The Power of Growing


Posted by Sallie Justice | Posted in Personal Empowerment | Posted on 07-04-2017

You know how fresh and clean the air feels after a good thunderstorm? Well, it’s the same for you after some old stuck patterns get shaken up a bit, making room for a whole new way of being, and helping you live into your potential.

Sometimes, though, you might resist the “shaking up” phase, thinking that it will cause more harm than good. Do you ever do things like this?

  • You suck it up, settle and get stuck in your unhappy situations, and then one day you say “I can’t take it anymore!”
  • When someone points out something you do that bothers them, you get defensive and say or think, “This is the way I am. Deal with it.”
  • You put on a happy face, but underneath you’re miserable, and you don’t know how to change it.
  • You think that someday, when life slows down, you’ll try to get around to having that talk with your partner about what’s not working in your relationship.
  • You ignore a nagging little health problem, thinking it will just probably go away by itself.

Everywhere we look,
we’re being called to evolve.


Jamie here….

I first began really stepping into this Power of Growing when I was the Director of Hippocrates Health Clinic in Michigan in 1983-84 . Most of the people who would come for our raw food retreats and cleanses had cancer, and oftentimes, we were their last hope.

While the raw food diet can be powerful, I saw something much deeper at work, which ultimately became the driving force for me to develop the Vibrancy Healing Therapeutics.

Here’s what I witnessed: the people that got well were willing to assess what was working or not in their lives. They were courageous enough to face their patterns and the places they’d been stuck, and GROW.

When people were unable, unwilling, or just too frightened to deal with the things in their lives that were not good for them, all the wheatgrass juice in the world, or the chemo or surgery they had before they came to us, usually couldn’t help them.

As I began to really understand this phenomenon, I worked it into our program as I could. I remember one woman who had a tumor the size of an orange. We were talking one day, and I said, “Wow, what an amazing ability you have to grow something. That’s quite a talent! Now, where in your life would you like to grow? How about we discover what that is, and we re-direct your energy to growing that instead?”

She shared with me that she’d been in a toxic work situation for years. Her boss was demeaning, demoralizing, demanding, and she worked herself to the bone, constantly trying to win his approval. We talked about the possibility of change and what it would take for her to do it. She seemed overwhelmed, but knew that growth was imperative.

This was before I’d developed the Vibrancy Healing Therapeutics, so I didn’t have the tools that I do now, which could have helped her get to the root causes of why she was staying stuck in that dysfunctional work situation to begin with, and to shift that pattern at the deepest level.

I wish I could tell you the end of this story, but the truth is, I lost track of her and don’t know where her journey went from there. Did she find a way to finally speak up for herself? Did she leave her job? Did she re-create herself? I really hope so.

A huge take-away from my time at Hippocrates is that growing doesn’t have to be so hard, if you take a proactive role.

Don’t ignore the early warning signs that what you’re doing isn’t working. Don’t keep going down that road of repeating patterns over and over, getting frustrated, angry, or depressed.

You can evolve in a gentle way, noticing challenges when they’re small. If you look for the truth, and allow it to help you transform, you will be able to shed the old ways that don’t really serve you and align yourself with the deeper truth of who you are. The Power of Growing is your ally!

Transform by facing the truth and finding new
ways to break up old stuck patterns. 
Tap into the Power of Growing!


Shift those paradigms! When you access the Power of Growing, you will….

  • Welcome your challenges, seeing them as perfect opportunities for more growth.
  • Feel empowered, hopeful, and open to trying new ways of being and doing things.
  • Possibilities expand when you are willing to create yourself anew.
  • Dissolve limiting patterns early in the game, so you don’t have to resort to extreme measures when things have gotten out of control.
  • Be more willing to try new things, because you realize that staying with the same old, same old doesn’t cut it in your pursuit of a fulfilling life.
  • Discover more of who you really are by venturing into new territory.

It’s always tempting to hide out in the safety of the familiar,
but it’s a lot more fun to move toward growth.

