The Power of Guidance


Posted by Jamie and Chaya | Posted in Newsletter, Personal Empowerment | Posted on 12-04-2016

What a blessing that you have free will! You can choose. Every minute of every day you have choices. But where do they lead? Do you let yourself be guided by the short term and long term vision of what your actions will create for you, and sow the seeds of good karma? Or do you find your life circumstances complicated and challenging.

This is what it might look like when your moral compass is due for a little recalibration:

  • You beat yourself up about those extra pounds you’re carrying around, and just can’t understand why they won’t come off.
  • You feel irritated about why bad things keep happening to good people like you.
  • You worry that the IRS might come knocking at your door because of those questionable deductions on your tax return.
  • You keep going deeper into debt, hoping someday down the road you’ll figure out how to pay it all back.



Of course you’re familiar with the expression,
“As you sow, so shall you reap”, right?


Have you ever seen The Biggest Loser? It’s filled with the Power of Guidance themes.

First, it’s obvious that the participants’ obesity is a direct result of their actions. They ate – a lot. They didn’t exercise. They didn’t manage their anger issues, heal their low self-esteem, or deal with any other underlying causes. Then came the obesity and loads of other consequences: health issues, more low self-esteem and anger, isolation, hopelessness, depression.

Then, they apply for the show and reap the benefits of that – they win a chance to live at Biggest Loser Ranch. They eat less and healthier, they exercise, they process their feelings….and viola, they lose weight. Every week you see the results of their actions as the pounds fall off.

They work on other Violet Gold lessons too. They make friends, or not. They’re kind to each other, or not. And when they ‘play the game’ in an underhanded way – it always comes back to bite them in the butt.

It all comes back. Every word, every action, every inaction is a choice. And every one has it’s consequences. The Karma police don’t let us really every get away with anything. But when you see or sense forward, and understand the ripple effect of your choices, you know what the right choices are for your life, have better ability to govern your thoughts, choose more positive actions, find more opportunities to help others, and can trust that your random acts of kindness will create a beautiful ripple

It’s not about feeling guilty.

It’s about living in alignment with your conscience, so that you can reap the benefits of the good choices you make.

Every day Life gives you endless opportunities to access your Power of Guidance. Follow it’s lead!

When you get it that everything you think, say, and do will impact your future, you can turn your whole life around!

  • You’ll feel empowered, confident, and optimistic about your future. You’re no longer doing things that heap more problems on yourself.
  • You’ll enjoy a clear conscience, because you’re not trying to get away with anything.
  • You’ll stop feeling like a victim of the winds of fate, and realize how much of your own experience is directly related simply to what you do or don’t do.
  • You’ll make wise choices that will create more stability in your life, more harmonious relationships, better health, and greater abundance.
  • You’ll free up your time and energy for playing with friends and family…..instead of having to spend that time dealing with the fallout of bad choices.

It’s all up to you! The more responsibility you take for your thoughts, words, and actions, the farther you’ll fly!


2 ways to build a solid foundation in your life with the “bricks” of the Power of Guidance:


#1: Sing or say this affirmation until you believe it with your entire being:

“I am responsible for my actions!”

#2: Take 7 – 21 drops of Guidance Vibrancy Essence daily. It will help you wake up and pay attention to the seeds you are planting with your thoughts, words and actions. Order yours HERE!


“The words you speak today should be soft and tender…
for tomorrow you may have to eat them.”


“Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”

~ Unknown

It’s Spring! Plant the best seeds you’ve got!

The Power of Protection


Posted by MasterUser | Posted in Newsletter | Posted on 15-03-2016

A big part of feeling successful, abundant and happy in life is the ability to call on your Inner Warrior when you need to protect what’s most important to you.

No matter how generous and considerate you are of others, you’ll always need to look out for your own interests to ensure your own well being. As the saying goes, “Trust in Allah, but tie your camel.”

But do any of these challenges describe your situation lately?

  • You feel powerless to do anything about the decisions being made by our political leaders that impact your life.
  • You don’t have a budget or retirement plan and worry you’ll be in serious financial trouble down the road.
  • You cave in when faced with other people, institutions, or even beliefs that seem more powerful than you.
  • Your relationship is slowly deteriorating because you’re both so busy and never take that special time to deeply connect.
  • You know you’re being taken advantage of in some way, but don’t know what to do about it.

We’ve seen what happens when people 

don’t defend and protect what matters to them most.


Whether it’s your health, your marriage, your family, your community, your finances, or anything that’s important to you, you’ll need to access your Power of Protection to avoid pitfalls, not fall victim to life’s challenges, and strategize your success.

Jamie here….

I’ll never forget the first time I was able to help a client overcome their cancer from a consciousness, or energetic perspective.

