Power of Discernment!


Posted by Jamie and Chaya | Posted in Newsletter | Posted on 11-11-2014

Good discernment can lead to many things: ease of knowing what’s good for you and not, confidence in your decisions, and choosing people and activities that bring positive energy to your life.

It also helps you stay level headed in a discussion. Here’s how Green Gold and The Power of Discernment can help you keep the peace, even if that conversation intensifies…

Do you go into fight or flight the minute a conversation heats up? Either extreme might indicate an imbalance in your Power of Discernment. Here are a few questions to see how well you are accessing the peace-making skills of the Green Gold gift:

  • Do you run at the first sign of conflict because you’re afraid you’ll say something that will escalate into an argument?
  • Do you have unfinished business with people, but you don’t know how to handle it without a fight, so you just avoid them?
  • Do you tell your spouse that nothing’s bothering you when it really is because you’re not sure how to get your point across with stepping on toes?

Or, are you the opposite….

  • Does it seem like you’re constantly fighting or arguing with someone – take sides against your spouse, your kids, the neighbor, or a co-worker?
  • Do you have high blood pressure, adrenal exhaustion or a weakened immune system from all the stress and adrenaline brought on by endless controversy?
  • When something goes wrong, do you jump to conclusions and get all worked up, instead of really thinking through the facts of the situation?


What if you could resolve your conflicts easily and
spend your energy on what’s really important?!


What is it with conflict and reality TV?

We like to watch shows like “So You Think You Can Dance”, and “American Idol”, ~ shows where people are really developing their gifts, expressing themselves, and following their passion.

But sometimes the judges upstage the contestants with their nasty comments that they bat back and forth to each other, or even to the poor kid who just sang her heart out.

We just want to see the artists show off their talent. Why do the people running the TV show think we’re a culture that wants to see two adults polarize and say sarcastic or mean, inflammatory words to each other?

And it’s not like they show us how the judges resolve their conflicts! Rather than be discerning about what words they use to avoid inflaming the situation, they just get ugly and irrational, create unnecessary tension, and blow things out of proportion. Meanwhile, that contestant is still standing on the stage looking confused and embarrassed.

As much as we like the artistry of the show, the conflict is often so ridiculous, we just mute the judges, or fast forward through their comments.

When did it become “in” to incite conflict wherever possible rather than just deal with the facts in a neutral and unbiased way? What are these shows teaching our kids about using good judgment in human interaction?

….and don’t EVEN get us started on the lack of Green Gold-ness in our political system!


Look at situations rationally and
resolve conflicts passionately.



You can save yourself a lot of headache and heartache by strengthening and balancing your Power of Discernment. With healthy access to this gift, if you’re one who normally flees, instead you will…

  • Be able to stay present and rational if someone is upset, discerning the important facts in what they say and letting all the emotional charge flow by you.
  • Repair relationships and keep them clean and free of discord. You can just enjoy connecting with people, without all the fear of the drama.
  • Discover how to be honest and say what’s going on for you in a matter-of-fact way without inflaming a situation.

And, if you’re one who normally fights….

  • You’ll be able to live in a more peaceful home and work with others free of all the turmoil because you’ve stopped taking sides.
  • In the absence of all the controversy you’re stress levels will go down and your health with go up.
  • You’ll keep a level, rational head when something catches you off guard, and be able to sail through it without turning it into a big storm.


2 steps toward embracing your Green Gold Power of Discernment:


#1:   Are you weary of pouring all your energy down the rabbit hole of conflict? Here’s an affirmation you can begin using to turn that around:

“I work things out peacefully.”

Saying and signing this affirmation 10 times a day will begin to reinforce this Power of Discernment in your life.
#2: Take 7 – 21 drops of Discernment Vibrancy Essence daily. This remedy will align you with the energetic frequency of Discernment and help you find a more peaceful solution rather than fight your way through a conversation or decision.


World peace begins in your own backyard.


“Light attracts butterflies and mosquitoes. Wisdom is knowing the difference.”

~ David Bojorquez


May all your interactions be peaceful ones!



Posted by Chaya | Posted in Fun and Relaxation, Newsletter | Posted on 23-09-2014

Knowing how to take it easy is key when it comes to a rich and well-rounded life in these days and times. In fact, many people are realizing that getting ample downtime makes all those times when you’re “on” that much more sane and productive. Besides, it just plain feels good!!

But, do you ever say to yourself, “I’ll finally be able to relax when….the kids go off to college, we go on vacation, when I retire, or even, when I die”?

If so, you could probably use some strengthening of your Power of Relaxation.

Here are a few more signs:

  • You’re constantly rushing around, feeling pressed and pressured.
  • You go through the whole day without stopping, resting, or breathing deeply.
  • You’re wound so tight that you’re snapping at your spouse and kids for the smallest things.
  • You cram a week’s worth of things to do into one day.
  • You feel overwhelmed with all the places you need to be and all the things you think are expected of you.
  • Your life is “complicated”.


