The Power of Commitment


Posted by Sallie Justice | Posted in Newsletter | Posted on 09-05-2017

The Power of Commitment is right there inside you, ready to be drawn upon to work it’s magic in your life. Everything you want to do in life is easier if you are accessing this energy.
If you’ve lost touch with this part of your nature, you’re probably facing some painful struggles. You might hear yourself saying things like this:

  • “I love my partner, but we’re both so busy that we don’t spend any time together. We’re like two ships passing in the night.”
  • “I’m not getting anywhere in my career because I keep bouncing around from one job to the other. At some point I always end up feeling smothered and afraid they want to own me….so I leave.”
  • “Here I go again. I’m restless and bored in this relationship, so I guess it’s time to end it. That’s always my cue to get away while I still can.”

Even outside the realm of relationships:

  • “I’ve been thinking about updating my kitchen for years. I’ve just never taken the leap to start the process. But meanwhile, every day I’m spending way too many hours feeling irritated by the lack of counter space, ugly cabinets and old appliances in there.”

If you’re not 100% sure you want to get out,

then jump 100% in with both feet!

Allow the Power of Commitment to carry you.


Ah, but….it’s impossible to jump in with both feet when one foot is stuck in the past, isn’t it?

Have you ever noticed how much harder it is to make a solid commitment when you’re carrying a lot of baggage?

It can be very challenging to deeply engage in a new relationship when there’s anger, resentment, or heartbreak still hanging around from a previous one.

It’s so much more difficult to be truly devoted as a parent if you’ve got a lot of issues left over from your own childhood.

If you’re waiting for your current boss to start treating you as poorly as the last one, it’s unlikely you’re able to fully give your all at work.

One of the things I love most about being a Vibrancy Healing Coach is helping people find hope and transform their struggles into triumphs. It’s such a deep honor to witness and participate in their journey as they get to the core of what’s held them back, learn from their past, and write a new future.

And, as they transform those limiting beliefs, or free themselves from the tyranny of stuck emotions, more energy becomes available for them to commit to friends and loved ones more deeply, or to dive deep into their passionate hobbies or projects.

You can do this too. You do not need to feel trapped by your past. You can rewrite your history, learn those lessons your soul is trying to capture, and chart a new path with your energy fully committed to all the things you dream of and all the people you care about.
When you walk the path of commitment, to yourself and the growth of your spirit, to your friends, family, and dreams, you can bear all, sustain all, and awaken to your true Soul’s nature.

Call on the Power of Commitment.

It will buoy your life and sail you across the troubled waters

of your past to the land of your dreams!


You won’t believe how true blue devotion can change your life. When you sign up for the long haul, and balance and strengthen your Power of Commitment you’ll:

  • Discover the lessons waiting for you in the old baggage you’ve been hanging on to, and feel it finally release its hold on you as you take that new awareness forward into your future.
  • Flush your fear of commitment down the drain, and soak up the joy of deep and caring relationships.
  • Bask in the love and appreciation your family and friends will show you, because you’re fully ‘in’.
  • Experience the power of continuity in your life. Instead of ‘cutting and running’ when things get difficult, you’ll find the secret to strong happy families, long fulfilling careers, and projects you’re proud of.
  • Drink in a sense of accomplishment. Whether it’s a relationship, a career, or a backyard garden, when you stick with something or someone every step of the way, you’re sure to grow something wonderful.

2 Tips to Help You Be “True Blue”: 


#1: Say or sing this proclamation until you believe it with your entire being:

 “I am deeply committed to myself and others.”

#2: Take 7 – 21 drops of Commitment Vibrancy Essence daily. This remedy will align you with the energetic frequency of Commitment, and help you get off the fence and devote yourself for the long haul to something or someone you care deeply about.


You can always find excuses to do things half way.

Why not hop into the pool with both feet?


“There are only two options regarding commitment.
You’re either in or out. There’s no such thing as a life in-between.”