Prior to that I’d spent years helping people beat cancer from only the physical angle – diet and exercise. To be able to get to its core – to the real reasons the cancer even started was so much more rewarding.

And guess what I discovered…Not only in that first client, but in EVERY subsequent client with cancer I’ve found there is always an Orange Gold (Power of Protection) issue, usually buried deep in the unconscious. It’s not the only issue, because cancer is very complicated, and unique to each person.

But it’s the only consistent issue I see every time.

What does it mean to have an Orange Gold issue? On some level you have a misconception that you can’t protect yourself from invading toxins and stress. And your cells respond to that message.

At it’s core, cancer is an invasion into our cells of pathogenic material which would be shielded naturally by our immune system if our Orange Gold warrior is on the job..

The bottom line is that one of the best things you can do for yourself to prevent cancer is strengthen your Power of Protection! When you learn to protect yourself inside your subconscious mind, you become immune to “getting” cancer.

Like a martial artist that can deflect a punch and redirect aggressive energy, your body can be taught to navigate carcinogens, toxins and cellular invaders with the help of your own Orange Gold “warrior”.

Of course, there’s more to the cancer story, and other important preventative measures you can take (I’m still promoting those oxygen-rich foods and copious amounts of fruits and veggies), but we’ll save those for another day. This week, make sure your Inner Warrior feels like it knows how to protect you – right down to the cellular level.

Martial Artist Affirmation

Get connected to The Power of Orange Gold

 so you can protect yourself appropriately!



With your Orange Gold warrior at your side you will:

  • Let go of victimhood, and have the confidence and hutzpah to take care of yourself and those you love.
  • Come up with strategic plans to safeguard yourself and others.
  • Have the courage and strength to stand up for the underdog.
  • Avoid any pitfalls and create circumstances that support you.
  • Take charge of situations that would otherwise overwhelm you.

Even if Orange Gold is not in your Vibrancy Signature,

 it can still help you look out for yourself

 (without trampling on anyone else)!


Just imagine what it might be like if you went to bat for yourself and others so that everyone could feel safe, cared for, respected, and honored! That could put a quick end to being disrespected, mistreated, swindled, misrepresented, or simply overlooked.

With the help of The Power of Protection, you can turn chaos into sanity, confusion into clarity, and helplessness into right action. What a relief!


Two moves to take to ensure your Power of Protection is strong:


#1: Sing or say this affirmation until you believe it with your entire being:

“I am protected!”

#2: Take 7 – 21 drops of Protection Vibrancy Essence daily. It will help you take charge of the wellbeing of yourself and others, and to strategize ways to create circumstances that protect your interests. Order yours HERE!


Be the champion in your life


“The best lighting rod for your protection is your own spine.”

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


The Power of Lightheartedness


Posted by Chaya | Posted in Newsletter | Posted on 01-03-2016

Life is short, so wouldn’t it be great to feel like you can sail through it with ease? Imagine the exuberant feeling you might have it you didn’t get tripped up by the bumps and curves that you meet along the way! But if you are like many people these days, you may:

  • Feel heavied out by the floundering economy.
  • Find yourself wallowing in misery over all the conflict in the world.
  • Get depressed every time you make a mistake.
  • Yell at your kids when they spill grape juice on their shirt.
  • Freak out because you burned your dinner.

It’s easy to get reactive, but have you noticed how your upset only adds more difficulty and drains your energy?

That’s when the Power of Yellow Gold can help you out.


Yellow Gold silliness


Chaya here… Thanks to a great Yellow Gold lesson I got when I was first learning to be a glassblower, I’m a reformed drama queen.

I was apprenticing with a local artist named Chip. One afternoon I watched him for an hour, as he crafted an amazing blue vase with intricate, elegant silver edging. From liquid, molten glass the vase slowly came into form.

He heated and reheated dozens of times while he created, colored, nurtured, tweaked, shaped, and nudged. When it was done, it was going to breathtaking ~ and probably worth about $500.

Just before he put it into the glory hole (fire) for the last time, a gust of wintry air came through a crack in a window, cooling it too much. Still on the end of the blowpipe, he slid the vase back into the fire.

“Ka-Powwwww!” The vase exploded.

I sucked in a huge breath and held it. I waited for Chip to explode. His creation, his artwork, his high dollar vase was gone ~ poof, just like that.

Chip just got out the broom and started sweeping up the mess.

“Oh my God, Chip, aren’t you freaking out?” I said (because I was).

He looked at me calmly and said, “It’s just glass. It breaks. You just gotta get over it.”

Now whenever we break anything at home, even it’s a piece of cherished pottery or my own glass, I just remember Chip and his reaction….it’s glass, it breaks.