Your health and sanity may depend on
you learning how to hang loose, chill out, kick back,
put your feet up, and take it easy!


Relaxation 2013 - Chaya in Hammock

‘How am I supposed to find time to relax,’ you wonder? If you strengthen this Power inside yourself, it will come more easily.

‘I’ll relax when I’m dead,’ you say? Well, you’ll be dead a lot sooner with that mantra!

This is critical…and not just something to save for your vacations! You’ve gotta access your Power of Relaxation every day or that nasty little bugger, Stress, will chew your life up into little bitty bits, and it won’t be pretty!
We’ve gotten pretty good at working the Power of Relaxation into our everyday lives.

But there was a particularly challenging Saturday last Spring…

We took pillows, water, and a juicy novel out to the green hammock in the garden and lay down facing each other (it’s a double wide).

We took turns reading out loud for a few hours until the sun got too hot. Then, we put our shoes on, collected our pillows and things, and trudged our way around the back of the house where we have a blue hammock in the woods.

Can you believe it? We had to lug our own pillows! We had to walk on our own two legs at least 50 yards! It was such a painstaking experience that we laid in the blue hammock in the shade for another 3 hours reading! I’m telling you, it was ROUGH!

No really, it was an incredible Mocha experience. Deeply relaxing, as if all our cells just melted with each swing of the hammock and any stress floated away on the breeze.

It was such a renewal of our Powers of Relaxation that ever since then, we’ve been reading and hammocking for smaller amounts of time, but more regularly.


When the Power of Relaxation settles into your cells:


  • Feelings of pressure will fade and you’ll move through your day with the extra space and time to draw a nice deep breath, and soak up the goodness of life.
  • Instead of rushing, you’ll ease through your day in ‘relaxed action’, leaving you feeling accomplished and peaceful instead of exhausted and frazzled.
  • You’ll get all the R & R you need. With your nerves soothed instead of frayed, you won’t feel so trigger happy with your family.
  • You will hit the high spots, take care of what’s necessary, but not overdo it. It will be easier to not sweat the small stuff.
  • You’ll put your sanity and health before your drive to do it all, without feeling guilty.
  • You will be able to simplify your life, your space, your calendar, and your to-do list, creating more room for decompression. “Less is more” will make perfect sense.


Stop the world and get off for a spell.


“Whoever said money can’t buy happiness never bought a hammock.”

~ Chaya Grace Champion


KISS (Keep it simple sweetheart!)

Find Your Balance!


Posted by MasterUser | Posted in Newsletter | Posted on 11-09-2014

With all the possibilities available to us, and the complexities of living in these times, it’s easy to feel over-the-top, overwhelmed, and scattered. But surprisingly enough, you can actually bring things back into balance for yourself and regain some sanity. It’s just a matter of getting your priorities straight, and making your daily choices accordingly.

How are you doing at finding the right balance in your life?

  • Are you working more than an 8-hours day?
  • Is your health suffering because you’re too busy to eat right, exercise, or get enough sleep?
  • Do your kids or spouse complain they don’t get to spend enough time with you?
  • Is meditation, prayer or contemplation something you only dream of getting to…someday, when there isn’t so much to do?
  • Do you find yourself buying things thinking they’ll make you happy only to realize they didn’t fill that yearning emptiness inside you?
  • Do you have trouble getting anywhere in your career because you don’t prioritize what’s important and often get the cart before the horse?
  • Do you sometimes feel like you waste a lot of time (or money) because you do things ‘bass-ackwards’?

Balance2 - mountain pose

Find that “sweet spot” where you
have time for what’s most important.


So yes, when we talk about your Power of Balance, we’re talking about life balance, not actually walking without wobbling. But it’s a good metaphor…

Have you ever done an exercise for your core muscles? They usually involve trying to hold your balance while something is trying to throw you off.

For example, imagine you’re standing on one leg on a squishy cushion, trying not to bobble, and then somebody puts a 2 pound weight into one of your hands. Not in both of them – that would create balance…only in one of them. Now your core muscles have to work even harder to fight the instability. (This strengthens them.)

Balancing life can be kind of like that.

Lately, we’ve been maintaining good balance between work and personal time, exercise and rest, chores and playtime. Not too much wobbling.

And then yesterday, suddenly it was like someone tried to hand us a 10-pound weight.

We were given an opportunity to participate in a cool, creative program with our business. But, it would have totally messed up our current commitments and priorities – things we’re already passionate and excited about.

It was very tempting. When we imagined ourselves saying yes we could feel the strain and stress it would add to our lives. It would definitely pull us out of balance.

Maybe we could’ve added it if it were smaller, took less time and energy. But we knew it was too big in this moment to take on. It would create more stress than it’s worth.

