The Power of Confidence

Posted by Jamie and Chaya | Posted on 12-15-2015

There’s just about nothing you can’t conquer with the Power of Confidence on your side!

Lose weight? Done.
Win that 10K? No problem.
Get your dream job? For sure.

If these kinds of things aren’t happening easily for you, perhaps your Magenta energy needs some boosting and balancing. Here are some of the symptoms that your Power of Confidence is flat:

  • You don’t try new things or ask for what you desire (like that raise).
  • You don’t bother setting goals because they just never seem to work out.
  • You hear yourself say, “I can’t” a lot.
  • A lot of things in life just seem way too hard.
  • When you have a deadline you have to meet at work, your stress level goes through the roof and you feel panicky.
  • No matter what kind of success you reach, you see all the places you could’ve done better.
  • You feel like you’re not living up to your potential.

See what happens when you take that “t” out of “can’t.”


One way to boost your Power of Confidence is to have someone in your corner who believes in you and is there to pat you on the back when you need it!
Coconut the Dog here today….

Nice to meet you! I know Chaya and Jamie have introduced me in past emails. I thought I’d share a common Magenta moment from my world…

I like it when Chaya and Jamie (Mom and Dad, to me) throw a stick in the lake and I get to chase it and bring it back.

BUT, I’m actually a snow dog – seriously, I could pull you on a sled across Siberia. Swimming is not really my thing. You should feel how heavy this fur coat is when it’s wet!

So I prefer it if the stick is just a couple of feet into the water, so I can stand on the bottom and only get wet up to my tummy.

If the stick lands a little further out, well, I don’t mind swimming for a few seconds. No matter what though, I keep my tail up and out of the water. That beautiful plume is kind of my calling card, and I do not like it soggy and flat.

However, sometimes I hear Mom or Dad say, “Oops”, and then the stick flies really, really far out into the water. I don’t know why. Seeing it floating all alone so far away gets me very stressed out.

I stand on the shore and beg it to float back to me. I feel so sad. I really don’t want to lose it, but I’m just not sure if I can swim that far.

But then, I go back to Mom, and she pats me between my shoulder blades and says, “You can do it, Coconut! I believe in you!”

Sometimes she yells it a bunch of times (she’s a Blue Green, ya know!), and I start to get really excited and I feel like Wonder Dog. I can do anything! I can conquer any task! I CAN swim!

I run to the edge and leap into the water (Mom and Dad always go “Wow!” when I dive like that). They even count how many seconds I swim for – sometimes I ‘set a record’, whatever that means.

When I bring the stick back I get more pats and they say, “Great job! We knew you could do it! You’re the BEST!”

Yep, I think I just might be the best snow dog swimmer ever!


Confidence 2013 - Coconut Swimming2

It’s time to get in your own corner
and pat yourself on the back!


Here are some of the things you can expect when you balance your Magenta Power of Confidence:

  • Your self-esteem quotient will fill out and you’ll face life with gusto, ready to go out and reach for the brass ring.
  • You’ll feel motivated to set meaningful goals and work toward them.
  • You’ll believe in yourself, who you are and your abilities, and find yourself saying, “I can and I will!” (Watch out world!)
  • Pressure will become your friend, and when it shows up you’ll feel creative, alive, and ready to go.
  • Your successes will come with a sense of joy, celebration, and accomplishment. Self-criticism will fade away.
  • You’ll believe in your own potential and feel motivated to wake up each day and expand into it.

2 ways to feel into your Magenta Power of Confidence:


#1: Sing or say this affirmation until you believe it with your entire being:

“I am confident and believe in myself.”

#2: Take 7 – 21 drops of Confidence Vibrancy Essence daily. It will help you be energized by pressure and to confidently find a creative way to accomplish anything you set your intention on. Order yours HERE!


Go forth with confidence!

Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn’t be able to fly,
but the bumblebee doesn’t know that so it goes on flying anyway.

~ Mary Kay

We believe in you!

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