.”
  • “Just getting to work every day is such an uphill battle for me. What’s that about?”
  • “My knee hurts like crazy. I’ve been trying to just ignore it, thinking the pain will go away, but it’s getting worse. Is this a sign?”
  • “I keep overeating, getting indigestion, and putting on the pounds. Why am I not listening to my body when it first sends me the message it’s full?”

These are all words spoken by people who are struggling with something in their lives, and are beginning to wonder if Life is trying to tell them something.

Do you listen to those kinds of inklings and hunches when you get them? Or do you plow on through and try to force things to go your way?


The Universe has your best interests at heart!
It’s constantly sending you signs, signals and messages.

When you tune in and TRUST your inner guidance, you find the way to flow with what’s going on around you.

Unless you prefer swimming against the current?

Do you remember the European vacation that I told you about a few weeks ago that taught me so much about the Power of Authenticity? Well, I also learned a very big lesson about the Power of Trust on that trip! I learned about how to listen and trust my inner knowing to find, get into, and stay in the “flow”.

Venice was where it all began. Soon after I got there it became almost painfully obvious that I was out of the flow and needed to listen to the inner signals I was getting.

For three days, all I did was swim upstream. I’d take the water taxis to museums and restaurants my guidebook suggested, only to find them closed for renovations or that the owners were on vacation.

And I was constantly getting lost! I’d be turning and turning through the cobblestone streets, going over bridges and down alleys, only to come around a corner and find myself at yet another dead end.

Finally, I realized that I just wasn’t supposed to be in Venice. It didn’t make any sense, and I couldn’t think of any reasons, but the Universe seemed to be telling me to move on.

So I listened to my guidance and hopped on a train bound for St. Anton, Austria.
I only planned to stay one night but their summer festival was going on. There I met the most amazing people, went on an unforgettable bike ride, and enjoyed the most luxurious down comforter (in the world) on my bed.

It couldn’t have been more perfect, like I was in some magical flow, guiding me to the right people and the right place at the right time. So, I listened to these signals and kept staying over another night for as long as my guidance decreed.

Now, I’m not going to lie to you….it’s MUCH easier to “trust the flow” when you’re on vacation, alone, with no one else to answer to and no planned agenda!

Listening to your inner guidance, trusting that the Universe has your best interest at heart, and staying in the flow, is infinitely harder when curve balls are coming at you in the midst of real life.

Spouses, clients, kids, pets, bosses, appointments, and endless necessary errands make embodying this lesson a big assignment.

But Europe gave me my first taste of what it feels like to be strong in the Power of Trust. Now, as best I can, I listen to and trust those inner messages whether I’m on vacation or in the hotseat of my full life. It never leads me astray!


The Power of Trust is an energy frequency
available to you at all times.
Access it and fall into the natural rhythm of Life!

 When you do, you will:

  • Save yourself time, energy and drama by realizing quickly when you’ve lost the flow and knowing how to effortlessly find it again. Hint: it involves listening to and trusting that inner voice.
  •  Realize that those uphill battles in your job are messages to you that you need to either change how you’re climbing or move to a different hill.
  • Stop overeating or injuring yourself from pushing too hard out of respect for the messages your body is giving you.
  • Look back and see how “right” things actually were when you thought at the time that they were all going so wrong.
  • Know how to tune in, understand the messages your body, mind and spirit are giving you, listen to your guidance, and trust what’s going on.


Everything is happening just as it should be. 
Your only job is to roll with it.

2tips to help you develop your Indigo Gold Power of Trust:
#1: Tired of always pushing against the river? Here’s an affirmation we recommend to help get you in flow of your life.

“I trust that everything happens for a reason!”

We recommend that you start each day by singing it 7 times out loud or to yourself in the mirror. Then relax and begin to find ways you can flow more easily with how things are really happening, rather than how you think is should be happening.

#2: Keep the Trust Vibrancy Essence in your back pocket this week. When you feel yourself getting tense and frustrated because things aren’t going the way you want, pop a few drops, and allow yourself to align with the rhythm of life that is happening in and around you.


Tap into the Power of Trust
and the Force will be with you.

To trust in the force
that moves the universe is faith.
Faith isn’t blind, it’s visionary.
Faith is believing that the universe
is on our side, and that the universe
knows what it’s doing.

~ Unknown


Trust the Force!

Have you been woo-hoo’d today?


Posted by Chaya | Posted in Energy, Newsletter | Posted on 02-05-2013

“WAY TO GO! Wow! That’s awesome!”

When was the last time someone said something like that to you?

Sallie, one of our Vibrancy Signature Coaches, was just telling us how she says this kind of thing to her 4 year old grandson, Alexander, two or more times an hour…accompanied by a thumbs-up or applause.