Even if you don’t have Red Gold in your Vibrancy Signature, it’s power is still at your fingertips to help you evolve and live into your true potential.

2 Ways to Expand Your Power of Growing: 


#1: Sing or say this affirmation until you believe it with your entire being:

 “I grow and develop each day!”

#2: Take 7 – 21 drops of Growing Vibrancy Essence daily. This remedy will help you be open to shifting out of old patterns to make way for new growth from the inside out.


Growth and change aren’t always comfortable,
but can definitely be liberating!


“One can choose to go back toward safety or forward toward growth.
Growth must be chosen again and again;
fear must be overcome again and again.”

~ Abraham Maslow

Here’s to a new you!

The Power of Courage


Posted by Sallie Justice | Posted in Newsletter, Personal Empowerment | Posted on 15-03-2017

Maybe you want to find the courage to go sky-diving (like our friend Tim did a while back). Or you perhaps just need enough hutzpa to get off the couch on Friday night to go to that party where you might not know anyone.

No matter what risk you want to take in your life,

you can do it when you tap into your Mango Power of Courage!!


If you hear yourself in any of these statements, then it’s time to strengthen this ‘muscle’:

  • “I’m not really happy with my job, but I’m scared I’d lose it if I spoke up and tried to get my needs met.”
  • “I know this relationship isn’t very healthy, but I don’t dare rock the boat. I’m afraid to be single.”
  • “I used to love to travel, but now I just stay home because so much could go wrong…the world is a dangerous place these days.”
  • “I’m nervous about going to that party, because I might not know anyone and I’ll just feel alone and stupid.”
  • “Maybe one day I’ll try that (fill in the blank), if I ever get my courage up.”



Little fears, big fears –

don’t let them hold you back from taking risks just

because you keep thinking about what MIGHT happen!


What adventure are you taking that will require some Courage?

Jamie here, with a story where Chaya and I needed an extra boost of Mango Courage….for something kind of strange.

Have you ever had a balloon blown up….inside your head?


Yes, you read that right.

A while back Chaya and I met a very cool chiropractor who adjusts your cranial bones – from the inside. He does this with Endo-Nasal Balloons, which is FANCY TALK meant to distract you from the fact that the dude blows up little balloons inside your nostrils and up into your sinus cavity!

Yes, it was scary. Yes, we needed courage. It was a healing adventure, for sure, but one worth taking.

I had to call up an extra dose of Mango Courage when I heard crackling sounds in my head as my sinus cavities expanded into places they’ve probably never been in my life.

I’m still feeling the cranial, nasal, and teeth changes, but my head feels lighter than ever and I get more prana and energy with every breath I take. Chaya reports that my snoring has improved also, much to her relief!Not for the faint of heart, but with a little courage, a worthwhile adventure.

Get connected to The Power of Mango

so you can take your next leap with courage!


With Mango on your side you’ll:

  • Have fun! There’s nothing like a good adventure to give you a new lease on life, a new perspective on what used to be a boring hum-drum existence.
  • Find yourself in new situations that really feed you, because you’re willing to step out into the unknown and chart a new path for yourself.
  • Feel good about your decisions, because you’ve calculated your risks wisely and have decided that adventurous move is worth it.
  • Discover your own strength and confidence once you realize that you’ve got the moxie to try new things and actually LIVE through them!
  • Limit the negative dramas in your life because you’re getting your excitement from adventures you’ve consciously chosen.

Sure, you’ll stay safe and protected if you don’t leave

your front porch, so to speak, but will you enjoy your life?


Will you thrive?

Will you discover what you are really capable of?

Will you be able to help others by holding back?

Will you contribute to the betterment of the world?

Probably not. With a little courage to take risks and give life a whirl, you’ll be surprised by the outcome. And, besides that, you will have plenty of great stories to tell!

2 Steps to Strengthen your Power of Courage:


#1: Sing or say this affirmation until you believe it with your entire being:

“I am brave and courageous!”

