Posted by Jamie and Chaya | Posted in Newsletter | Posted on 11-11-2014
Good discernment can lead to many things: ease of knowing what’s good for you and not, confidence in your decisions, and choosing people and activities that bring positive energy to your life.
It also helps you stay level headed in a discussion. Here’s how Green Gold and The Power of Discernment can help you keep the peace, even if that conversation intensifies…
Do you go into fight or flight the minute a conversation heats up? Either extreme might indicate an imbalance in your Power of Discernment. Here are a few questions to see how well you are accessing the peace-making skills of the Green Gold gift:
- Do you run at the first sign of conflict because you’re afraid you’ll say something that will escalate into an argument?
- Do you have unfinished business with people, but you don’t know how to handle it without a fight, so you just avoid them?
- Do you tell your spouse that nothing’s bothering you when it really is because you’re not sure how to get your point across with stepping on toes?
Or, are you the opposite….
- Does it seem like you’re constantly fighting or arguing with someone – take sides against your spouse, your kids, the neighbor, or a co-worker?
- Do you have high blood pressure, adrenal exhaustion or a weakened immune system from all the stress and adrenaline brought on by endless controversy?
- When something goes wrong, do you jump to conclusions and get all worked up, instead of really thinking through the facts of the situation?
What if you could resolve your conflicts easily and
spend your energy on what’s really important?!
What is it with conflict and reality TV?
We like to watch shows like “So You Think You Can Dance”, and “American Idol”, ~ shows where people are really developing their gifts, expressing themselves, and following their passion.
But sometimes the judges upstage the contestants with their nasty comments that they bat back and forth to each other, or even to the poor kid who just sang her heart out.
We just want to see the artists show off their talent. Why do the people running the TV show think we’re a culture that wants to see two adults polarize and say sarcastic or mean, inflammatory words to each other?
And it’s not like they show us how the judges resolve their conflicts! Rather than be discerning about what words they use to avoid inflaming the situation, they just get ugly and irrational, create unnecessary tension, and blow things out of proportion. Meanwhile, that contestant is still standing on the stage looking confused and embarrassed.
As much as we like the artistry of the show, the conflict is often so ridiculous, we just mute the judges, or fast forward through their comments.
When did it become “in” to incite conflict wherever possible rather than just deal with the facts in a neutral and unbiased way? What are these shows teaching our kids about using good judgment in human interaction?
….and don’t EVEN get us started on the lack of Green Gold-ness in our political system!
Look at situations rationally and
resolve conflicts passionately.
You can save yourself a lot of headache and heartache by strengthening and balancing your Power of Discernment. With healthy access to this gift, if you’re one who normally flees, instead you will…
- Be able to stay present and rational if someone is upset, discerning the important facts in what they say and letting all the emotional charge flow by you.
- Repair relationships and keep them clean and free of discord. You can just enjoy connecting with people, without all the fear of the drama.
- Discover how to be honest and say what’s going on for you in a matter-of-fact way without inflaming a situation.
And, if you’re one who normally fights….
- You’ll be able to live in a more peaceful home and work with others free of all the turmoil because you’ve stopped taking sides.
- In the absence of all the controversy you’re stress levels will go down and your health with go up.
- You’ll keep a level, rational head when something catches you off guard, and be able to sail through it without turning it into a big storm.
2 steps toward embracing your Green Gold Power of Discernment:
#1: Are you weary of pouring all your energy down the rabbit hole of conflict? Here’s an affirmation you can begin using to turn that around:
“I work things out peacefully.”
Saying and signing this affirmation 10 times a day will begin to reinforce this Power of Discernment in your life.
#2: Take 7 – 21 drops of Discernment Vibrancy Essence daily. This remedy will align you with the energetic frequency of Discernment and help you find a more peaceful solution rather than fight your way through a conversation or decision.
World peace begins in your own backyard.
“Light attracts butterflies and mosquitoes. Wisdom is knowing the difference.”
~ David Bojorquez