Thumbs UpI used to get and give “Woo-hoos” every day when I was training for the Olympics in diving. Throughout practice all the divers would whistle and cheer for each others’ great dives. We fed on all the enthusiasm and it kept us motivated to do our best and try to be the next one to earn some high-fives.

So WHERE IS THAT in our everyday adult lives??!

How many times a day do you get woo-hoo’d? Can you even remember the last time someone gave you a shot of enthusiasm, patted you on the back and told you how amazing you were and what a fantastic thing you’d just done?

Remember Miss Manners and all the rules she laid down about how to conduct ourselves in society? Wouldn’t it have been great if she’d decreed that it’s impolite NOT to fist-pump and thump someone on the back with a “Way to go!” whenever they did something well?

Can’t you just see it?…..You give a customer excellent service and afterward, when your peers or your boss don’t applaud you, you’d think, ‘Well, that was rude. You didn’t jump up and down about how awesomely I handled that customer. Hurrumph.’

But no, it’s not considered rude. It’s ‘normal’! You do what’s expected of you and people only notice when there’s a mistake. That’s not much of a motivation to do things better, much less enjoy the process.


Should high-fiving enthusiasm be reserved only
for small kids and sporting events? No Way!

If the Power of Enthusiasm has been dampened down in your world, then here’s some of the effects you’re possibly feeling:

  • You drag yourself through your day with no juice coming from anywhere or anybody to make you feel like what you’re doing is worthwhile.
  • You contribute to the Starbuck’s fortune with all the espressos you buy just to get you through your week because your energy reserves are on empty.
  • You tank up on junk food to numb your melancholy.
  • You lose friendships because you’re so absorbed in your own misery and lack of vitality that you just aren’t much fun to be around.
  • You feel old, dull, and critical of anyone else that has the audacity to get excited about ‘inconsequential’ and ‘childish’ things.


But imagine what it would be like if you were giving and
 receiving lots of woo-hoos every day?

Doesn’t reading that last statement just perk up your energy right way? Your Blue Green cells are probably getting pumped up just thinking about being showered with accolades on a daily basis rather than criticisms (or even just plain neutrality).

You might:

  • Feel more loved and appreciated….like you’re not out on some island all by yourself, but that what you do is noticed and recognized by others around you.
  • Engage with people and with your life more deeply, realizing that there’s lots to get excited about now that it isn’t ‘illegal’ to express it.
  • Begin to wake up others around you with your own ecstatic outbursts, expressive comments, and all that vitality you start letting out of your bag.
  • Make more friends by recognizing their accomplishments and motivating them to put their best foot forward!
  • Start craving healthy nutritious food, because you just feel like keeping that good vibe going throughout your whole body.

We’ve decided to walk our talk and sharpen our Power of Enthusiasm around here!

Here’s our pledge:  Every day this week we’re going to wear stickers around the office and house that keep track of how many times we’ve given a “Woo-Hooo” and how many times we’ve received one. Our goal will be 3 of each every day. We’re VERY EXCITED about trying this! Watch our Facebook page for our results!

How about you? Are you ready to get on the Blue Green train to bringing more enthusiasm into your life?


2 ways to wake up your Blue Green Power of Enthusiasm:
#1: Tired of that old serious adult routine that has taken over your life?
Here’s an affirmation that will help shake loose this old worn out response pattern that you may be stuck in:

“I’m enthusiastic!”

We recommend that you sing this 7 times out loud or to yourself in the mirror every morning…and mean it!  Give yourself a little applause and fist pump too. Then watch all the opportunities show up in your day that really do excite you, and give yourself permission to express it in a very Blue Green way! Shout, jump, high-five someone – go a little crazy (by most people’s standards).

#2: Keep the Enthusiasm Vibrancy Essence nearby this week for those times when you feel like your excitement is tied up in a tiny little box, instead of exploding out of you effervescently. Take 14 drops under your tongue daily or when you want to break out and EXPRESS yourself!


Guess what! You really don’t have to grow up!
It’s A-Okay to keep your excited
kid self alive no matter how hold you are!


Nobody grows old merely by living a number of years…
 Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.

~  Samuel Ullman

Woo-Hoo to you!!

Be True to You with the Power of Authenticity


Posted by Chaya | Posted in Fun and Relaxation, Newsletter | Posted on 25-04-2013

Just think of all the things you would do if no one was looking, no one was keeping score, and no one cared how you lived your life! You might:

Authenticity - Harley Dog Take a month off from work, grab your best buddy, and zip off to get a taste of those beautiful soaring mountains of Argentina.

• Crank up some good music and dance wildly around in your skivvies while you clean your house.

• Cut your hair, dye your hair, dress it up, wear it down, put flowers in it, put hats on it, change it around every day to suit your mood.

Change careers. Yep, just turn over a new leaf and step into doing the kind of work that makes your heart soar. No more Monday blahs!

