Vibrancy Signature

Wouldn’t it be nice if there were an owner’s manual to your life?

Something that would clearly tell you, “THIS is why you’re here, THIS is what it’s all about, THIS is what you need to be happy and healthy, THIS is what you’ve come to contribute.”

It might even open with, “Here is your Soul’s Purpose. Create your life to live in alignment with it, and you’ll experience fulfillment, balance, harmony, and inspiration. You’re going to have an amazing life!”

Wouldn’t it be helpful if this owner’s manual even got specific about what you need in relationships to feel deeply loved and connected? 

And if it clearly identified career choices that would feed your soul while contributing to the greater good?

Wow, would that save you some pain and suffering?

Well, guess what. When Mr. Stork dropped you into your parents’ arms, he forgot to tell them that there IS an owner’s manual for you. One that they could’ve used while you were growing, and that would also be a guide for you when the time came to forge your own path.

This owner’s manual is not an actual book. You can’t google it. You can’t even actually SEE it with your eyes, but it does exist.

It’s called your Vibrancy Signature.

It’s your soul’s blueprint, and we have the secret to uncovering it.

If you’re serious about finding your soul’s purpose….

If you’re ready to get more passion in your relationships, find your ideal career, raise happy kids, and create radiant health….

Then it’s time for you to discover your Vibrancy Signature.

Karin Cooke and Lew Whitney

Owners and Directors of KoKolulu Wellness Center, Hawaii, HI

“This stuff is better than psychotherapy!  Before working with our Vibrancy Signatures my husband and I struggled with effective communication between one another.  Each of us wanted the other to communicate, and see things, in the same manner as we, individually, did!  Working with our Vibrancy Signatures seemed so beneficial and to the point, it cut to the chase!

Now, we see ourselves and our relationship much more clearly. It has given us a new language to communicate with.  We can more easily put into words for each other who we are and what we need without feeling ashamed of it.

We feel better about ourselves, and are more accepting and accommodating of each other.  We have new tools to help us communicate more effectively, not only with each other, but with our guests who come to Kokolulu Farm for cancer retreats!!  The Vibrancy Path has given us a new way of accepting and honoring each individual’s differences!”

Your Vibrancy Signature… where who you are and what fulfills you is written energetically in your body’s own cells. It’s as unique to you as your fingerprint, yet you’ve probably never been aware of it or it’s powerful implications in your life.

So many of the answers you’ve craved are right here for you, just waiting for you to see them.

To discover your Vibrancy Signature you don’t need to answer a bunch of questions, and you don’t need to have hours of therapy. It doesn’t matter if you feel like you know yourself or not, and it doesn’t matter where you are in your life at this moment.

With our breakthrough method we measure specific vibrational frequencies of your body. These are patterns of energy that each resonate to a specific Super Power, or innate gift, that you were born with.

Each one of your Super Powers is like a very special part of you, uniquely talented and just yearning to be expressed in your life.

Yeah, its very cool. You’ll be amazed at how incredibly gifted you really are. Once you know your Vibrancy Signature, it’s like having that owner’s manual in your hand, and you can look up everything you need to know to run your life with passion, authenticity and joy.

Knowing and living in alignment with your Vibrancy Signature is one of the most fundamental steps on The Vibrancy Path.

Discovering your Vibrancy Signature only takes 20 minutes for the initial identification, and requires almost no work on your part (don’t worry, it’s also painless).  We say ‘almost’ because you will need to get yourself to us, and that may require some effort, depending on where you live. But it will be SO worth your while!

Your most awesome life begins with understanding each of your Super Powers.

Realize what gifts you have come to share with the world.

Be clear about what you need in order to feel happy, fulfilled, balanced, and nourished.

From this awareness of all the incredible beauty you were born with, we can help you begin to make the changes in your life so that you are nourishing yourself deeply and creating a life of unbounded happiness and joy.


Sandy Rakowitz

Sandy Rakowitz

Brennan Healing Science, Tellington TTouch and Essential Oils Practitioner, Author and Teacher with People and Animals

“Discovering and applying my Vibrancy Signature has been exciting and eye opening.  Before knowing my Vibrancy Signature, over 12 years ago, I often viewed my ‘issues’ as detrimental. I had a number of ‘tendencies’ that I viewed as weaknesses to be endured. Knowing my Vibrancy Signature, I more fully understand why I do the things I do, why I like what I like, and more fully understand my needs and desires. I find it empowering to see the strengths of my tendencies as my personal gifts bursting out to be expressed. Now I have a deeper understanding with more compassion for all that I previously saw as wrong, weak or detrimental. Each time I uncover more of my ‘vibrant nature’ I feel more inspired.   Knowing my Vibrancy Signature helps to guide my choices as I continue to move forward and helps me clearly see the healing steps I need to take. Thank you for creating this work!”

If you’ve made it this far down the page, you are probably shouting at the screen, “OK already! Tell me how I can discover my Vibrancy Signature!”
If you are ready to:

  • Discover your Soul’s Purpose and claim your innate gifts and talents
  • Awaken to your most powerful self
  • Stop wasting time doing the things that are deadening 
  • Make decisions with confidence
  • Live your destiny, and fulfill your highest purpose
  • Choose a career that will feed your soul while contributing the greater good
  • Improve your love life (and all your other relationships too!)
  • Open to unrestricted joy, optimism, and abundance

Then call us today to schedule your appointment for your Vibrancy Signature Identification appointment (near Charlottesville, Virginia). We’re here to serve you!No matter where you live in the world, when it comes to your happiness and living your soul’s purpose, this might be the single most important trip you’ll ever make.We can’t wait to meet you and see your beautiful, one-of-a-kind combination of Super Powers. Your most exceptional life is waiting!  Call us now to set up your appointment or if you have any questions: 434-361-2042.

Your life is a masterpiece. Discover your Vibrancy Signature so you can be the artist that creates it.

Vibrancy Signature Discovery Packages

Each option includes:

1) Vibrancy Signature Evaluation
2) Personalized Ebook emailed to you within 7 days
3) Vibrancy Signature Discovery Coaching Session

2 Hr Session with Chaya Grace Champion
Co-Developer and Vibrancy Signature Coach

chaya“I’m passionate about helping you discover your Soul’s  Purpose! Two hours will give us time to explore in depth the details and wonders of your Vibrancy Signature. We’ll  talk about how your Powers fit into your life and come up with practical strategies for stepping into your magnificent gifts and talents and honoring your unique needs.” $395

1 Hr Session with Jamie Champion
Co-Developer and Vibrancy Signature Coach

Jamie“I love helping you experience the energy and power of your Vibrancy Signature! I’ll spend most of our hour explaining the gifts, needs and strengths of your Vibrancy Signature, with a few minutes available for questions.” $295

Vibrancy Signature Coaching Series
Give us a call if you are interested in this 7 session comprehensive program. It is a rich and powerful opportunity to deeply explore each of your Powers, and to be coached in how to practically apply the wisdom of your Vibrancy Signature in your day to day life.

Please call to schedule your free 20-minute introductory session.

We’ll answer any questions you have and help you determine if this is the right choice for you at this time.