~ Pat Riley


Your True Blue Vibrancy Signature Champion!

The Power of Manifesting


Posted by Sallie Justice | Posted in Newsletter | Posted on 23-03-2017

What’s your biggest, grandest dream? You know, the great one, that maybe you don’t even share with others because it is so outrageous, and yet so dear to your heart….

Is it to leave your dead end job and start your own business that might just change the world, make you blissfully happy, and earn your fortune?

Is it to run the Boston Marathon?

Is it to build your dream home on a cliff, or by the ocean, or in the mountains?

Is it to start a school that will pave the way for a massive transformation of our education system?

Is it to raise super conscious, aware, loving children in the midst of a busy life and a wild time in the world?

What’s on your Vision board that your heart longs for?


Maybe it’s to sail the world like our friends Sean and Jennifer Myers…

One day, when Sean was in the middle of a vision planning session for the year to come, he stopped for a snack. While he was eating his Cliff Bar, he read on the label “This bar is dedicated to my father Clifford, my childhood hero and companion…”

Sean thought, ‘What can I do to be a hero to my kids? What can we do as a family to deepen our connection and create lasting memories?’

And the grand vision came. It took 3 years of detailed planning and preparation to manifest this big dream. Then one day, Sean and Jennifer took their 2 pre-teen kids out of school, rented out their house, left suburban life and moved onto their new 50 foot catamaran.
For the next 15 months they sailed all around the Caribbean, through the Panama Canal, across the South Seas to Australia. They home-schooled their kids while traveling 18,000 miles and visiting 20 countries.

They created a magical family experience, full of swimming with whales and sea turtles, playing with kids of vastly different cultures, helping to refurbish a school in Samoa, racing in a regatta in Fiji, and so much more.

Eventually they returned to their home in Colorado, but the manifestation of Sean’s grand vision continues to inspire everyone who hears their story.

Jennifer says, “If we can help people think bigger and dream bigger, we’re all for that…15 months goes by no matter what you’re doing. It’s gone, and then what do you have to show for it? You have to create your own dream in this life and then go for it.”

Take your visions seriously.


What happens when you deny yourself access to the Violet Crystal Power of Manifesting?

  • You think small and stay small, never challenging yourself to achieve greater heights.
  • You stay stuck in jobs, relationships, homes, and cities that you don’t love.
  • You feel hopeless and helpless, because you’re convinced that you don’t have what it takes to make your dreams a living reality.
  • You live and die unfulfilled and incomplete, never committing to any plans for the future, goals to work toward, or moving aspirations.

Get connected to The Power of Manifestation
and make the impossible possible!


Even if you don’t have this Power in your Vibrancy Signature, it can still access it to help you tap into the realm of infinite possibility!

  • As Napoleon Hill said, “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, you will achieve.” (This saying was on Chaya’s wall all the years she dreamed of and trained for the Olympics.)
  • Live with direction, purpose, and a deep heart connection to something bigger.
  • Feel supported, capable, inspired and empowered to live your dreams by tapping into what Deepak Chopra calls “The field of infinite possibility” that surrounds us.

2 Tips to Strengthen your Power of Manifestation:

#1: Say or say this affirmation until you believe it with your entire being:

“I manifest my visions and dreams!”

#2: Take 7 – 21 drops of Manifest Vibrancy Essence daily. This remedy will help you reconnect with your dreams, and begin to take steps to bring them alive.


Hold on to your visions, and let the current of infinite possibility take you there.


“The moment we ask the question, ‘How would I like my life to be?’,
we join forces with the creative source of the universe;
we go into partnership with life itself.”

~ Gay Hendricks

May you have all that you seek!

The Power of Courage


Posted by Sallie Justice | Posted in Newsletter, Personal Empowerment | Posted on 15-03-2017

Maybe you want to find the courage to go sky-diving (like our friend Tim did a while back). Or you perhaps just need enough hutzpa to get off the couch on Friday night to go to that party where you might not know anyone.