Spontaneously grab your partner right in the middle of Main Street, swoop him (or her) back and plant a whopping kiss on that sweet little face right in front of everybody.

• Go the grocery store for your weekly staples and instead take a left turn into the SPCA parking lot and come home with a brand new little puppy.

Life is rich and refreshing when you
tap into the Power of Authenticity!

If you’ve never done this, and it’s anywhere in your power or interest to do so, this is one of the highlights of my life.

It was a couple of months after the end of my diving career, which, as you might guess, was a very rigid time spent following rules, doing what I was told by my coaches, and striving for perfection.

I bought an unlimited travel Eurail (train) pass, and I went to Europe, by myself, with just a pack on my back.

For 6 weeks I went where I wanted, when I wanted, with no one to answer to but myself. I didn’t have to compromise with anyone. I wasn’t on any schedule. There was no one I was trying to impress, no promises to keep.

I would just wake up each morning and ask myself, “What do I want to do today?” And, “Where do I want to be?”

I remember having breakfast one morning in Zurich, sitting at a restaurant overlooking a lake, and deciding I wanted be having dinner in Italy.  And so it was.

Sometimes I would just go to the train station and see what trains were leaving soon, and which one called to me. Barcelona? Avignon? Florence? Luxembourg City? Yes, one day Luxembourg was the answer, and off I went. Why not?

To experience no other calling or pressure other than my own heart’s desire… got me in touch with levels of my being I never knew. It helped me hear my heart very clearly, and showed me that’s where ‘freedom’ really lives.

After such a saturating, authentically-me experience, and getting so deeply in touch with the rhythms and desires of my heart, it’s been almost impossible to not follow my heart ever since.

If there’s something like this you’ve always wanted to do – please do it. Strengthen your Power of Authenticity first if you need to, and follow the beat of the drum that is uniquely you.

Don’t be a lemming that follows everyone else off the cliff ~
find your own way, listen to your own voice,
follow your own heart.

Abiding by the rules and doing the same old thing in the same old way has it’s place.

But, is that ALL you’re doing?? What happens if you ignore those inner callings to break free and do something new, different and authentically “you”?

You might:

Feel bitter and ripped off, because you’re so busy following everyone else’s lead or keeping up with the Jones’ that you overlook what makes your own heart happy.

Lose your enthusiasm about life, thinking that living in the moment is just for kids or irresponsible people.

Blame everyone else for stifling your free spirit…and rationalize that if your family, your boss, your community and even the darn government would quit forcing you to do what they wanted, you’d be a lot happier.

Suffer from headaches, stomach aches, ulcers, and all those things that are really your body’s warning signs that you’re not being true to yourself.

• Wake up one day sick of your life and ready to dump it ALL (including the good stuff!) in a desperate attempt to reclaim yourself.

Don’t wait until it gets to that point!
You don’t have to live your life
just to please everyone else!

Responsible people don’t always follow all the rules. Some of the most wonderful inventions and solutions come from spontaneous experiences and unconventional people.

Your heart will keep calling you until you answer, so why not pick up the phone now?

Let your passion be your guide. That’s the best GPS around.


2 tips for leaping into to Lavender authenticity:
#1: Are you screaming inside from all the years of ignoring what excites you! Start greeting your day with this affirmation:

“I do what I love to do!”

We recommend that you wake up every morning and before you get out of bed, say or sing these words 7 times. Then jump up and go about your day, being sure to pay attention to those moments when you have a sudden urge to do something spontaneously “you.”

#2: Keep the Authenticity Vibrancy Essence by your side if you are tempted to follow everyone else’s worn out paths through life. Take 14 drops under your tongue daily or when you need some support in being your yourself.


Do what you love,
and not just the money,
but LOTS of good things will follow!

Follow your bliss.

~ Joseph Campbell

Be real, be authentic, be free!

Dive Deep With the Power of Commitment


Posted by Jamie | Posted in Newsletter, Relationship | Posted on 18-04-2013

Everything you want to do in life is easier if you are harnessing the energy of the Power of Commitment. It’s right there  inside you, believe it or not, ready to be drawn upon to work it’s magic in your life.

If you’ve lost touch with this part of your nature, you’re probably facing some painful struggles. You might hear yourself saying things like this:

• “I love my partner, but we’re both so busy that we don’t spend any time together. We’re like two ships passing in the night.”

• “I’m not getting anywhere in my career because I keep bouncing around from one job to the other. At some point I always end up feeling smothered and afraid they want to own me….so I leave.”

• “Here I go again. I’m restless and bored in this relationship, so I guess it’s time to end it. That’s always my cue to get away while I still can.”

Even outside the realm of relationships:
•  “I’ve been thinking about updating my kitchen for years. I’ve just never taken the leap to start the process. But meanwhile, every day I’m spending way too many hours feeling irritated by the lack of counter space, ugly cabinets and old appliances in there.”