Do you see the things coming in your own life that threaten to pull you off center? Do you choose balance, or do you fall off the high wire of life?


 Let living a balanced life be YOUR top priority!


When you’re swimming in the Power of Balance, you will…

  • Stick to an 8-hour day without a bit of guilt. Like they say, “all work and no play makes for a dull boy” (or girl!).
  • Have lots of energy now that you’re taking care of yourself. No more grumping around due to lack of sleep, good food, or your morning yoga.
  • Not dare miss play time with your kids, and snuggle time with your honey (or the other way around). Life’s too short to overlook the ones you love!
  • Let time to connect with Spirit be top on your list, because you realize how much that one commitment balances out your day (and your life) like nothing else.
  • Save money on the frivolous shopping or other addictions now that your life is so spiritually rich.
  • Always know what the most ideal next step is when you are planning work projects.
  • Know what’s most important and won’t waste time on the small stuff.

2 steps to enhance the White Gold Power of Balance in your life:


#1: Are you tired of always feeling like EVERYTHING is important, and getting to none of it? Try using this affirmation each day:

“I have my priorities straight!”

Speaking and singing this affirmation 10 times a day will begin to reinforce this Power of Balance in your life.

#2: Take 7 – 10 drops of Balance Vibrancy Essence daily. This remedy will align you with the energetic frequency of Balance and help you live a more sane and spiritually-centered life.


Choose what’s most important,
and life will support you by aligning with that.


“On the tightrope of life, only one thing allows us to move forward, and that one thing is balance. Without balance we fall into chaos, we fall behind, we miss out on what true choices we have in life.”

~ Laura Kangas

Keep your balance!



Posted by Jamie | Posted in BrainPower, Newsletter | Posted on 28-08-2014

Jamie here…

When I think of Green Topaz, I think of my mom.

She was an amazing woman, generous mother, and talented artist who deeply loved her family and friends. In her final days a year ago there was much singing, laughing, crying and showers of love.

She was such a great example of the Power of Understanding….Right to the end, her mind was clear and sharp. At 95 years old, she did crossword puzzles daily, read voraciously, belonged to multiple book groups, and played bridge.

She talked on the phone daily to family members, always getting the updates on everyone’s lives. She had her own laptop, did email, and printed the photos we sent her. She still drove her own car up until a few weeks before her passing! Her mind was always fully engaged in life.


Will you still be sharp and engaged at 95?

Will your kids and friends call you

daily to talk about their lives?


If that’s what you want, make sure you’re strong in the Power of Understanding!


Here are some of the signs you could use a little strengthening of Green Topaz:

  • You’re afraid to ask questions because you might look stupid.
  • You don’t easily share the details of your life. Even when your spouse asks how you’re day was, you usually just say, “Fine.” (Possibly causing her a good deal of frustration over time!)
  • You’re uncomfortable talking to other people and exchanging ideas, but then you end up feeling isolated and starved for relationship.
  • Rather than read up on how to do something, you plow ahead without enough information and end up bogging down in your own mistakes.
  • You’re worried that your confusion and frequent misunderstandings might lead to something very serious as you age.
  • You can’t even remember the last time you took a class or learned something new.

It doesn’t have to be this way! You were born with intelligence and the ability to comprehend…The Power of Understanding is within you.


You’re enrolled in the school of life.

Learning is everywhere. Soak it up!


When your Power of Understanding is at full force:

  • You’ll never be shy about asking questions, because you know that’s how you’ll learn and understand more…you smart cookie, you!
  • Your spouse will be happy that you share the detailed update on your day when you come home, instead of just grunting, “fine.”
  • You’ll feel loved and appreciated by the regular calls from friends and family who enjoy the questions you ask about their lives, and who also want to hear about yours.
  • You’ll have the patience to learn all you need to know before tackling your projects intelligently. Why waste time on screw-ups?!
  • Your mind will be active and you’ll feel alive and engaged as you find opportunities to learn new things at every turn.

2 steps toward greater Green Topaz Power of Understanding:


#1: Tired of feeling like your mind isn’t as sharp as it could be? Try this affirmation daily:

“I gather interesting information!” 

Saying and singing this affirmation 10 times a day will begin to reinforce this Power of Understanding in your life.
#2:  Take 7 – 21 drops of Understand Green Topaz Vibrancy Essence daily. This remedy will align you with energetic frequency of Understanding and help you sharpen your intellect and interest in life.


Live long, love deeply, and learn all the time.


In the end, the secret to learning is so simple: Think only about whatever you love. Follow it, do it, dream about it…and it will hit you: learning was there all the time, happening by itself.

~ Grace Llewellyn

Here’s to a lifetime of learning!



Posted by Jamie and Chaya | Posted in Creativity, Newsletter | Posted on 12-08-2014

Do you move through life with elegance and style? Or…..