No matter what risk you want to take in your life,

you can do it when you tap into your Mango Power of Courage!!


If you hear yourself in any of these statements, then it’s time to strengthen this ‘muscle’:

  • “I’m not really happy with my job, but I’m scared I’d lose it if I spoke up and tried to get my needs met.”
  • “I know this relationship isn’t very healthy, but I don’t dare rock the boat. I’m afraid to be single.”
  • “I used to love to travel, but now I just stay home because so much could go wrong…the world is a dangerous place these days.”
  • “I’m nervous about going to that party, because I might not know anyone and I’ll just feel alone and stupid.”
  • “Maybe one day I’ll try that (fill in the blank), if I ever get my courage up.”



Little fears, big fears –

don’t let them hold you back from taking risks just

because you keep thinking about what MIGHT happen!


What adventure are you taking that will require some Courage?

Jamie here, with a story where Chaya and I needed an extra boost of Mango Courage….for something kind of strange.

Have you ever had a balloon blown up….inside your head?


Yes, you read that right.

A while back Chaya and I met a very cool chiropractor who adjusts your cranial bones – from the inside. He does this with Endo-Nasal Balloons, which is FANCY TALK meant to distract you from the fact that the dude blows up little balloons inside your nostrils and up into your sinus cavity!

Yes, it was scary. Yes, we needed courage. It was a healing adventure, for sure, but one worth taking.

I had to call up an extra dose of Mango Courage when I heard crackling sounds in my head as my sinus cavities expanded into places they’ve probably never been in my life.

I’m still feeling the cranial, nasal, and teeth changes, but my head feels lighter than ever and I get more prana and energy with every breath I take. Chaya reports that my snoring has improved also, much to her relief!Not for the faint of heart, but with a little courage, a worthwhile adventure.

Get connected to The Power of Mango

so you can take your next leap with courage!


With Mango on your side you’ll:

  • Have fun! There’s nothing like a good adventure to give you a new lease on life, a new perspective on what used to be a boring hum-drum existence.
  • Find yourself in new situations that really feed you, because you’re willing to step out into the unknown and chart a new path for yourself.
  • Feel good about your decisions, because you’ve calculated your risks wisely and have decided that adventurous move is worth it.
  • Discover your own strength and confidence once you realize that you’ve got the moxie to try new things and actually LIVE through them!
  • Limit the negative dramas in your life because you’re getting your excitement from adventures you’ve consciously chosen.

Sure, you’ll stay safe and protected if you don’t leave

your front porch, so to speak, but will you enjoy your life?


Will you thrive?

Will you discover what you are really capable of?

Will you be able to help others by holding back?

Will you contribute to the betterment of the world?

Probably not. With a little courage to take risks and give life a whirl, you’ll be surprised by the outcome. And, besides that, you will have plenty of great stories to tell!

2 Steps to Strengthen your Power of Courage:


#1: Sing or say this affirmation until you believe it with your entire being:

“I am brave and courageous!”

#2: Take 7 – 21 drops of Courage Vibrancy Essence daily. This remedy will align you with the energetic frequency of Mango whenever you need encouragement in taking a bold step forward.


Belly up to your adventuresome side

and tap into the Power of Courage.


“We’re the bridge across forever, arching above the sea,
adventuring for our pleasure, living mysteries for the fun of it,
choosing disasters, triumphs, challenges, impossible odds,
testing ourselves over and again,
learning love and love and LOVE!”

~ Richard Bach, from “The Bridge Across Forever”

 AAYYY! Go Mango!

The Power of Healing


Posted by Jamie and Chaya | Posted in Newsletter | Posted on 23-02-2017

Healing can happen on so many levels and in so many different ways. The important thing is to listen to your body and respond to its call for rejuvenation and health in whatever way you feel called.