If you’re not 100% sure you want to get out,
then jump 100% in with both feet!
Allow the Power of Commitment to carry you!

Commitment - Couple on Heart

Ah, but….it’s impossible to jump in with both feet when one foot is stuck in the past, isn’t it?

Have you ever noticed how much harder it is to make a solid commitment when you’re carrying a lot of baggage?

It can be very challenging to deeply engage in a new relationship when there’s anger, resentment, or heartbreak still hanging around from a previous one.

It’s so much more difficult to be truly devoted as a parent if you’ve got a lot of issues left over from your own childhood.

If you’re waiting for your current boss to start treating you as poorly as the last one, it’s unlikely you’re able to fully give your all at work.

One of the things I love most about being a Vibrancy Healing Coach is helping people find hope and transform their struggles into triumphs. It’s such a deep honor to witness and participate in their journey as they get to the core of what’s held them back, learn from their past, and write a new future.

And, as they transform those limiting beliefs, or free themselves from the tyranny of stuck emotions, more energy becomes available for them to commit to friends and loved ones more deeply, or to dive deep into their passionate hobbies or projects.

You can do this too. You do not need to feel trapped by your past. You can rewrite your history, learn those lessons your soul is trying to capture, and chart a new path with your energy fully committed to all the things you dream of and all the people you care about.

When you walk the path of commitment, to yourself and the growth of your spirit, to your friends, family, and dreams, you can bear all, sustain all, and awaken to your true Soul’s nature.

Call on it the Power of Commitment.
It will buoy your life and sail you across the troubled waters of your past to the land of your dreams!

You won’t believe how true blue devotion can change your life. When you sign up for the long haul, and balance and strengthen your Power of Commitment you’ll:  

• Discover the lessons waiting for you in the old baggage you’ve been hanging on to, and feel it finally release its hold on you as you take that new awareness forward into your future.

• Flush your fear of commitment down the drain, and soak up the joy of deep and caring relationships.

• Bask in the love and appreciation your family and friends will show you, because you’re fully “in”.
• Experience the power of continuity in your life. Instead of “cutting and running” when things get difficult, you’ll find the secret to strong happy families, long fulfilling careers, and projects you’re proud of.

• Drink in a sense of accomplishment. Whether it’s a relationship, a career, or a backyard garden, when you stick with something or someone every step of the way, you’re sure to grow something wonderful.

2 tips to help you be “true blue”:
#1: Tired of going through jobs and relationships like they were water? Here’s an affirmation that might help you shift this pattern:

“I am deeply committed to myself and others!”

We recommend that you sing it out loud or to yourself 7 times every morning as you brush your teeth and look into the mirror. And when the urge to jump ship is unusually strong, just keep singing until you feel it in every cell of your body.

#2: Keep the Commitment Vibrancy Essence handy for those times when you are afraid to get off the fence and devote yourself to something or someone. Take 14 drops under your tongue daily or when you need some support in hanging in there for the long haul.

You can always find excuses to do things half way.
Why not hop into the pool with both feet?

“There are only two options regarding commitment. You’re either in or out. There’s no such thing as a life in-between.

Pat Riley

Be True Blue!

Get unstuck with the Power of Growing!


Posted by Jamie and Chaya | Posted in Newsletter, Personal Empowerment | Posted on 02-04-2013

You know how fresh and clean the air feels after a good thunderstorm? Well, it’s the same for you after some old stuck patterns get shaken up a bit, making room for a whole new way of being, and helping you live into your potential.

Sometimes, though, you might resist the “shaking up” phase, thinking that it will cause more harm than good. Do you ever do things like this?

  • You suck it up, settle and get stuck in your unhappy situations, and then one day you say “I can’t take it anymore!”  
  • When someone points out something you do that bothers them, you get defensive and say or think, “This is the way I am. Deal with it.”
  • You put on a happy face, but underneath you’re miserable, and you don’t know how to change it.
  • You think that someday, when life slows down, you’ll try to get around to having that talk with your partner about what’s not working in your relationship.
  • You ignore a nagging little health problem, thinking it will just probably go away by itself.


Everywhere we look, we’re being called to evolve.

There’s really amazing paradPlant in shelligm shifting happening in the world right now. Dictators are being ousted, governments are being reborn, the rumblings of the Earth are turning our lives upside down, and people are saying “enough!”.

Destruction and re-creation on a massive scale. Like one of Mother Nature’s forest fires, the old is being destroyed to make way for new growth to occur.

But does it have to be SO big, SO painful, SO out-of-control? Only when the dis-ease has been allowed to fester for so long that the all that will clear it is total destruction.

We’ve noticed in our own life that growth CAN be painful, but it doesn’t have to. We’ve done it both ways.

We’ve ignored warning signs that what we were doing wasn’t working, getting frustrated and angry. Banging our heads against walls….