  • Do you feel like screaming when there are too many things going on at once – the phone is ringing, your child needs your attention, dinner is burning, and your guests are going to arrive any minute?
  • Does coordinating all the elements of a dinner party (the food, the invitations, the people, the timing, the decor) sound like a nightmare you’d rather not have?
  • Do you feel overwhelmed just thinking about all the balls your friend has in the air, and long to be able to juggle your life as gracefully?
  • Do you feel frazzled or scattered when you have to multi-task?
  • And you may wonder how this is related, but….
  • Do you trip, stub your toe, bump into things, or otherwise wonder if you’re an accident walking around waiting to happen?
  • Do you avoid activities like dancing, surfing, playing tennis, or ice skating because you’re afraid you’ll embarrass yourself with your two left feet?

The Power of Coordination helps you coordinate your busy life

AND look graceful on the surf board or dance floor.


Have you seen the TV show So You Think You Can Dance? We LOVE it. It’s just amazing to watch these dancers do their thing.

No matter what style of dance they’re trained in, they have to do all styles in this competition: ballroom, hip hop, jazz, Broadway, contemporary, even crumping and Bollywood.

Basically, the person with the biggest dose of Turquoise wins.

One of the final competitions really sticks in our memory bank. The 4 finalists were all breathtaking, but our favorite was Tad…a guy with NO dance training at all. He was a street dancer – a “B-Boy”, who just would find a patch of sidewalk and spin on his head and do crazy tricks.

But in this particular season Tad did a waltz that brought tears to our eyes, swinging from a chandelier a la Cirque du Soleil, and doing a Michael Jackson-esque number to “Another One Bites The Dust” that we replayed 3 times. He was a smooth and cool cat.

Just watching this show felt like drinking in the Turquoise medicine. But these people don’t have a corner on the market! You have the Power of Coordination within you too, even if it’s hard to believe when you’re applying that ace bandage to your twisted ankle.


End your need for band-aids and ice packs!

Dance through life with grace and ease.


When you’re connected to the Turquoise Power of Coordination, you’ll:

  • Handle what’s calling for your attention – the phone, the kids, the dinner, and the guests – with elegance and flow.
  • Make pulling off a dinner party look like a work of art, doing everything at just the right time, with just the right flair, creating a beautiful event to enjoy with your friends.
  • Juggle all the balls in your own life like a pro ~ easily handling each thing as it passes in front of you, and at the same time, being ready to deal with next.
  • Multi-task like the best of them, effortlessly flowing along with those moments when your brain, your hands, and your feet are all doing different things.
  •  Have a good sense of where you are in space, moving in, around, and through things like a graceful dancer.
  • Move in the groove, finding that magical place where all your body parts work together like a charm as you surf, dance, or skate your life away.


2 ways to dance your way into the Turquoise Power of Coordination:


#1: Tired of feeling clumsy and awkward? Next time you notice that you’re moving around like you have two left feet, with the bruises to prove it, sing to yourself 7 times,

“I am graceful in everything I do!”

Then do a little pirouette and move smoothly through the rest of your day.

#2: Keep a bottle of Coordination Vibrancy Essence close by this week. Every time you feel like you just can’t keep all the balls in your life in the air, pick up that bottle and take 7 drops. Then begin to juggle everything a little more fluidly, coordinating what you do and when, so that you feel like you are flowing, rather than stumbling, through your life.

If you are dancing on the inside ~

you can dance on the outside!


Did you know that six trillion actions occur in the human body every second,

every single one of which is working in correlation with all the others?
….How’s that for coordination?
All you need is in you.
You’re already dancing inside ~ now just let it show!

~ Katharine Dever

Yes, we know you can dance!

Take Years Off Your Life with the Lemon Power of Laughter


Posted by Jamie and Chaya | Posted in Fun and Relaxation, Newsletter | Posted on 15-07-2014

Let’s face it ~ laughter heals the soul. And it’s great when you can laugh and joke around easily no matter what’s going on around you.

But if you’re living without the Lemon Power of Laughter in your life, you might:

  • Feel stupid and left out when everyone around you is laughing, because you’re not even sure what the joke was about.
  • Get so sucked into the seriousness of financial woes, political issues, and family dramas, that you see absolutely NOTHING to laugh about.
  • Kick yourself because you think of a great comeback you wish you would’ve said in a conversation…YESTERDAY.
  • Find yourself at the end of another busy day and realize you didn’t laugh even once.
  • Feel embarrassed when you say something you think is really witty, but then people don’t really get it….or worse, they seem to be offended.
  • Worry that someone is laughing AT you instead of with you, even when it’s someone who you know cares about you deeply.


Laughter reduces stress, boosts your immune system, keeps you young and extends your life!


We just watched Julia Roberts and Tom Hanks on an Oprah re-run, and got a great shot of the Power of Lemon.