One area you’ll want to pay close attention to is the effects of electromagnetic energy. Thanks to all our technological advances, we are more connected than ever, but this amazing capability we have also has some negative consequences. Do any of these sound familiar?

  • You hang up your cell phone and notice your ear is on fire. Do you wonder what’s happening to your brain?
  • You’re up late on your computer, then are too wired to fall asleep. What’s with that?
  • The vibes in some places just give you the willies. What makes you want to run away screaming?

Our first house was a little like that…

Have you ever been in your kitchen with no one around, no TV on, just you and the silence?  Then, your refrigerator cycles off, and you realize that it wasn’t actually all that quiet before but now it really is? And you feel yourself relax into the peace?

That’s what it was like for us when we moved to our rural home in a little valley of the Blue Ridge Mountains.

Prior to that, we’d been living in a house in the city that had a giant, alien-looking high-power electrical tower about 30 yards away. We knew that beast was giving off a lot of Electromagnetic waves (EMF’s) that weren’t healthy for us, but it was easy in everyday life to forget about it.

We did feel a lot of stress and tension living there though, with occasional bouts of anxiety and sleeplessness, but we didn’t necessarily make the connection.

When the lease was up, we escaped to our new home in the countryside where there not only are no electrical towers, but we have difficulty even getting cell phone service within a mile of our house.

And that’s when we realized that the city house, and even us, had been humming like that fridge, and we hadn’t noticed it affecting us….until we moved and it stopped. It was like there was silence in our nervous systems where before there were bees.

We both began to relax and unwind in ways we hadn’t been able to for a year. The anxiety melted, the tension dissipated, and we could finally get a good night’s sleep.

Hopefully you’re not in such an extreme situation. But you’re probably aware of times when you pick up energy – from people, from a place, or from an electronic gadget.

You don’t have to be stuck with that uncomfortable energy!

Get connected to The Power of Healing!

You will:

  • Be more sensitive to the energy that’s in and around you, recognizing whether it’s the kind that can gives you pleasure or causes you discomfort.
  • Be pain-free, because you’ll be able to clear away any kind of unwanted energy, whether it’s from a physical injury, those pesky EMF’s, or something you picked up from a stressed-out person.
  • Reduce anxiety, tension, and irritation.
  • Feel balanced and as though your body is a clear channel for your life energy to flow through.
  • Feel more grounded, focused, and decisive when you’re “crystal clear” and free of static on all levels.
  • Keep yourself healthy by being aware of stuck energy and knowing how to ground or release it.

Any health issue can be improved by learning to resonate with the energy that moves through everything and knowing how to let it flow…and let it go.


3 Steps to Crystal Clear Clarity:


#1: Do you feel overwhelmed by too much technology buzzing in your space? Do you feel drained by the company you’re keeping? Do you feel zapped by the vibes in a place? Here’s an affirmation you can begin using to turn that around:

“I clear away foreign energy!”

Saying and signing this affirmation 10 times a day will begin to reinforce this Power of Healing in your life. To amp up the power of your clearing, hold the top-back of your head (where your hair spiral is) while you sing.

Other good tips:

1) Shake out your arms and legs and wiggle all over, imagining the unwanted energy falling off.

2) Water grounds energy, so wash your hands or shower, letting the energy flow down the drain.

#2: Take 7 – 21 drops of Healing Vibrancy Essence daily. This remedy will align you with the energetic frequency of Crystal whenever you need an energetic lift.

#3: There are many articles on the web with info about the dangers of EMFs on your health. Here are a few we like:

The Little-Known Dangers of EMFs
Are There Any Standards for EMF Exposure?


Connect to Crystal and tap into your
Power of Healing.


“I can tell you that anything that happens in the physical body will happen in the pattern of the energy fields first.”

~ Barbara Brennan

Keep that energy moving!

The Power of Organizing


Posted by Jamie and Chaya | Posted in Accomplishment, Newsletter | Posted on 23-02-2017

There’s just no substitute for being able to put your hands on something when you need it, or seeing a nicely organized room, home or office, right? That kind of thing makes life feel more manageable. But what’s your reality?