And, we’ve also evolved in a much gentler way, noticing challenges when they’re small.  Looking for the truth, being open to the discomfort of new awareness and change, we’ve been able shed the old ways and align with the next level without burning down the house.

Guess which way we like better! Letting the Power of Growing be our ally instead of our enemy is way more empowering and energizing. And more fun too!


Transform yourself and others by facing the truth and
 finding new ways to break up old stuck patterns.
Tap into the Power of Growing!

Shift those paradigms! When you access the Power of Growing, you will….

  • Welcome your challenges, seeing them as perfect opportunities for more growth.
  • Feel empowered, hopeful, and open to trying new ways of being and doing things. Possibilities expand when you are willing to create yourself anew.
  • Dissolve limiting patterns early in the game, so you don’t have to resort to extreme measures when things have gotten out of control.
  • Be more willing to try new things, because you realize that staying with the same old, same old doesn’t cut it in your pursuit of a fulfilling life.
  • Discover more of who you really are by venturing into new territory

It’s always tempting to hide out in the safety of the familiar,but it’s a lot more fun to move toward growth.

No matter who you are or what you are doing in life, this power is always at your fingertips to help you evolve and live into your true potential.


2 Ways to create more powerful Growing moments for yourself:
#1: Are you tired of being stuck in the mud (in your job, relationships, health, goals….)?  Do you think there’s no way you can change how you are, or the situations you’re in?  Then pull your head out of the sand with this affirmation:

 “I grow and develop each day!”

We recommend that you sing this 7 times out loud or to yourself. Repeat, repeat, repeat. Then step into your power to shift how you deal with your life situations so that things are more in alignment with your truth.

#2: Keep the Growing Vibrancy Essence handy for those times when you’d rather retreat into your comfort zone than face the truth head on, allow your outdated paradigms to shift, and stretch into new ways of being. Take 14 drops under your tongue daily or whenever you need a boost in creating a new you.


Growth and change aren’t always comfortable,
but can definitely be liberating!

“One can choose to go back toward safety or forward toward growth.
Growth must be chosen again and again;
 fear must be overcome again and again.”

Abraham Maslow 1908-1970, Psychologist


Here’s to an ever new you!

Do you have a BIG dream? Call on the Power of Manifesting to bring it to life!


Posted by Jamie and Chaya | Posted in Newsletter, Success and Abundance | Posted on 21-03-2013

What’s your biggest, grandest dream? You know, the great one, that maybe you don’t even share with others because it is so outrageous, and yet so dear to your heart….

Is it to leave your dead end job and start your own business that might just change the world, make you blissfully happy, and earn your fortune?

Is it to run the Boston Marathon?

Is it to build your dream home on a cliff, or by the ocean, or in the mountains?

Is it to start a school that will pave the way for a massive transformation of our education system?

Is it to raise super conscious, aware, loving children in the midst of a busy life and a wild time in the world?

Kids Chasing Big Bubble

What’s on your Vision board that your heart longs for?

Maybe it’s to sail the world like our friends Sean and Jennifer Myers…

One day, when Sean was in the middle of a vision planning session for the year to come, he stopped for a snack. While he was eating his Cliff Bar, he read on the label “This bar is dedicated to my father Clifford, my childhood hero and companion…”

Sean thought, ‘What can I do to be a hero to my kids? What can we do as a family to deepen our connection and create lasting memories?’

And the grand vision came. It took 5 years of detailed planning and preparation to manifest this big dream. Then one day, Sean and Jennifer took their 2 pre-teen kids out of school, rented out their house, left suburban life and moved onto their new 50 foot catamaran.

For the next 15 months they sailed all around the Caribbean, through the Panama Canal, across the South Seas to Australia. They home-schooled their kids while traveling 18,000 miles and visiting 20 countries.

They created a magical family experience, full of swimming with whales and sea turtles, playing with kids of vastly different cultures, helping to refurbish a school in Samoa, racing in a regatta in Fiji, and so much more.

Eventually they returned to their home in Colorado, but the manifestation of Sean’s grand vision continues to inspire everyone who hears their story.

Jennifer says, “If we can help people think bigger and dream bigger, we’re all for that…15 months goes by no matter what you’re doing. It’s gone, and then what do you have to show for it? You have to create your own dream in this life and then go for it.”

Take your visions seriously.

What happens when you deny yourself access to the Violet Crystal Power of Manifesting?  

  • You think small and stay small, never challenging yourself to achieve greater heights.
  • You stay stuck in jobs, relationships, homes, and cities that you don’t love.
  • You feel hopeless and helpless, because you’re convinced that you don’t have what it takes to make your dreams a living reality.
  • You live and die unfulfilled and incomplete, never committing to any plans for the future, goals to work toward, or moving aspirations.