First of all, Tom Hanks is just killer funny. One witty comeback after another. Our favorite, though, was when Oprah asked, “So, what are you doing at home when you’re just hanging out and being, well, Tom Hanks?”

“Scratching my crotch,” Tom replied.

But it was Julia who stole the show. Yes, she’s also funny, and great at making fun of herself. The best thing about Julia though, is that woman can LAUGH.

She laughs frequently, deeply, and with gusto. It’s like laughter is always bubbling under the surface just waiting for the slightest provocation to jump forth into the world.

They showed old clips of previous times Julia was on Oprah, and in every one she’s laughing. Once she almost fell off the couch laughing so hard. Now that’s a woman who will never grow old!

Laugh like Julia!


When you’re connected to the Lemon Power of Laughter…


  • Jokes make sense – you get it…and laughing with others comes easily.
  • You find things to laugh about throughout the day, despite the seriousness of the challenges you (and the world) are facing.
  • You make room in your busy life to take a night off to go to a comedy club, rent a funny movie, or even play a good board game with your friends that gets you laughing so hard you fall out of your chair.
  • Those witty comebacks are right there on the tip of your tongue in the moment when you most need them.
  • You discover the fine art of providing comic relief without offending or hurting any feelings.
  • You laugh along when your family teases you about your combat boots and frilly dress, because you get that it’s all in good fun.

2 funny ways to saturate yourself with the Lemon Power of Laughter:


#1: Tired of not getting what’s so funny? Next time you notice yourself clamming up when you don’t get the joke, sing to yourself 7 times,

“I laugh and joke around easily!”

Then open up to the idea that even the fact that you DON’T get the joke can be funny!

#2: Keep a bottle of Laugh Vibrancy Essence in your pocket all week. Every time you notice that you feel grouchy and soured on life, whip out your bottle and take 7 drops. Then keep your eyes peeled for all things funny. If you are a human being, then the opportunities are endless!


It’s all in how you look at it.


“For every minute of laughter, you produce about $10,000 worth of healthy body chemistry….if you had to go out and purchase the chemical compounds laughter creates from pharmaceutical companies, you’d have to pay at least $10,000 for the very same chemistry that your brain is producing free of charge when you engage in laughter.”

~ Mike Adams



Yuck it up!




Conquer stuckness with the Power of Ultraviolet Empowerment!


Posted by Chaya | Posted in Accomplishment, Newsletter | Posted on 01-07-2014

Sure, it would be nice to move forward in your life with ease, never being held back, never letting anything get to you. But with all the twists, turns, and challenges you face every day, frustrations are bound to arise. What do you do when you feel stopped before you can even get going? When you’re saying things like:

  • “I’m stuck in the muck and can’t move forward in my career no matter what I do.”
  • “Turning this relationship around is just too big of a hurdle. I don’t think I can get through it this time.”
  • “It will take too much time and energy for me to move through this challenge I face. I guess I need to just give up.”
  • “I feel so bogged down by this situation that I’m losing sight of the dreams that brought me this far.”
  • “Life has just thrown me too many curve balls and I feel powerless.”
  •  “I’m losing my fire and my drive that used to help me move through the hard stuff.”

When you’ve lost sight of your dreams, breathe!


Chaya here…

Last July I woke up one morning with frozen shoulder. If you’ve never heard of it, consider yourself lucky. Basically, it’s mind-numbing pain and an immovable arm.

I couldn’t do the most basic things – dress myself, chop vegetables, work on the computer, or anything that required 2 hands.

While getting a session from a Feldenkrais practitioner I remember telling her about the usual 2 year period it takes for frozen shoulder to heal and that I didn’t think I could do it. I was so broken down by the pain and frustration of not being able to move, that I just didn’t feel capable of going through it day after day.

She just looked me in the eye and said, “Yes you can. You are resilient. You will get through this. You’ll get back to all those dreams and things you love to do.”

I wasn’t sure if I believed her, but I hung onto her words like a life raft.

In the end, thanks to grace and some great healing modalities (including Vibrancy Healing Therapeutics first and foremost), less than one year later I have full range of motion and no pain!

So after all, I was resilient enough. I survived frozen shoulder. Next time I have something challenging to face, hopefully I won’t doubt myself and go to that place of powerlessness.

Yesterday, I came across a great quote on Facebook, and it brought a sigh of comfort and a tear of gratitude. Here it is, in case this is a time when you need to hear these words:


Stand your ground, reclaim your dreams,
and move forward with confidence!


When you’re reconnected to the Ultraviolet Power of Empowerment, you will:

  • Take a deep breath, stand firm, and start moving forward step by step, making the changes you need to build a fulfilling career.
  • Tap into your resilience and reclaim your determination to make your relationship the pinnacle of success, rather than a dive into mediocrity.
  • Be surprised how energizing it is for you to meet your challenges head on, giving the time and energy necessary to surmounting them.
  • Re-engage with your visions and dreams for your life, and let them (rather the circumstances) dictate your next step forward.
  • Be motivated by obstacles rather than deterred by them – they are just another chance for you to live from a place of personal power.
  • Fire up the momentum needed to burst through any inertia you’ve been facing in your attempt to move live into your potential.