It’s amazing how much stress is saved by not reacting with “Oh No!” and a bunch of drama! Who knew?


Yellow Gold Light HeartFB

Turn those Oh-No’s into Uh-Oh’s with the Power of Lightheartedness!


You will:

• Be a lot happier! Everything is much easier to deal with when you can take it lightly.

Stop turning “molehills into mountains” by not heaping a dramatic reaction on top of something that goes wrong.

Easily resolve mishaps and problems, because you find the humor and get on with cleaning up the messes.

• Have plenty of energy to enjoy your life, because you’re not wasting it on worrying about “the small stuff” or things you can’t do anything about.

• Not take things so seriously, and ultimately be more fun to be with.
Even if you don’t have Yellow Gold in your Vibrancy Signature, it can still help you keep your sense of humor!
Don’t waste another second worrying about the way things are – laugh and move on! Uplift the people around you with your cheery disposition. Let your light-heartedness bring a nice balance to the more challenging events of life!


Three tips for capturing the spirit of Yellow Gold:


#1: Sing or say this affirmation until you believe it with your entire being:

“I’m lighthearted and laugh at life.”

#2: Take 7 – 21 drops of Light Heart Vibrancy Essence daily. It will help raise your spirits and enable you to more easily see the humor in life’s many unexpected twists and turns. Order yours HERE!


Lighten up, brighten up!

The Power of Confidence


Posted by Jamie and Chaya | Posted in Newsletter, Personal Empowerment | Posted on 15-12-2015

There’s just about nothing you can’t conquer with the Power of Confidence on your side!

Lose weight? Done.
Win that 10K? No problem.
Get your dream job? For sure.

If these kinds of things aren’t happening easily for you, perhaps your Magenta energy needs some boosting and balancing. Here are some of the symptoms that your Power of Confidence is flat:

  • You don’t try new things or ask for what you desire (like that raise).
  • You don’t bother setting goals because they just never seem to work out.
  • You hear yourself say, “I can’t” a lot.
  • A lot of things in life just seem way too hard.
  • When you have a deadline you have to meet at work, your stress level goes through the roof and you feel panicky.
  • No matter what kind of success you reach, you see all the places you could’ve done better.
  • You feel like you’re not living up to your potential.

See what happens when you take that “t” out of “can’t.”


One way to boost your Power of Confidence is to have someone in your corner who believes in you and is there to pat you on the back when you need it!
Coconut the Dog here today….

Nice to meet you! I know Chaya and Jamie have introduced me in past emails. I thought I’d share a common Magenta moment from my world…

I like it when Chaya and Jamie (Mom and Dad, to me) throw a stick in the lake and I get to chase it and bring it back.

BUT, I’m actually a snow dog – seriously, I could pull you on a sled across Siberia. Swimming is not really my thing. You should feel how heavy this fur coat is when it’s wet!

So I prefer it if the stick is just a couple of feet into the water, so I can stand on the bottom and only get wet up to my tummy.

If the stick lands a little further out, well, I don’t mind swimming for a few seconds. No matter what though, I keep my tail up and out of the water. That beautiful plume is kind of my calling card, and I do not like it soggy and flat.

However, sometimes I hear Mom or Dad say, “Oops”, and then the stick flies really, really far out into the water. I don’t know why. Seeing it floating all alone so far away gets me very stressed out.

I stand on the shore and beg it to float back to me. I feel so sad. I really don’t want to lose it, but I’m just not sure if I can swim that far.

But then, I go back to Mom, and she pats me between my shoulder blades and says, “You can do it, Coconut! I believe in you!”

Sometimes she yells it a bunch of times (she’s a Blue Green, ya know!), and I start to get really excited and I feel like Wonder Dog. I can do anything! I can conquer any task! I CAN swim!

I run to the edge and leap into the water (Mom and Dad always go “Wow!” when I dive like that). They even count how many seconds I swim for – sometimes I ‘set a record’, whatever that means.

When I bring the stick back I get more pats and they say, “Great job! We knew you could do it! You’re the BEST!”

Yep, I think I just might be the best snow dog swimmer ever!


Confidence 2013 - Coconut Swimming2

It’s time to get in your own corner
and pat yourself on the back!


Here are some of the things you can expect when you balance your Magenta Power of Confidence:

  • Your self-esteem quotient will fill out and you’ll face life with gusto, ready to go out and reach for the brass ring.
  • You’ll feel motivated to set meaningful goals and work toward them.
  • You’ll believe in yourself, who you are and your abilities, and find yourself saying, “I can and I will!” (Watch out world!)
  • Pressure will become your friend, and when it shows up you’ll feel creative, alive, and ready to go.
  • Your successes will come with a sense of joy, celebration, and accomplishment. Self-criticism will fade away.
  • You’ll believe in your own potential and feel motivated to wake up each day and expand into it.