Get connected to The Power of Manifestation
 and make the impossible possible!

Even if you don’t have this Power in your Vibrancy Signature, it can still access it to help you tap into the realm of infinite possibility!

  • As Napoleon Hill said, “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, you will achieve.” (This saying was on Chaya’s wall all the years she dreamed of and trained for the Olympics.)
  • Live with direction, purpose, and a deep heart connection to something bigger.
  • Feel supported, capable, inspired and empowered to live your dreams by tapping into what Deepak Chopra calls “The field of infinite possibility” that surrounds us.

2 Tips to strengthen your Power of Manifestation:

#1: Are you tired of staring down on a pile of withering dreams, thinking “maybe one day” you’ll turn them into something…or not?  Here’s an affirmation that you can use to lift up your chin and step into what’s possible.

“I manifest my visions and dreams!”

Sing this 7 times out loud or to yourself every time you find yourself saying “can’t be done” when a big idea crosses your awareness. Then choose and commit to the biggest one you’ve got. What’s the first step? The time has arrived to take it. And every step after that will reveal itself.

#2: Keep the Manifest Vibrancy Essence on your shelf for those times when you are losing sight of your treasured visions. Take 14 drops under your tongue daily or whenever you need a hand in bringing them alive.


Hold on to your visions,
and let the current of infinite possibility take you there.

The moment we ask the question, ‘How would I like my life to be?’,
we join forces with the creative source of the universe;
we go into partnership with life itself.

Gay Hendricks, Conscious Living


May you have all that you seek!


More Peace in Your Life with the Power of Mindfulness


Posted by Jamie and Chaya | Posted in Newsletter, Spiritual Connection | Posted on 14-02-2013

Mindfulness is such a buzz word these days, especially with yoga and meditation going mainstream.

Maybe you’ve jumped on board, and while you’re breathing into child’s pose, or while you’re sitting in stillness, you’ve achieved some measure of slowing down your mind and being totally present to the divine energy that inhabits that moment.

But how’s it going in your everyday life?   

Cherry Tree and Park Bench - full

When the schedule gets full, people are late to meet you, or the house is a mess – is there still peace in your heart and mind?

Are you able to stay mindful of the present moment and situation when your to-do list is overloaded?

How’s your connection to the divine when your boss or a client needs you to get something done and your kid has the flu and…and….and….?

How nice would it be if when you sat down to talk with someone, you knew they were totally with you, looking you in the eye, hanging on your every word? (And not checking the text that just came in.)

Our culture seems very split, because in contrast to the popularity of yoga and meditation, we have a thousand distractions from a world moving at a breakneck pace, and the input of technology available to us every second.

The other day in a restaurant we saw a dad with his 3 young daughters out for lunch. All 4 of them sat at the table looking at their phones, texting or watching videos. The only sound coming from their direction was the occasional laugh as someone experienced a private funny moment with their device. I guess you could make the argument they were present to what was happening on their screen, but, what about the actual moment right there with their family?

And then there’s a photo going around Facebook representing what the modern family looks like at home in the evening. The TV is on, the parents and 3 kids are scattered around the room, each with either a laptop, tablet, or phone in front of them with the screen on.

What are they paying attention to? Each other? Not. The TV? Maybe partially.

How many places are you splitting your focus and not giving your full attention to what’s right in front of you?

How would your life be different if you stopped all the multi-tasking and just got present to each moment?

Here are some of the things you might avoid:

  • Mistakes and accidents caused by distraction (Seriously, can you believe we actually need a campaign to not text while driving?)
  • Feeling scattered
  • Overwhelm
  • Lack of peace
  • Never finishing anything because you jump around so much

There is no better moment than this moment to align with the Power of Mindfulness!
This Power is associated with the Color pattern of Silver Gold, and this energy frequency is always available to you in every moment. It’s in your body, it’s in the Field around you. The more you access it, align with it, and strengthen it, the more you will discover a sense of calm, centeredness, peacefulness and outright bliss.

You will:

  • Make less mistakes, have less accidents, be more efficient in your work, and, yes, be a safer driver.
  • Foster warm and loving relationships, because your family and friends will appreciate how attentive you are (and most likely radiate Divine Love right back to you).
  • Feel relaxed, present, and focused because your attention is only on what is right in front of you.

Stop and notice the Divine in each moment, and in each person whose path you cross!

Claim this Power as your own and you will see the world through new eyes – you will realize that every person, every act, and every minute has inherent value, worthy of your honoring attention.


Two ways to the bliss of Mindfulness :

#1: Feeling scattered and overwhelmed? Here’s an affirmation you can sing that is a sure cure for a wandering mind:

“I am present and mindful!”

We recommend that you sing it seven times to help you be more attentive to what’s right in front of you, rather than getting lost in all the thoughts and activities that seem to be swirling around you.