  • Do you feel overwhelmed and scattered every time you look at the piles of stuff on your desk?
  • Are you tired of wasting time running up and down the stairs looking for your shoes?
  • Have you had it with being late because you can’t find your keys?

Trade in that chaos in for a new system!


Chaya here…

Yes, It’s such a silly thing, really. A simple, silly little thing.

Don’t we all have at least one drawer that’s a total, cluttered, chaotic mess?

And you think it doesn’t bother you, but every time you open it, it’s like a tiny pin just poked your energy field and drained a little bit of your happiness. Registering in every one of your cells is a small jolt of frustration, worry that you won’t find what you need, and irritation that no one has ever gotten control of this drawer.

But, after you either do or don’t find what you need, you close the drawer and walk away, leaving it for another day….perhaps 1000 pin pricks from now.

And then, that day arrives. Your head is clear, you decide you can’t take it anymore. You empty the drawer onto the counter or into a box. You create a system. Carefully, you put back what you need, fitting it into your new system. Singlehandedly, you have brought about an end to chaos.

From then forward, every time you open the drawer, instead of a little loss of energy, you get a lift. You smile. You can easily get your hands on what you need, because you are the Organizational Wizard.
It’s just a little thing. But a thousand pinpricks draining away your happiness each time ain’t nothin’.

So here’s my new spice drawer. Sometimes I just open it for the smile!


Are you ready for more sanity?
Tap into your Power of Organization!


You will:

  • Save more time and energy because you’ll know where to find things.
  • Think clearly because your surroundings are more orderly.
  • Stay more present, grounded, and alert, because the drama is gone.

2 Ways to Access Your Orange Power of Organizing:


#1: Say or sing this proclamation until you believe it with your entire being:

“I am organized.”

#2: Take 7 – 21 drops of the Organize Vibrancy Essence daily. This remedy will align you with the energetic frequency of Organizing, and sharpen your skill of organization. It will help to melt the angst and drama around messes, making it no big deal to clean up after yourself.

 Connect to your Power of Organization today
and start cleaning up your act
…or at least your space!


“A place for everything and everything in its place!”
~ unknown

Here’s to stepping free of the chaos!

The Power of Integrity


Posted by Chaya | Posted in Newsletter | Posted on 02-02-2017

“Whatever your life’s work is, do it well. A man should do his job so well that the living, the dead, and the unborn could do it no better.”

~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

The Power of Integrity is, in many ways, the embodiment of the Olympic motto: Citius, Altius, Fortius, which means faster, higher, stronger.

If you add to that, better, healthier, and any other adjective that means more improved, then you’re on your way to understanding the drive this Power brings you.

This is Integrity: To be able to say “Yes!” with honest gusto, when someone asks “Did you do your very best today?”

And, when someone asks you if you could have done it better, you can truthfully say, “No, I did everything I possibly could.”

In the 2012 Australian Open Tennis men’s final, Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic redefined the phrase, “Leave it all out there.”

They played for 6 hours, at a level of intensity and excellence beyond what either the Number 1 or Number 2 player in the world had ever given before.

At the award ceremony, they couldn’t even stand.

In the press conference afterward, both the winner (Novak) and the loser (Rafa) talked about the joy of playing at such a level and their pride in their work and efforts.

Novak remarked, “It was obvious to everyone that we had taken every last drop of energy from our bodies.”

This standard is obviously extreme, but it’s in sports where we often find this pinnacle of integrity. (And sometimes we see the dark shadow as well, as the occasional fall of high level athletes has shown us.)
How does the Power of Integrity show up in your life?

At the end of the day, can you say that you’ve lived up to this high standard with yourself and others, that you’ve done your very best regardless of the circumstances?