2 ways to feel into your Magenta Power of Confidence:


#1: Sing or say this affirmation until you believe it with your entire being:

“I am confident and believe in myself.”

#2: Take 7 – 21 drops of Confidence Vibrancy Essence daily. It will help you be energized by pressure and to confidently find a creative way to accomplish anything you set your intention on. Order yours HERE!


Go forth with confidence!

Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn’t be able to fly,
but the bumblebee doesn’t know that so it goes on flying anyway.

~ Mary Kay

We believe in you!

The Power of Abundance


Posted by Chaya | Posted in Newsletter | Posted on 03-12-2015

Opportunities to tap into more abundance surround you every day, no matter what “they” say. Whether its more joy, more ideas, more opportunities, or more money, when you access your Power of Abundance, you are able to see and welcome in the many riches that Life has to offer.

Why give into a sense of lack and limitation, when with a little shift in perspective, you can keep your Power of Abundance online and strong?

Here are a few scenarios of what it might look like when yours is offline in the money department, and in need of support:

  • You’re worried and stressed about not having enough money to pay your bills, get food on the table, pay for your kids education, etc, etc, etc…ETC.
  • No matter how much money you make, or how many material items you collect, you still feel broke, behind, or like there will just never be enough.
  • The tension is so thick with your spouse around money that you’re walking on eggshells, hiding your purchase receipts, and just wishing Ed McMahon would show up at your door and solve all your problems.
  • You wonder if you have some ‘worthiness issues’, maybe even deep in your unconscious, that create your money challenges.
  • You feel overwhelmed at the thought of taking on anyone else’s financial needs but your own, which you already feel you can barely manage.
  • You feel tight, fearful, and controlling, resisting change with all your might.
  • You feel guilty about not giving any donations to your favorite charities lately, but you know you should hold on to what you have in these crazy financial times.


Gold Abundance


Prosperity is an internal state,
not an external state of having a certain amount of money.


~Shakti Gawain, Creating True Prosperity

Chaya here…

Although prosperity is so much bigger than money, it’s money that’s been the big mirror for me of my consciousness and where I’m at.

On one hand, I’ve generally felt incredibly prosperous for years, but my credit card balances have shown that some money issues have still been playing out.

A couple years ago some good friends of ours inspired us to start tithing on a regular basis. It was always something we wanted to do, because it seemed like a good spiritual practice. But, we thought it would be best to pay off our debt first.

Then I read The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity. Law #1 is, of course, Tithing. Give and the Universe will give back. Well, now this just felt kind of manipulative of the Universe. And it started out that way, I admit. Although I wasn’t proud of the thought, I was hoping that by tithing, we would increase our income.

Every week I took money right off the top and put it into an account I created just for our tithing savings. I researched charities and found ones that really moved my heart.

One of my early favorites was Operation Smile, an organization that corrects children’s cleft palates around the world. These are kids that might be hidden away from society and even thought of as monsters in some cases!

It turns out, for $250, Op Smile can perform cleft lip surgery, give a child a smile, and oftentimes, give them a life they’d never had. I’d squirrel away our tithe money until I had $250 and send it to them in one chunk.

Can I just tell you how amazing that felt?! We were helping transform real lives! I couldn’t believe how prosperous I felt inside, knowing that we were able to do that.

Then came the moment I felt the big shift.

I was laying in bed one night, saying my gratitude prayers. Up until then, I’d usually include a prayer for more money to come our way to help us pay down our debt.

That night, my prayer shifted. “Please God, send us more clients or find a way to increase our income so we can help more kids get their smiles fixed!” I had such a deep yearning, such deep gratitude.

All my cells were so filled with this magical potion called generosity, that I couldn’t hold back the tears.

Of course you know what happened next. Feeling so prosperous created a vibe. The Universe answered in kind.

Our debt is now shrinking. I’m happy and grateful for that, but it doesn’t even matter like it used to. Because the feeling of abundance and generosity in me is so full, I trust the rest will take care of itself.
See the abundance that is already flowing in your life, and let it grow!

Gold energy is so powerful! The benevolent Kings and Queens of old, who would look out for their kingdom and make sure everyone’s needs were met, had the Power of Abundance in spades. Here’s what can happen if you strengthen yours:

  • Instead of stress, paying your bills will be accompanied by gratitude for all that you have….heat, water, electricity, cable, and those wonderful kids who desire to go to college!
  • You’ll be filled with a trust and a knowing that there is enough for you, you’ll be safe and cared for, and all your needs will be fulfilled.
  • Your conversations with your spouse about money will end in hugs, not hurt.
  • You’ll step into your powerful, radiant self, confident in your own worthiness.
  • Looking out for others and even taking on responsibility to help them meet their needs will not seem daunting, but rather like a worthy challenge.
  • You’ll recognize when change needs to happen, and discover how to flow with it comfortably.
  • You’ll feel rich and powerful on all levels, with time, energy, and money to donate….making you feel more rich and powerful yet!