2 ways to step into your Ultraviolet Power of Empowerment:


#1:  Are you tired of caving in to everything in your life? Here’s a proclamation that will help you step up to the plate.

“I am calm, assertive, and empowered!”

We suggest you sing it 7 times out loud or to yourself whenever you are stuck in frustration rather than holding your ground in the face of the winds of life. Then stand strong, and move forward in a calm, assertive, and empowered way.

#2: Keep a bottle of Empower Vibrancy Essence by your side this week. Whenever you feel disempowered and angry, do some deep breathing, claim your power to move mountains, and take the first bold step.


Move forward with strength.


“We all have a divine mission on earth. Let that mission be to inspire love and embrace the light within. Let that mission be to have peace in our hearts as we create heaven on earth. Let that mission be to seek empowerment through transformation and to breathe joy into everything we do. If we allow these things to be our mission the golden light of the sun will shine on our souls and change our world forever.”

~ Micheal Teal


Here’s to a fully empowered you!

Speak Up with the Lime Power of Conviction


Posted by Jamie and Chaya | Posted in Newsletter | Posted on 19-06-2014

Let’s face it, we are social creatures. We learn and grow the best when we engage and interact with each other, sharing our treasured thoughts, perspectives, and opinions about the life we share together. That’s why it’s so important to speak up when you have something to say. In the long run, everybody benefits!

Is that not so easy for you? If you’ve ever heard yourself make any of the following statements, it might be time to strengthen your Lime Power of Conviction:

  • “Speaking up is too painful. It only leads to debates that just make my stomach tighten up. I think I’m just naturally shy.”
  •  “I wish I did speak up more. I’m tired of getting pushed around by people who run everything because they just speak the loudest.”
  •  “My mom taught me to be nice, and expressing my opinions just seems argumentative.”
  •  “I hate it when people want to debate religion or politics with me. It makes me want to melt into the floor and disappear.”
  • “I’m terrified of giving a presentation because I’m afraid my mind will race, I’ll trip over my words, and I’ll end up sounding stupid. It would be so embarrassing.”
  • “Family holidays are the worst because everyone has an opinion about how I run my life, and I just can’t seem to make my voice heard.”


But wait! What if you accepted the challenge

and shared what’s really on your mind?


Chaya here….My friend Daria is married to a guy with very strong Lime Power. Whenever I’d visit her in Connecticut, Steve and I would be friendly to each other, but we never really connected.

After I started working with the Powers of Consciousness, I realized that my own Lime energy was really out of balance, and that I was uncomfortable with Steve because he always wanted to debate with me (about anything and everything). A growth opportunity!

The next time I went for a visit, I’d really worked on my Power of Conviction. So I decided that this time, when Steve wanted to “converse” intensely with me, I would not clam up. I’d stay present, speak up, and voice my own thoughts.

One night when Daria had gone to bed and I was just about to, Steve said, “Chaya, come watch the Bill O’Reilly show with me – they’re talking about this Terry Shiavo case,” which was a huge news story at the time about whether or not to unplug life support of a woman in a vegetative coma.

‘Here’s my chance,’ I thought. I straightened my shoulders, took a deep breath, called on my Lime, and followed him to the living room.

Of course when the show was over, Steve looked at me with burning eyes and asked, “What do you think they should do?”

I knew he and I would not be of the same opinion. The beads of sweat started to form on my forehead. But I went for it. I started to express my thoughts, weaving the facts together as I saw them.

We debated for about half an hour. It was spirited, but not argumentative. We both spoke, we both listened. We didn’t change each other’s opinions, but we both learned something.

When we were done and I stood up to go to bed, he gave me a big hug (which had never happened before) and said, “Thanks for watching Bill O’Reilly with me. That’s the best conversation we’ve ever had!”

I felt wrung out, but proud of myself for not disappearing. And now, thanks to my ability to ‘use my words’ even in the face of intensity, I have two friends to go visit in Connecticut.

Every voice is important. Use yours!


If you keep quiet, people will miss out on your perspective. Good healthy debates lead to well tested ideas. Get your facts straight, find out what’s true for you, speak up, and don’t be afraid to challenge things people say that just don’t add up to you.

If you strengthen your Lime Power of Conviction, you’ll:

* Discover your voice and realize that you’ve only been hiding that powerful mind of yours behind the word “shy.”

* Feel more confident in your convictions and be ready to stand up for them – even in the face of other people’s strong opinions.

* Establish deeper friendships, because you’re willing to keep a lively dialogue going, rather than disengage when things get uncomfortable.

* Find that many people will respect and appreciate your opinion.