Whether it’s writing an email, working on a project, hugging your dog, or doing laundry, it doesn’t matter. Everything works better and is a lot more engaging when you are present and mindful.


#2: The Mindful Vibrancy Essence is a perfect antidote for too much multi-tasking. Take 14 drops under your tongue daily or whenever you find you’re trying to do too much all at once to the point of overwhelm.

Bless others by bringing your full presence.

The most precious gift we can offer others is our presence.
When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers.

~ Thich Nhat Hanh

Wishing you blessings of mindfulness

Tame the Clutter with your Power of Organization


Posted by Chaya | Posted in Accomplishment, Newsletter | Posted on 31-01-2013

Do you feel overwhelmed and scattered every time you look at the piles of stuff on your desk?

Are you tired of wasting time running up and down the stairs looking for your shoes?

Have you had it with being late because you can’t find your keys?
                             Closet Clutter

 We can relate….
We used to suffer from Post-it-note Disease!

Yes, we used to jot all the ideas that came to us throughout the day onto post-its.  They’d be lined up across our desk, tacked to our computer monitor, or, most agitating, lost in a bigger pile of papers.

It was so irritating when we couldn’t find what we needed, when we knew we’d written it down!

Then, our Power of Organization must’ve come on line, because we found a web-based program to organize all our ideas and to-do lists.  What a relief!  We save so much time, energy and frustration, because now we have order.

Every idea, to-do task, and list in one place, where we can all view it from any computer, and know who’s doing what and when.  Major stress-reliever!

Are you ready for more sanity?
Tap into your Power of Organization!

 You will:

  • Save more time and energy because you’ll know where to find things.
  • Think clearly because your surroundings are more orderly.
  • Stay more present, grounded, and alert, because the drama is gone.

Like all the Powers, this is a frequency in your energy field. If you align yourself with it, if you match that vibration on the cellular level, then putting order to your life will be so much simpler!

There’s no need to tolerate clutter and confusion in your space.

Cleaning and organizing doesn’t have to be hard….really.

And you don’t have to go unconscious to your messes just to get through your day.

Two roads to align yourself with the Power of Organization:
#1: Are you drowning in chaos? Find a tune you like and replace all the words with:

“I am organized!”

Sing your new song regularly, or make it your mantra.  You may even want to tap on your forehead while you sing it (right about where your hairline is – or should be, anyway.)

Don’t give up.  You can rewrite your old habits.  You will eventually find yourself more easily getting things in good order.

#2: The Organize Vibrancy Essence will sharpen your skill of organization.  It melts the angst and drama around messes, making it no big deal to clean up after yourself.  Take 14 drops under your tongue daily….or when you realize you can’t find anything.

It’s 10% off this week to get you started busting the clutter.

Connect to your Power of Organization today and
start cleaning up your act…or at least your space!

“A place for everything and everything in its place!”

Here’s to beating the chaos!

Find Your Excellence with the Power of Integrity


Posted by Jamie and Chaya | Posted in Newsletter | Posted on 24-01-2013

“Whatever your life’s work is, do it well. A man should do his job so well that the living, the dead, and the unborn could do it no better.”

Martin Luther King, Jr.


The Power of Integrity is, in many ways, the embodiment of the Olympic motto: Citius, Altius, Fortius, which means faster, higher, stronger. 

If you add to that, better, healthier, and any other adjective that means more improved, and you’re on your way to understanding the drive this Power brings you.

This is Integrity: To be able to say “Yes!” with honest gusto, when someone asks “Did you do your very best today?”

And, when someone asks you if you could have done it better, you can truthfully say, “No, I did everything I possibly could.”

In the 2012 Australian Open Tennis men’s final, Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic redefined the phrase, “Leave it all out there.”

They played for 6 hours, at a level of intensity and excellence beyond what either the Number 1 or Number 2 player in the world had ever given before.

At the award ceremony, they couldn’t even stand.

In the press conference afterward, both the winner (Novak) and the loser (Rafa) talked about the joy of playing at such a level and their pride in their work and efforts.

Novak remarked, “It was obvious to everyone that we had taken every last drop of energy from our bodies.”
This standard is obviously extreme, but it’s in sports where we often find this pinnacle of integrity. (And sometimes we see the dark shadow as well, as recent news about Lance Armstrong has shown us.)

How does the Power of Integrity show up in your life?

At the end of the day, can you say that you’ve lived up to this high standard with yourself and others, that you’ve done your very best regardless of the circumstances?

Or, when you review how you approach your life, do you see that…..

You often give up on doing an A-plus job on projects at work, and settle instead for C-level performance.

You tolerate relationships that don’t inspire you, because you don’t have the strength to clarify your personal boundaries and get what you need.

You’re unhappy with your weight and your level of fitness, but you just don’t have the drive to consistently exercise and eat well.