Or, when you review how you approach your life, do you see that…

  • You often give up on doing an excellent job on projects at work, and settle instead for C-level performance.
  • You tolerate relationships that don’t inspire you, because you don’t have the strength to clarify your personal boundaries and get what you need.
  • You’re unhappy with your weight and your level of fitness, but you just don’t have the drive to consistently exercise and eat well.
  • You’re drowning in chaos and drama because you don’t know how to choose what’s in and what’s out of bounds in your life, or how to spend your time and use your energy effectively.


Does making your life excellent
seem like an unattainable pipe dream?
For people who are strong in the Power of Integrity, it’s not.


No matter where you’re at right now, you can begin moving up the scale towards YOUR definition of excellence.

The Power of Integrity is an energy frequency right at your fingertips. You just have to access it, align with it, and strengthen it within yourself.
Tap into your Power of Integrity and you will:

  • Stop settling for mediocrity because you’ll access your inner strength and tenacity, finding that deep and honest commitment to doing your very best.
  • Be able to set and maintain the boundaries you need to ensure your relationships are built on quality, respect, appreciation, and healthy dynamics.
  • Discover that drive you need to meet your own standard of excellence when it comes to taking care of your body.
  • Respect yourself and make better choices that don’t waste your valuable time and energy, or compromise what you believe in.
  • Get a raise, or reap the other benefits that come your way because you expected greatness from yourself, and pushed yourself to achieve it.

2 Ways to Activate the Red Topaz Power of Integrity:


#1: Sing or say this affirmation daily until you believe it with your entire being:

“I have integrity and high standards!”

#2: Take 7 – 21 drops of the Integrity Vibrancy Essence daily. This remedy will help you more confidently step forward and let the natural life energy that lurks inside begin to flow out of you in some small or grand ways.


Connect to your Power of Integrity
and make your life a 10!


“The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor.”

~Vincent T. Lombardi


Leave it all out there!


The Power of Aliveness


Posted by Chaya | Posted in Newsletter | Posted on 17-01-2017

Think of all the people you know who seem to be ALIVE and EXPRESSIVE!  Included in your list might be your favorite performers and singers, powerful public speakers you’ve seen, any out-there friends you have who relish being “on stage” – and maybe yourself in your more dynamic moments. This is the Power of Aliveness – moving mountains of energy where ever it flows. How fully is it flowing through you?

  • Would you like to be able to speak in front of an audience without feeling like you’re going to throw up?
  • Do you long to sing, but are too embarrassed to let anyone hear you?
  • Have you wondered what it would be like to be in a play, but think you’d never be able to perform on stage?
  • Do you suffer from depression, apathy, and a general feeling of emptiness?
  • Have you been looking for a way to break through your shyness?


It’s time to access your natural charisma!

You were born to be expressive, magnetic, and dynamic in your own unique way. People are just waiting for your energy to burst forth. They appreciate the aliveness THEY feel when watching you and listening to you be yourself. Let’s choose to believe they’re rooting for you!

Buzzing through your cells is a frequency of energy called The Power of Aliveness – the irresistibly dazzling X Factor you desire when you want to belt out a song, dance a story, fill up a stage with your presence, or just be more expressive in your day to day life. You just have to be willing to claim it.

So, go ahead, step into the spotlight!


When you’re connected to your Power of Aliveness the embarrassment, butterflies and shyness will melt away and….

  • You’ll light up any stage or presentation with your dynamic expression and natural charisma. No more nervousness!
  • Your singing voice will come forth, and with it the courage to share it with other people.
  • You’ll have more physical and emotional strength, as well as energy, because you’ll be more connected to your core life energy (your chi).
  • Talking with others, interacting, and expressing your true self will be effortless and fun.

2 Ways to Ways to Unleash Your Power of Aliveness:


#1: Say or sing this affirmation until you believe it with your entire being :

“I express my life energy powerfully!”

#2: Take 7 – 21 drops of the Aliveness Vibrancy Essence daily. This remedy will help you more confidently step forward and let the natural life energy that lurks inside begin to flow out of you in some small or grand ways.