* Be more willing to listen to the opinions of others, because you’re no longer too busy holding back what YOU have to say.

* Speak up about that job or promotion you want and set things in motion to land it.

* Feel clear minded, and be able to articulate your thoughts with ease – even on a stage in front of a room full of people looking at you.

2 ways to open up to your Lime Power of Conviction:


#1: Are you tired of pretending that you don’t have any opinions? Here’s an affirmation that will prove otherwise!

“I express my convictions!”

We suggest you sing this 7 times out loud or to yourself whenever you feel like hiding under the table during a lively discussion. Then pop back up and say what’s on your mind when a topic of interest comes your way. Heads may turn, but who cares! No one will have to guess any more where you stand.

#2: Keep a bottle of Conviction Vibrancy Essence handy this week. Every time you feel shy and afraid to open your mouth, take 7 drops, and let the words flow. You might surprise yourself, not to mention everybody else.


It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it that creates conflict.

Say it kindly, but just say it.

“We should know what our convictions are, and stand for them. Upon one’s own philosophy, conscious or unconscious, depends one’s ultimate interpretation of the facts. Therefore it is wise to be as clear as possible about one’s subjective principles. As the man is, so will be his ultimate truth.”

~ Carl Jung


Let’s hear what you have to say!

Let Yourself Be Seen with the Ultraviolet White Power of Revealing


Posted by Chaya | Posted in Accomplishment, Newsletter | Posted on 20-05-2014

How do you feel about your body? How good are you at revealing who you really are – on all levels?

Have you had any of these thoughts lately?

  •  “No more shorts and bathing suits for me. I don’t want anyone to see my legs and butt.”
  • “I’d so much rather eat than deal with these uncomfortable feelings and issues. Where is that chocolate bar anyway?”
  • “Forget sex…I just feel too unattractive, vulnerable, and awkward to enjoy getting up close and cozy with my partner.”
  • “It just depresses me to see these perfect, skinny, gorgeous models in the magazines because there’s no way I’ll ever look like that.”
  • “I like my clothes nice and baggy. I don’t want to draw any more attention to my body than I have to!”
  • “I’m so afraid to reveal my deepest thoughts and feelings. I’m just sure people won’t like what they see.”

We get so accustomed to trying to meet some impossible standard of how we should look that we forget all about appreciating, loving, enjoying, and caring for the unique body we have.

Reveal 2014 Naked Baby

Regardless of your shape or size,
you deserve to feel good in your own skin!

Chaya here…

On Maui, Ultraviolet White energy is on the breeze and in the water. I lived there for 2 years, and it was like I was being bathed in this freeing Power.

I had friends who lived on a 2 acre property that was just like you’d imagine the Garden of Eden. Lush, sun-filled grounds with avocado, star fruit, mango, papaya, and passionfruit trees providing the shade. A 350 foot waterfall and pool to swim in.

And it was ‘clothing optional’.

A friend of mine, Tara, was coming to visit me and I got her a room at the top of the waterfall. But she was panic-stricken.

“OMG, people are going to be naked? I’m not taking my clothes off – NO WAY!”

I had to reassure her over and over on the phone before she came that it truly was optional and that no one cared one way or another if she wore clothes or not.

This place was truly a judgment-free zone – bodies of all shapes and sizes in different levels of dress or undress. People who just were so comfortable in their skin, who truly just thought the human body was a natural, beautiful, artistic creation, that gave you permission to just relax and be at ease with your own body, no matter it’s shape and size.

I picked Tara up at the airport, we dropped her bags in her room, put on our bikinis and sarongs, and hiked down to the bottom of the waterfall.

I turned around for 30 seconds to put my stuff on a rock, and then I hear Tara yelling, “This is fantastic! I’m feel so FREE!”

And I looked up, and there she is, arms to the sky, buck naked. The sun was caressing her upturned face and every inch of her body.

Every minute she was on that property, for the rest of the week, she went au naturel. And loved it. Ultraviolet White healing at its finest.

Tap into the Power of Revealing
and share yourself, physically and emotionally!


Opening up to and celebrating who you are and how you look can shift your whole approach to life.

  • You’ll turn heads left and right as you walk down the street with the energy radiating from you that says, “I love how I am.”
  • An inner freedom will blossom in you, with embarrassment and self-consciousness melting away.
  • You’ll stop comparing yourself to the models in magazines. You’ll love and respect your own body for what it is, living into your standard of “lookin’ good”.
  • You’ll be more in touch with how you feel and what you want. Then you’ll stop obsessing about your body and start enjoying and taking care of it.
  • You’ll discover the joy of sex! All those old strategies to avoid revealing yourself will fall by the wayside. Snuggling up to your honey will be a natural expression of your feelings.
  • You’ll deal with your deep emotions effortlessly, and not need addictions, like unconscious eating, to numb out.