2 ways to access your Gold Power of Abundance:


#1: Say or sing this affirmation until you believe it with your entire being:

“I am generous and prosperous.”

#2: Take 7 – 21 drops of Abundance Vibrancy Essence daily. It will help you loosen your grip on your own time, energy and purse strings, and to discover that all you give will come back to you tenfold. Order yours HERE!

As you give, so shall you receive.


“Withhold no good impulse. You may fear that you will run to excess and squander too much, but those feelings are born of fear. In God’s reality, the more you give of yourself–in feeling, generosity, self-expression, goodness, creativity, and love–the more you will be given.”

~ Deepak Chopra


May your life be filled with abundance!

The Power of Hope


Posted by Jamie | Posted in Newsletter | Posted on 19-11-2015

It would be so easy right now to slip into cynicism with everything going on in the world, wouldn’t it?

One of your best allies in difficult times is the Power of Hope. Even if this Power is not part of your Vibrancy Signature, you still have access to it as part of your humanity.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself to determine that it is strong and balanced within you:

  • Have you lost hope in the ability of people and nations to get along?
  • Is your faith in politics thin and frail because you think all politicians are just full of hot air, controlled by Big Business, unable to cooperate, and less than trustworthy?
  • Are you afraid of what’s coming in your future?
  • Do you feel stuck in the day to day grind, getting things done, but feeling empty inside?
  • Do you feel directionless and without purpose, wandering through your life without any inspired visions or goals?
  • Have you given up on having dreams because in the past you’ve crashed and burned, and it’s just too painful to have hope?


Don’t let what seems impossible

distract you from what is really possible.


Jamie here….

The Violet Power of Hope is my Intention Power. I have filing cabinets and computer files full of visionary ideas. I regularly am refining and clarifying my visions to keep them timely, and to more clearly direct my energy and focus.

For example, I am constantly envisioning how this work can help more people get into alignment with who they were born to be, and heal the root causes of what’s keeping them from their grandest ideas of what is possible. I have such hope for us, as human beings, to live beyond our perceived potential, not held back by limiting beliefs, our upbringing or our imbalances.

I believe that hope is our biggest gift we can give to one another. The first casualty in the strifes of this world is often our belief in what can be. We give up on ourselves, each other and our future way too soon. When we access our Power of Hope, we let go of the impossible and turn our attention to what is possible if we stay committed to our vision. This shift makes room for brand new seeds of possibility to sprout for ourselves, our children, our friends and our community.

Today, plant your seeds of hope and make sure to water your dreams, weed out any distractions and nourish every belief you hold for your future and those all around you. Remember…

“Hope is not a dream,

but a way of making dreams reality.”


~ L J Suenens


Don’t let anything keep you from dreaming up what’s possible for you! If you strengthen and balance your Power of Hope…

  • You’ll be able to clear the stress of the interpersonal and international struggles that are going on at home and abroad.
  • You’ll keep your faith that we will elect a visionary candidate who looks beyond the next re-election cycle and will help us create a future we’ll all want to live in.
  • You’ll feel renewed hope and confidence in what’s ahead for you, and not be bogged down by your fears.
  • You’ll tap into new visions that inspire you each day to do what you love and feed your sense of purpose.
  • The dreams of the past that didn’t come true will lose their strangle-hold on your present, and you’ll see all the new possibilities ahead of you.

2 steps to wake up your Violet Power of Hope:


#1: Say or sing this affirmation until you believe it with your entire being:

“I envision a bright future.”

#2: Take 7 – 21 drops of Hope Vibrancy Essence daily. It will help strengthen your ability to keep your attention on all that is hopeful and possible, letting go of old, outdated reasons for giving up. Order yours HERE!


If you can dream it,
it can be.


You have sole ownership of your vision. And the Universe will give you what you want within your vision. What happens with most people is that they muddy their vision with “reality”.

Their vision becomes full of not only what they want,
but what everybody else thinks about what they want, too.
Your work is to clarify and purify your vision so that the vibration that you are offering can then be answered.

~ Abraham Hicks

 May your future be bright!

The Power of Stability


Posted by Chaya | Posted in Newsletter | Posted on 05-11-2015

Home…what a warm and cozy word this can be. Just the sound of it offers up an yummy image of safety, comfort, and being right with the world. It creates a sense of stability and groundedness….kinda like milk and warm cookies fresh out of the oven on a cold day.