#2: Take 7 – 21 drops of Courage Vibrancy Essence daily. This remedy will align you with the energetic frequency of Mango whenever you need encouragement in taking a bold step forward.


Belly up to your adventuresome side

and tap into the Power of Courage.


“We’re the bridge across forever, arching above the sea,
adventuring for our pleasure, living mysteries for the fun of it,
choosing disasters, triumphs, challenges, impossible odds,
testing ourselves over and again,
learning love and love and LOVE!”

~ Richard Bach, from “The Bridge Across Forever”

 AAYYY! Go Mango!

The Power of Guidance


Posted by Jamie and Chaya | Posted in Newsletter, Personal Empowerment | Posted on 12-04-2016

What a blessing that you have free will! You can choose. Every minute of every day you have choices. But where do they lead? Do you let yourself be guided by the short term and long term vision of what your actions will create for you, and sow the seeds of good karma? Or do you find your life circumstances complicated and challenging.

This is what it might look like when your moral compass is due for a little recalibration:

  • You beat yourself up about those extra pounds you’re carrying around, and just can’t understand why they won’t come off.
  • You feel irritated about why bad things keep happening to good people like you.
  • You worry that the IRS might come knocking at your door because of those questionable deductions on your tax return.
  • You keep going deeper into debt, hoping someday down the road you’ll figure out how to pay it all back.



Of course you’re familiar with the expression,
“As you sow, so shall you reap”, right?


Have you ever seen The Biggest Loser? It’s filled with the Power of Guidance themes.

First, it’s obvious that the participants’ obesity is a direct result of their actions. They ate – a lot. They didn’t exercise. They didn’t manage their anger issues, heal their low self-esteem, or deal with any other underlying causes. Then came the obesity and loads of other consequences: health issues, more low self-esteem and anger, isolation, hopelessness, depression.

Then, they apply for the show and reap the benefits of that – they win a chance to live at Biggest Loser Ranch. They eat less and healthier, they exercise, they process their feelings….and viola, they lose weight. Every week you see the results of their actions as the pounds fall off.

They work on other Violet Gold lessons too. They make friends, or not. They’re kind to each other, or not. And when they ‘play the game’ in an underhanded way – it always comes back to bite them in the butt.

It all comes back. Every word, every action, every inaction is a choice. And every one has it’s consequences. The Karma police don’t let us really every get away with anything. But when you see or sense forward, and understand the ripple effect of your choices, you know what the right choices are for your life, have better ability to govern your thoughts, choose more positive actions, find more opportunities to help others, and can trust that your random acts of kindness will create a beautiful ripple

It’s not about feeling guilty.

It’s about living in alignment with your conscience, so that you can reap the benefits of the good choices you make.

Every day Life gives you endless opportunities to access your Power of Guidance. Follow it’s lead!

When you get it that everything you think, say, and do will impact your future, you can turn your whole life around!

  • You’ll feel empowered, confident, and optimistic about your future. You’re no longer doing things that heap more problems on yourself.
  • You’ll enjoy a clear conscience, because you’re not trying to get away with anything.
  • You’ll stop feeling like a victim of the winds of fate, and realize how much of your own experience is directly related simply to what you do or don’t do.
  • You’ll make wise choices that will create more stability in your life, more harmonious relationships, better health, and greater abundance.
  • You’ll free up your time and energy for playing with friends and family…..instead of having to spend that time dealing with the fallout of bad choices.

It’s all up to you! The more responsibility you take for your thoughts, words, and actions, the farther you’ll fly!


2 ways to build a solid foundation in your life with the “bricks” of the Power of Guidance:


#1: Sing or say this affirmation until you believe it with your entire being:

“I am responsible for my actions!”

#2: Take 7 – 21 drops of Guidance Vibrancy Essence daily. It will help you wake up and pay attention to the seeds you are planting with your thoughts, words and actions. Order yours HERE!


“The words you speak today should be soft and tender…
for tomorrow you may have to eat them.”


“Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”

~ Unknown

It’s Spring! Plant the best seeds you’ve got!

The Power of Confidence


Posted by Jamie and Chaya | Posted in Newsletter, Personal Empowerment | Posted on 15-12-2015

There’s just about nothing you can’t conquer with the Power of Confidence on your side!

Lose weight? Done.
Win that 10K? No problem.
Get your dream job? For sure.

If these kinds of things aren’t happening easily for you, perhaps your Magenta energy needs some boosting and balancing. Here are some of the symptoms that your Power of Confidence is flat:

  • You don’t try new things or ask for what you desire (like that raise).
  • You don’t bother setting goals because they just never seem to work out.
  • You hear yourself say, “I can’t” a lot.
  • A lot of things in life just seem way too hard.
  • When you have a deadline you have to meet at work, your stress level goes through the roof and you feel panicky.
  • No matter what kind of success you reach, you see all the places you could’ve done better.
  • You feel like you’re not living up to your potential.

See what happens when you take that “t” out of “can’t.”


One way to boost your Power of Confidence is to have someone in your corner who believes in you and is there to pat you on the back when you need it!
Coconut the Dog here today….

Nice to meet you! I know Chaya and Jamie have introduced me in past emails. I thought I’d share a common Magenta moment from my world…

I like it when Chaya and Jamie (Mom and Dad, to me) throw a stick in the lake and I get to chase it and bring it back.

BUT, I’m actually a snow dog – seriously, I could pull you on a sled across Siberia. Swimming is not really my thing. You should feel how heavy this fur coat is when it’s wet!

So I prefer it if the stick is just a couple of feet into the water, so I can stand on the bottom and only get wet up to my tummy.

If the stick lands a little further out, well, I don’t mind swimming for a few seconds. No matter what though, I keep my tail up and out of the water. That beautiful plume is kind of my calling card, and I do not like it soggy and flat.

However, sometimes I hear Mom or Dad say, “Oops”, and then the stick flies really, really far out into the water. I don’t know why. Seeing it floating all alone so far away gets me very stressed out.

I stand on the shore and beg it to float back to me. I feel so sad. I really don’t want to lose it, but I’m just not sure if I can swim that far.

But then, I go back to Mom, and she pats me between my shoulder blades and says, “You can do it, Coconut! I believe in you!”

Sometimes she yells it a bunch of times (she’s a Blue Green, ya know!), and I start to get really excited and I feel like Wonder Dog. I can do anything! I can conquer any task! I CAN swim!

I run to the edge and leap into the water (Mom and Dad always go “Wow!” when I dive like that). They even count how many seconds I swim for – sometimes I ‘set a record’, whatever that means.

When I bring the stick back I get more pats and they say, “Great job! We knew you could do it! You’re the BEST!”

Yep, I think I just might be the best snow dog swimmer ever!


Confidence 2013 - Coconut Swimming2

It’s time to get in your own corner
and pat yourself on the back!


Here are some of the things you can expect when you balance your Magenta Power of Confidence:

  • Your self-esteem quotient will fill out and you’ll face life with gusto, ready to go out and reach for the brass ring.
  • You’ll feel motivated to set meaningful goals and work toward them.
  • You’ll believe in yourself, who you are and your abilities, and find yourself saying, “I can and I will!” (Watch out world!)
  • Pressure will become your friend, and when it shows up you’ll feel creative, alive, and ready to go.
  • Your successes will come with a sense of joy, celebration, and accomplishment. Self-criticism will fade away.
  • You’ll believe in your own potential and feel motivated to wake up each day and expand into it.

2 ways to feel into your Magenta Power of Confidence:


#1: Sing or say this affirmation until you believe it with your entire being:

“I am confident and believe in myself.”

#2: Take 7 – 21 drops of Confidence Vibrancy Essence daily. It will help you be energized by pressure and to confidently find a creative way to accomplish anything you set your intention on. Order yours HERE!


Go forth with confidence!

Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn’t be able to fly,
but the bumblebee doesn’t know that so it goes on flying anyway.