You’re drowning in chaos and drama because you don’t know how to choose what’s in and what’s out of your life, or how to spend your time and use your energy effectively.

Does the notion of making your life a “10” seem like an unattainable pipe dream?I mean, who really does that?!

People who are strong in the Power of Integrity, that’s who.

No matter where you’re at right now, you can begin moving up the scale towards that 10 of yours.

The Power of Integrity is an energy frequency right at your fingertips. You just have to access it, align with it, and strengthen it within yourself.

Success can be yours, too!
Whatever your 100% is, you can give that.

Tap into your Power of Integrity and you will:

  • Stop settling for mediocrity because you’ll access your inner strength and tenacity, finding that deep and honest commitment to doing your very best.
  • Be able to set and maintain the boundaries you need to ensure your relationships have quality, respect, appreciation, and healthy dynamics.
  • Discover that drive you need to meet your own standard of excellence when it comes to taking care of your body.
  • Respect yourself and make better choices that don’t waste your valuable time and energy, or compromise what you believe in.
  • Get a raise, or reap the other benefits of how you impact those around you because you expected greatness from yourself, and pushed yourself to achieve it.

Here are two ways to get more in alignment with the frequency of the Power of Integrity and strengthen it in your  life:

#1: Tired of living a mediocre life or tolerating things that don’t you’re your highest dreams and goals forward?  Here’s an affirmation that will be just the ticket to perk you up:

I have integrity and high standards!

We recommend saying and singing it, 7 times daily until you find yourself
raising the bar when it comes to what you can do and how you do it. Before you know it, you’ll feel like going for the Gold!

#2: Keep a bottle of the Integrity Vibrancy Essence around to combat any thoughts of settling or tolerating.  Whenever you start feeling like you just don’t have what it takes to live a life of excellence, take 7 drops. Then ask yourself what your next step would be if you DID…and do it.

It’s 10% off this week to help give you that added boost.  

Connect to your Power of Integrity and
live a 10 life!

 The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor.

Vincent T. Lombardi

Leave it all out there!

Take creative control of your life with the Power of Imagination!


Posted by Chaya | Posted in Newsletter | Posted on 17-01-2013

You’ve been given a lot of freedom in this human life, and a robust, creative imagination. Are you using it? Here’s a few questions to help discover how healthy your Power of Imagination is:

Do you ever feel like you are a victim to the winds of fate, the economy, the political climate of the day, or even your kid’s schedules?

Do you find yourself whining and complaining about your circumstances?

Are you stuck in the same old routine and have no imaginative ideas for how to redesign your life?

Is the part of you that could imagine how to do things differently checked out?

If you said “yes” to any of those questions, then this is a perfect opportunity to balance and strengthen this Power, and start creating the life you really want. It’s your birthright!

I tend to think of my Yellow Crystal Power of Imagination as a good friend. As soon as I notice that I am whining and complaining, I call this part of me to the surface for help.

Yellow Crystal insect architect

There’s a lot of my life that a Higher Being seems to be running, but I’m

also aware of a lot of freedom I’ve been given.

With this force on my side, much of what I moan and groan about I can actually change. This Power reminds me that I am the creative designer, the master architect, of my life. I’m not a two-year old who pitches a fit every time Mommy and Daddy won’t let me do what I want.

Instead, I let my whining cue me in to my Power of Imagination and ask, ”What needs to change? What can I create differently? How do I want to live my life today?”

Imagine this!
YOU take back control of YOUR life, and create or
re-create one that works for you.

When you strengthen your connection to Yellow Crystal energy:

  • Your imagination will engage with creative ideas for how to re-design a situation, your day, your life, and even your dreams
  • You won’t feel like a victim, because you have taken responsibility for creating your own experiences
  • The whining and complaining will cease, because you know you’ve got the power


  • Why create unnecessary conflict in your life by blaming others for what you don’t like?
  • Why push others away and drag them down with your whining and complaining?
  • Why live a boring life just because you’ve allowed your imagination to sleep on the job?

Get back into the driver’s seat of your life!

2 ways to fire up your Power of Imagination:

#1: Caught yourself complaining? Here’s an affirmation to remind yourself that you are the architect of your life:

“I creatively design my life”

Sing it to yourself or out loud until the moaning and groaning stops.

#2: The Yellow Crystal ColorEssence, “Imagine”, will help you not need that “Whiner’s Anonymous” meeting. Take 14 drops under your tongue daily or when symptoms (like whining!) appear.

We made it 10% off this week for all whiners or parents of whiners. Call us and we’ll get some to you ASAP. 877-457-2882 (toll free). Fed Ex if you need it fast.

Don’t suffer unnecessarily!
Tap into your Yellow Crystal humanity today and
Live your life by choice, not by chance!

“An architect is one who draws dreams.”

Grace McGarvie

Here’s to your imagination soaring!