If the idea of stability seems boring to you, consider some of the challenges you might be facing without it:

  • Change feels scary and unsettling to you.
  • You freak out when little things go wrong, and totally fall apart when something big happens.
  • Those extra pounds you’re carrying give you a sense of grounding and solidity.
  • You crave comfort food a lot – maybe even the kinds of food Mom made.
  • You don’t venture out into the world and try new things because you feel insecure.
  • You feel uncomfortable in your home – or any home. You move a lot, trying to find that place where your restless spirit can finally settle.
  • You feel lonely.

A view up the trunk of a very large tree

For a tree to grow up and expand out into
the sky, it’s gotta have strong roots.


Chaya here….

Just a few weeks ago, our beloved kitty, Koala, passed on. She was almost 22 years old!

Koala was so dear and special. It was when she arrived in my life that I finally began to discover the Power of Stability, and it was oh-so-healing.

Prior to her arrival, I had moved 16 times in 14 years, and traveled so much for diving competitions that I basically lived out of a suitcase. There was a lot of excitement, but since I didn’t have any internal stability, I had no sense of groundedness or home anywhere.

I felt very off balance emotional much of the time….upset by the smallest things. Ok, let’s just be honest, I was a bit of a drama queen. I could go from enthusiastic and energized to the pit of despair very quickly.

Kind of like diving from the top of the 10 Meter platform to the bottom of the pool in 2.5 seconds!

And then….Koala came into my life and sat on my lap. And she purred. And she sat and purred some more, holding me in one place solidly, giving me a role as Mom.

With her on my lap, I felt grounded for the first time. She loved me unconditionally. She chased away the loneliness. Wherever she was, I knew was my home.

Over time I strengthened my Power of Stability, learning from personal growth opportunities and people who had strong, healthy Sky Blue energy. The drama began to melt away.
Recently, Jamie and I just celebrated 15 years living here in our house. Now the feeling of HOME in me is one of the deepest, most joyful, peaceful, loving, comforting experiences in my being.

Losing Koala was so hard for both Jamie and I, but I will forever be grateful for the initiation into Sky Blue energy, and that feeling of home and family.

One of my wishes for you is to have that sense of home….first and foremost, within yourself, and then also with family, friends, animals, and a place where you feel loved, warm, stable and secure.

You have the Power of Stability within you!


Here are some of the benefits of balancing and strengthening it:

  • You’ll feel centered and whole even if things all around you are falling to pieces. You’ll remain the calm center of the storm. (You may even find your friends and family feel comfort in just being around you!)
  • Even if big change is in the air, you’ll feel secure, confident, and rooted in who you are and what’s really important in your life.
  • You can let go of those extra pounds because you’ll feel grounded, solid, and secure in your life from within your own being.
  • You’ll find comfort and take care of yourself in healthy ways, consciously eating your favorite foods because you enjoy them, not because you need them to sooth you.
  • Your spirit can finally settle into a peaceful, restful home life, with other 2-legged or 4-legged friends to share your love and life with.

2 Ways to Root Yourself in the Sky Blue
Power of Stability:


#1: Say or sing this affirmation until you believe it with your entire being:

“I am stable and secure.”

#2: Take 7 – 21 drops of Stability Vibrancy Essence daily. This remedy will help you establish and maintain a sense of security that can sustain you even through times of change. Order yours HERE!

Take the cozy comfort of your own
home wherever you go.


“You can live in a house, but your real home is inside you.”
~ Leonard Jacobson

Welcome home!

The Power of Brilliance


Posted by Jamie | Posted in Newsletter | Posted on 22-10-2015

When you are firmly connected to your Power of Brilliance, there’s no such thing as a problem that can’t be solved. Sure, it might take some out-of-the-box thinking, some brilliant ingenuity, but the question is not “if,” just “how.”

But if, instead, you feel like you’re swamped by problems with no way out, it might be time to bolster your Power of Brilliance. Here’s what it looks like when you’re low on the Orange Topaz capacity to find novel solutions to the difficulties in your life:

  • Everything seems so complex and complicated to you that you feel like throwing your hands in the air in defeat.
  • You have nagging health issues that just won’t go away no matter what you do.
  • Every time you think about all the things that need fixing in your life, you get stressed out because you don’t know where to start.
  • Your brain feels perpetually “offline” when it comes to figuring out how to make things work better.
  • You have little to no incentive to tackle your challenges…they all seem beyond your capacity to untangle.
  • You’re mind and your life is filled with clutter, leaving you feeling scattered and unable to make sense of things.



Tap into your inner Einstein!
Solve old problems with new thinking.