~ Mary Kay

We believe in you!

The Power of Courage!


Posted by Jamie | Posted in Personal Empowerment | Posted on 10-03-2015

Maybe you want to find the courage to go sky-diving (like our friend Tim did a while back). Or you perhaps just need enough hutzpa to get off the couch on Friday night to go to that party where you might not know anyone.

No matter what risk you want to take in your life, you can do it when you tap into your Mango Power of Courage!!

If you hear yourself in any of these statements, then it’s time to strengthen this “muscle”:

  • “I’m not really happy with my job, but I’m scared I’d lose it if I spoke up and tried to get my needs met.”
  • “I know this relationship isn’t very healthy, but I don’t dare rock the boat. I’m afraid to be single.”
  • “I used to love to travel, but now I just stay home because so much could go wrong…the world is a dangerous place these days.”
  • “I’m nervous about going to that party, because I might not know anyone and I’ll just feel alone and stupid.”
  • Maybe one day I’ll try that (fill in the blank) if I ever get my courage up.”

Little fears, big fears – don’t let them hold you back from taking risks just because you keep thinking about what MIGHT happen!


What adventure are you taking that will require some Courage?


Jamie here with a recent story where Chaya and I needed an extra boost of Mango Courage….

Have you ever had a balloon blown up….inside your head?


Yes, you read that right.

A few weeks ago Chaya and I met a very cool chiropractor who adjusts your cranial bones – from the inside. He does this with Endo-Nasal Balloons, which is FANCY TALK meant to distract you from the fact that the dude blows up little balloons inside your nostrils and up into your sinus cavity!

(Shout out to Dr. John Lieurance in Sarasota, Florida – we love you!)

Yes, it was scary. Yes, we needed courage. It was a healing adventure, for sure, but one worth taking.

I had to call up an extra dose of Mango Courage when I heard crackling sounds in my head as my sinus cavities expanded into places they’ve probably never been in my life.

I’m still feeling the cranial, nasal, and teeth changes, but my head feels lighter than ever and I get more prana and energy with every breath I take. Chaya reports that my snoring has improved also, much to her relief!

Not for the faint of heart, but with a little courage, a worthwhile adventure. Thanks, Dr. John!


Courage - 2015


What edge are you standing on?
Get connected to The Power of Mango
so you can take your next leap with courage!


With Mango on your side you’ll:

  • Have fun! There’s nothing like a good adventure to give you a new lease on life, a new perspective on what used to be a boring hum-drum existence.
  • Find yourself in new situations that really feed you, because you’re willing to step out into the unknown and chart a new path for yourself.
  • Feel good about your decisions, because you’ve calculated your risks wisely and have decided that adventurous move is worth it.
  • Discover your own strength and confidence once you realize that you’ve got the moxie to try new things and actually LIVE through it!
  • Limit the negative dramas in your life because you’re getting your excitement from adventures you’ve consciously chosen.

Sure, you’ll stay safe and protected if you don’t leave your front porch, so to speak, but will you enjoy your life?

Will you thrive?

Will you discover what you are really capable of?

Will you be able to help others by holding back?

Will you contribute to the betterment of the world?

Probably not. With a little courage to take risks and give life a whirl, you’ll be surprised by the outcome. And, besides that, you will have plenty of great stories to tell!


Two leaps that will strengthen your Power of Courage:


#1: Are you ready to stop shaking in your boots at the thought of trying something new? Bored with giving yourself 900 reasons why you should back away from some new opportunity or adventure! Here’s an affirmation we think will help jump-start you onto a new path:

“I am brave and courageous!”

We recommend singing it 7 times out loud or to yourself whenever you need a little nudge to take a leap into something new and different.

#2: Take 7 – 21 drops of Courage Vibrancy Essence daily. This remedy will align you with the energetic frequency of Mango whenever you need encouragement in taking a bold step forward.


 Belly up to your adventuresome side and tap into the Power of Courage.