2 ways to expose your Ultraviolet White Power of Revealing:


#1:  Tire of living in shame? Every time you notice yourself being critical of your body, try this affirmation on for size:

“I’m relaxed in my body!”

Sing it out loud or to yourself 7 times whenever you feel like running for cover. Then find at least one thing, anything, that you love about your body and say it out loud to yourself. “I love my ______!”

#2: Keep the Reveal Vibrancy Essence handy this week. Every time you notice yourself condemning your innocent body for not being this way or that, whip out that bottle, take 7 drops, and open up to seeing, loving, and appreciating it just as it is.

Remember, your body is the temple of your soul.


Your body needs to be held and to hold, to be touched and to touch.
None of these needs is to be despised, denied, or repressed.

~ Henri Nouwen

 Enjoy yourself!

Get in the Flow with the Indigo Gold Power of Trust


Posted by Chaya | Posted in Newsletter | Posted on 29-04-2014

We all have it…that little quiet voice inside that will guide our next step if only we let it. You can just sense it telling you where to go, what to remember, what to avoid, and more. It’s not always easy to pay attention to it (much less trust it!) in this noisy world of ours. But it can sure save you a lot of hassle when you do!

Could any of these be a scene out of YOUR life?

  • “I’m just so out of the flow today. Everything I try to do just turns out wrong. I feel like I’m just swimming upstream, and it’s totally stressing me out.”
  • “Just getting to work every day is such an uphill battle for me. What’s that about?”
  • “My knee hurts like crazy. I’ve been trying to just ignore it, thinking the pain will go away, but it’s getting worse. Is this a sign?”
  • “I keep overeating, getting indigestion, and putting on the pounds. Why am I not listening to my body when it first sends me the message it’s full?”

These are all words spoken by people who are struggling with something in their lives, and are beginning to wonder if Life is trying to tell them something.

Do you listen to those kinds of inklings and hunches when you get them? Or do you plow on through and try to force things to go your way?

Trust2 - Night full moon 3

 The Universe has your best interests at heart!

It’s constantly sending you signs, signals and messages.


When you tune in and TRUST your inner guidance, you find the way to flow with what’s going on around you.

Unless you prefer swimming against the current?

Do you remember the European vacation that I told you about a few weeks ago that taught me so much about the Power of Authenticity? Well, I also learned a very big lesson about the Power of Trust on that trip! I learned about how to listen and trust my inner knowing to find, get into, and stay in the “flow”.

Venice was where it all began. Soon after I got there it became almost painfully obvious that I was out of the flow and needed to listen to the inner signals I was getting.

For three days, all I did was swim upstream. I’d take the water taxis to museums and restaurants my guidebook suggested, only to find them closed for renovations or that the owners were on vacation.

And I was constantly getting lost! I’d be turning and turning through the cobblestone streets, going over bridges and down alleys, only to come around a corner and find myself at yet another dead end.

Finally, I realized that I just wasn’t supposed to be in Venice. It didn’t make any sense, and I couldn’t think of any reasons, but the Universe seemed to be telling me to move on.

So I listened to my guidance and hopped on a train bound for St. Anton, Austria.
I only planned to stay one night but their summer festival was going on. There I met the most amazing people, went on an unforgettable bike ride, and enjoyed the most luxurious down comforter (in the world) on my bed.

It couldn’t have been more perfect, like I was in some magical flow, guiding me to the right people and the right place at the right time. So, I listened to these signals and kept staying over another night for as long as my guidance decreed.

Now, I’m not going to lie to you….it’s MUCH easier to “trust the flow” when you’re on vacation, alone, with no one else to answer to and no planned agenda!

Listening to your inner guidance, trusting that the Universe has your best interest at heart, and staying in the flow, is infinitely harder when curve balls are coming at you in the midst of real life.

Spouses, clients, kids, pets, bosses, appointments, and endless necessary errands make embodying this lesson a big assignment.

But Europe gave me my first taste of what it feels like to be strong in the Power of Trust. Now, as best I can, I listen to and trust those inner messages whether I’m on vacation or in the hotseat of my full life. It never leads me astray!

The Power of Trust is an energy frequency available to you at all times. Access it and fall into the natural rhythm of Life!


When you do, you will:

  • Save yourself time, energy and drama by realizing quickly when you’ve lost the flow and knowing how to effortlessly find it again. Hint: it involves listening to and trusting that inner voice.
  • Realize that those uphill battles in your job are messages to you that you need to either change how you’re climbing or move to a different hill.
  • Stop overeating or injuring yourself from pushing too hard out of respect for the messages your body is giving you.
  • Look back and see how “right” things actually were when you thought at the time that they were all going so wrong.
  • Know how to tune in, understand the messages your body, mind and spirit are giving you, listen to your guidance, and trust what’s going on.

Everything is happening just as it should be. Your only job is to roll with it.