Jamie here…

How much time do you spend on worrying? I definitely feel for people who spend many sleepless nights and hours anguishing over problems, concerns, and life’s “what if’s”.

For me, I try and release this torrent of mental chatter whenever it shows up. It’s sad that our culture is obsessed with problems, possible disasters, and constant fretting over economic and political squabbling when we could be using our precious energy for solutions, new ideas, and building for a brighter future for everyone.

You have a choice on what you fill your head with. I make sure that if it’s something that directly influences my life and my happiness, I use my Power of Brilliance and address it.

Otherwise, I let it go and don’t give it a lot of thought or concern. This frees up my energy for things that really matter to me, and that can make more of a powerful difference in the lives of everyone else in my world.


Let your Power of Brilliance help
you make your mountains into molehills.


When you access your Orange Topaz ability to come up with fresh ways of dealing with old issues, here’s what you can look forward to:

  • Your challenges become fun puzzles to figure out rather than complications to avoid.
  • Your health issues start looking solvable, because you’re eager to explore different approaches until you find one that works.
  • Your “problems” are really “opportunities” to draw out your natural genius and find solutions you never thought possible.
  • Your mind is alert and actively exploring how best to address those things in your life that need “fixing.”
  • The more problems you solve, the more you have the enthusiasm and juice to tackle new ones.
  • The clutter in your mind and life calms down because you start using what you need, and letting go of what you don’t.


2 Ways to Access  the Orange Topaz Power of Brilliance:


#1: Say or sing this affirmation until you believe it with your entire being:

“I am inventive and find novel solutions.”

#2: Take 7 – 21 drops of Brilliance Essence daily. It will help you let go of what you don’t need, and embrace what you do to solve whatever puzzles in life you choose to tackle. Order yours HERE!

Don’t let the problems or the “impossibility”
scare you. Access your inner genius!


“Before the beginning of great brilliance, there must be chaos.
Before a brilliant person begins something great,
they must look foolish in the crowd.”

~ I Ching

You’re Brilliant!

The Power of Inspiration


Posted by Chaya | Posted in Newsletter | Posted on 24-09-2015

Inspired….juiced, ignited, filled to the brim with a sense of wonderment and magic. Is this you? Maybe not every day or all the time, but would you say you have a general feeling of being “lit up” by life? Kinda like that childlike spark just never left you? If you do, consider yourself among the fortunate. Life events often take a toll on many people’s ability to feel inspired.

What’s it like to live without inspiration?

You might feel….

  • Bored with the same old routine you follow every day…but lacking any ideas or energy to change it.
  • Burned out, or low on the mojo to turn your ideas into a reality.
  • Like your food is bland, conversations are dull, and the sky is always grey.
  • Like you’ve settled for a mediocre relationship or go-nowhere job.
  • The urge to roll your eyes at the next person who tells you to stop being so busy and take time to “smell the roses”.

Who wants boring when you can feel that spring in your step and sparkle in your eye?



Chaya here…

Not too long ago, I discovered www.stumbleupon. First, you choose the categories that inspire you. I chose gardening, self-improvement, quotes, animals, vegetarian, fitness, and humor to get started.

Now, I get a little treat by clicking a button that says “Stumble”. It randomly gives me something from the world wide web that it thinks I would like….photographs, videos, articles and quotations that line up with my interests.

Many of my stumbles uplift and inspire me and give me new ideas for my own garden, my own cooking, my own life. Or I stumble upon a quote that changes my attitude for the better.

I’ll admit…..I’m feeling a little addicted. I’m often saying to myself, “Just one more stumble and then I’ll stop.”

So, is that bad? Is that a waste of time? John Lennon said, “The time you enjoy wasting is not truly wasted time.”

I would amend that to, “The time you spend finding and doing the things that inspire you is time used wisely.” Ok, it doesn’t sound as cool as John’s quote, but you get the gist.

There were many years of my life when I wasn’t consciously doing something that would inspire me. And, the opposite of inspired is depressed….yeah, been there, and in all that grey area in between where blah and so-so live.

Personally, I find inspired to be the most alive place along that continuum. So, anything I can do, anywhere I can find it, I’m going there….because inspiration beats anti-depressants any day.

Where do you find your sparks of inspiration?


Whatever wakes you up to the wonder of life
is the key to your inspirational liberation!


When you’re lit up with the Power of Inspiration, you will…

  • Be full of ideas and the passion to take action!
  • Feel enlivened by nature, art, food, movies, and new ideas.
  • Smell the fresh air, savor the yummy food, and feel that spark of aliveness in everything you do.
  • Never settle for the ordinary, and never be bored. You’re alive with sizzle!
  • Let that creativity inside you burst forth, and have fun tweaking all the things that aren’t great in your life – like your relationships – until they’re so fantastic you want to shout from the mountaintops.