“We’re the bridge across forever, arching above the sea,
adventuring for our pleasure, living mysteries for the fun of it,
choosing disasters, triumphs, challenges, impossible odds,
testing ourselves over and again,
learning love and love and LOVE!”

~ Richard Bach, from “The Bridge Across Forever”


AAYYY! Go Mango!

Sow Good Seeds with the Power of Guidance!


Posted by Jamie and Chaya | Posted in Newsletter, Personal Empowerment | Posted on 10-04-2014

What a blessing that you have free will! You can choose. Every minute of every day you have choices. But where do they lead? Do you let yourself be guided by the short term and long term vision of what your actions will create for you, and sow the seeds of good karma? Or do you find your life circumstances complicated and challenging.

This is what it might look like when your moral compass is due for a little recalibration:

  • You beat yourself up about those extra pounds you’re carrying around, and just can’t understand why they won’t come off.
  • You feel irritated about why bad things keep happening to good people like you.
  • You worry that the IRS might come knocking at your door because of those questionable deductions on your tax return.
  • You keep going deeper into debt, hoping someday down the road you’ll figure out how to pay it all back.


Of course you’re familiar with the expression,
“As you sow, so shall you reap”, right?

Have you ever seen The Biggest Loser? It’s filled with the Power of Guidance themes.

First, it’s obvious that the participants’ obesity is a direct result of their actions. They ate – a lot. They didn’t exercise. They didn’t manage their anger issues, heal their low self-esteem, or deal with any other underlying causes. Then came the obesity and loads of other consequences: health issues, more low self-esteem and anger, isolation, hopelessness, depression.

Then, they apply for the show and reap the benefits of that – they win a chance  to live at Biggest Loser Ranch. They eat less and healthier, they exercise, they process their feelings….and viola, they lose weight. Every week you see the results of their actions as the pounds fall off.

They work on other Violet Gold lessons too. They make friends, or not. They’re kind to each other, or not. And when they ‘play the game’ in an underhanded way – it always comes back to bite them in the butt.

It all comes back. Every word, every action, every inaction is a choice. And every one has it’s consequences. In the bigger picture, you can’t really get away with anything. But when you see or sense forward, and understand the ripple effect  of your choices, you know what the right choices are for your life, have better ability to govern your thoughts, choose more positive actions, find more opportunities to help others, and can trust that your random acts of kindness will create a beautiful ripple.

It’s not about feeling guilty.
It’s about living in alignment with your conscience, so that you can reap the benefits of the good choices you make.

Every day Life gives you endless opportunities to access your Power of Guidance. Follow it’s lead!

When you get it that everything you think, say, and do will impact your future, you can turn your whole life around!

  • You’ll feel empowered, confident, and optimistic about your future. You’re no longer doing things that heap more problems on yourself.
  • You’ll enjoy a clear conscience, because you’re not trying to get away with anything.
  • You’ll stop feeling like a victim of the winds of fate, and realize how much of your own experience is directly related simply to what you do or don’t do.
  • You’ll make wise choices that will create more stability in your life, more harmonious relationships, better health, and greater abundance.
  • You’ll free up your time and energy for playing with friends and family…..instead of having to spend that time dealing with the fallout of bad choices.

 It’s all up to you! The more responsibility you take for your thoughts, words, and actions, the farther you’ll fly!


2 ways to build a solid foundation in your life with the “bricks” of the Power of Guidance:
#1: Tired of creating havoc by making short-sighted choices in your life? Turn your karmic ship around with this affirmation:

“I am responsible for my actions!”

We recommend that you sing this 7 times out loud or to yourself. Let these words permeate your consciousness morning, noon, and night. Then let them determine your next step.

#2: Keep the Guidance Vibrancy Essence on hand for those times when you want to go unconscious to the law of cause and effect. Take 14 drops under your tongue daily, or whenever you need to wake up and pay attention to the seeds you are planting.


“The words you speak today should be soft and tender…
for tomorrow you may have to eat them.”

“Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”

~ Unknown


It’s Spring! Plant the best seeds you’ve got!

Get unstuck with the Power of Growing!


Posted by Jamie and Chaya | Posted in Newsletter, Personal Empowerment | Posted on 02-04-2013

You know how fresh and clean the air feels after a good thunderstorm? Well, it’s the same for you after some old stuck patterns get shaken up a bit, making room for a whole new way of being, and helping you live into your potential.

Sometimes, though, you might resist the “shaking up” phase, thinking that it will cause more harm than good. Do you ever do things like this?

  • You suck it up, settle and get stuck in your unhappy situations, and then one day you say “I can’t take it anymore!”  
  • When someone points out something you do that bothers them, you get defensive and say or think, “This is the way I am. Deal with it.”
  • You put on a happy face, but underneath you’re miserable, and you don’t know how to change it.
  • You think that someday, when life slows down, you’ll try to get around to having that talk with your partner about what’s not working in your relationship.
  • You ignore a nagging little health problem, thinking it will just probably go away by itself.


Everywhere we look, we’re being called to evolve.

There’s really amazing paradPlant in shelligm shifting happening in the world right now. Dictators are being ousted, governments are being reborn, the rumblings of the Earth are turning our lives upside down, and people are saying “enough!”.

Destruction and re-creation on a massive scale. Like one of Mother Nature’s forest fires, the old is being destroyed to make way for new growth to occur.

But does it have to be SO big, SO painful, SO out-of-control? Only when the dis-ease has been allowed to fester for so long that the all that will clear it is total destruction.

We’ve noticed in our own life that growth CAN be painful, but it doesn’t have to. We’ve done it both ways.

We’ve ignored warning signs that what we were doing wasn’t working, getting frustrated and angry. Banging our heads against walls….

And, we’ve also evolved in a much gentler way, noticing challenges when they’re small.  Looking for the truth, being open to the discomfort of new awareness and change, we’ve been able shed the old ways and align with the next level without burning down the house.

Guess which way we like better! Letting the Power of Growing be our ally instead of our enemy is way more empowering and energizing. And more fun too!


Transform yourself and others by facing the truth and
 finding new ways to break up old stuck patterns.
Tap into the Power of Growing!

Shift those paradigms! When you access the Power of Growing, you will….

  • Welcome your challenges, seeing them as perfect opportunities for more growth.
  • Feel empowered, hopeful, and open to trying new ways of being and doing things. Possibilities expand when you are willing to create yourself anew.
  • Dissolve limiting patterns early in the game, so you don’t have to resort to extreme measures when things have gotten out of control.
  • Be more willing to try new things, because you realize that staying with the same old, same old doesn’t cut it in your pursuit of a fulfilling life.
  • Discover more of who you really are by venturing into new territory

It’s always tempting to hide out in the safety of the familiar,but it’s a lot more fun to move toward growth.

No matter who you are or what you are doing in life, this power is always at your fingertips to help you evolve and live into your true potential.


2 Ways to create more powerful Growing moments for yourself:
#1: Are you tired of being stuck in the mud (in your job, relationships, health, goals….)?  Do you think there’s no way you can change how you are, or the situations you’re in?  Then pull your head out of the sand with this affirmation:

 “I grow and develop each day!”

We recommend that you sing this 7 times out loud or to yourself. Repeat, repeat, repeat. Then step into your power to shift how you deal with your life situations so that things are more in alignment with your truth.

#2: Keep the Growing Vibrancy Essence handy for those times when you’d rather retreat into your comfort zone than face the truth head on, allow your outdated paradigms to shift, and stretch into new ways of being. Take 14 drops under your tongue daily or whenever you need a boost in creating a new you.


Growth and change aren’t always comfortable,
but can definitely be liberating!

“One can choose to go back toward safety or forward toward growth.
Growth must be chosen again and again;
 fear must be overcome again and again.”

Abraham Maslow 1908-1970, Psychologist


Here’s to an ever new you!