2 steps to wake up the Apricot Power of Inspiration in your life:


#1: Say or sing this affirmation until you believe it with your entire being:

“I live an inspired life!”

#2: Take 7 – 21 drops of Inspiration Vibrancy Essence daily. This remedy will help you tap into your creative side and come up with ever new ways to re-engage your childlike fascination with life. Order yours HERE!


Stop and smell the roses, or stumble, or whatever it is that fills your senses and enlivens your cells!


“To succeed you need to find something to hold on to,
something to motivate you, something to inspire you.”
~ Tony Dorsett

Just have to share this cute video/movie. It’s about 7 minutes long, but it’s a wonderful example of the magic that’s created out of inspiration:

Greatest Marriage Proposal EVER!!


Live inspired!

The Power of Wisdom


Posted by Chaya | Posted in Newsletter, Spiritual Connection | Posted on 08-09-2015

When your Power of Wisdom is strong and healthy, you “get” the spiritual connection behind everything. With this deep sense of the underlying meaning of life events, you can wisely deal with the everyday surface stuff.

But without this Power, you might find yourself in some pretty uncomfortable places. Do any of these familiar to you?

  • You’re so bogged down with job, family responsibilities, bills, and financial stress, you feel like life has lost its true meaning.
  • Your soul feels like its withering and dying of thirst in the desert.
  • You’re sick and tired of suffering in the dark with no answers.
  • Anxiety and fear are the current dictators of your life.
  • You feel lost and alone in the world, like a child separated from Mom at a carnival.
  • Sometimes you just shake your head and think to yourself, “What is it all about? What’s the point?”

What if you didn’t have any visual depth perception, and everything appeared in 2D like on a flat screen? You would bump into things, you wouldn’t be able to catch a ball hurtling toward you, and you definitely couldn’t drive a car. Being low in the Black Gold consciousness is similar – only what you’re lacking is spiritual depth perception.


Dive deep, look beyond,
search for meaning, and ask the big questions.


Chaya here…

I remember when I was 20, and grieving deeply for the loss of my Dad. I’d been feeling very lost, confused, sad, and victimized. I was looking at a bookshelf when one of the titles pulled me in like a magnet. “Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?”

It was the first spiritual/metaphysical book I’d ever looked at, and as I let it fall open I found so many words of comfort to heal my anger and fear.

To this day, I don’t remember what the pages said, but the title has never left me. “Why do bad things happen to good people?” was the beginning question of a deep spiritual quest for me.

Later it became, “Why does anything happen?” and also “Why do good things happen?” All these led me to wonder about my soul’s development. They gave me permission to contemplate the mysteries of the Universe and my life.

Do I have the definitive answers? No, but I find that the answers that have come offer new depth and give me a sense of meaning.

And I keep asking, I keep delving into the mysteries. It’s all about the journey with the Power of Wisdom.

Wisdom - owl2
Find the treasures hidden
underneath the surface of life.


When your Power of Wisdom is alive and well, you will….

  • Find meaning in all the moments and experiences of your life – whether you’re paying the bills, driving your child around, or sitting in meditation or prayer.
  • Feel your soul singing with the awareness of the spiritual essence that saturates your being.
  • See the underlying meaning behind what happens in your life and feel comforted by the realization that there are no “accidents”.
  • Relax into life, and let yourself be guided by a deeper truth, rather than be distracted by some crazy event appearing on the surface.
  • Develop an internal sense of the interconnection of all beings and the vast Universe you live in….which includes you!
  • See your life as a spiritual journey to be lived, and not just a collection of random events that torment you.

2 ways to dive into the Black Gold Power of Wisdom:


#1: Are you tired of feeling stuck on the surface of life, getting whipped around by situations that just don’t make any sense? Next time you’re wallowing in confusion, sing to yourself 7 times,

“I trust and rely on my deep wisdom!”

Then dive in and take a conscious look at what is going on around you. You’ll be surprised by what you might discover!

#2: Keep a bottle of Wisdom Vibrancy Essence with you this week. Every time you feel like you’re having trouble connecting to your spiritual core, take 7 drops. Then let your mind open up and access the deeper truth that has been escaping you…until now! Order yours HERE!

It’s not so much the answers that draw us.
It’s the search that enlivens us.


…if we thoughtfully proceed, if we recognize with equal sensitivity
the vision of objective science and the revelations of deep introspection, we move from information to insight, knowledge to wisdom….
The best of journeys rarely lead to definitive answers.
They simply lead to more questions.

Gotham Chopra –author of “Walking Wisdom”


Dive deep, but don’t forget your headlamp!