You’re one of a kind ~ there’s no one else that can express what you have to express quite like you!  The more you do, the more alive and free you will feel!

It’s time to access your natural charisma!


“ALIVE: Aware Loving Infinite Vibrant Energy”

~ Nell Tomassen Reboh


See you in the limelight!

The Power of Support


Posted by Jamie and Chaya | Posted in Newsletter | Posted on 03-01-2017

With the holidays upon us, now is the time to check in with your Power of Support to see if it’s in need of a little nurturing and fluffing up during a season of activity and giving so much to others.

Here is a very common scenario of an imbalance in the Power of Support:

  • You’re over-extended and have too much on your plate.
  • You don’t have time (or take the time) for your own self-care – like a massage, meditation, exercise, etc.
  • You feel guilty if you say “No” to a request for help.
  • It just doesn’t feel right to ask someone else to help you.
  • When help does come your way you deflect it in some way, insisting you don’t need it.
  • You worry if you don’t help so much, people won’t love you.
  • Of course, this is not the only way a Silver imbalance shows up, it’s just the most common one we hear from our clients.

But any issue around the concept of support – giving it, giving too much, receiving it, taking too much, feeling unsupported and as though no one’s “got your back”, or even getting overwhelmed by other people’s needs are all signs that your Power of Support needs….well, some support.

It’s better to give and receive in equal measure.


Chaya here…

There’s nothing like low back pain to test your balance with the Power of Support.

This was our situation a while back when an old diving injury flared up for me. If you’ve ever had low back problems, you know what I’m talking about. Things you do every day are suddenly difficult or impossible.

When you drop your pen on the floor you just leave it, because the floor is suddenly very far away, and bending down is fraught with danger.

Every step you take is careful, gentle, and you’re tense all over just hoping you don’t make a wrong move.
And heaven forbid if you sneeze. Ouch!

So, Jamie and I got to test our health with Silver consciousness.

I got to practice asking for help. This wasn’t too difficult. The challenge was doing it and still feeling empowered. It’s embarrassing to admit, but I can fall into self-pity pretty easily and then I get whiny. It’s not a pretty sight.

I did fairly well at supporting myself where I could. I did my Vibrancy Healing therapeutic homework, got myself to the chiropractor, got a massage, and did some gentle stretching when I was able.

Jamie got to work on the other side of the Power of Support – giving it. He managed to add to his schedule the extra work around the house and help me when I needed it, without exhausting himself in the process.

He kept track of how he was feeling so he knew when he needed to take care of himself and refill his own well of energy….even when it meant saying ‘No’ to a request of mine. As you might expect, even his ‘No’ is gentle and kind.

Oooh, and then back in my court. I got to practice handling Jamie’s ‘No’, respecting his needs, and finding another way to get the support I needed.

All in all I think we did very well. I give Jamie and A and myself a B+. I’ve just GOT to work on that whiny thing.


Asking for support does not
equate with weakness.


Giving and receiving in equal measure, in a healthy way, can feel wonderful!

Here are a few of the benefits you’ll experience when you strengthen your Power of Support:

  • You’ll know how to decide how and when to offer your service – choosing the tasks that really juice you, and therefore give you energy instead of drain you.
  • You’ll say “Yes” to supporting yourself and take that yoga class, go for that walk in the woods, or do whatever it is that fills your well, so you’re fresh and ready to serve when it’s time.
  • You’ll discover how saying “No” just might be the best thing you can do for someone and for you, leaving guilt no place to live.
  • You’ll be able to ask for help when you need it without feeling like you’re weak or inconveniencing someone.
  • You’ll be able to receive someone else’s help when it comes…and you’ll probably discover that in the receiving, you’ve done them a huge service.
  • You’ll know deep down that you’re loved for who you are, not for what you do for the people in your life.

3 Steps to Strengthen the Silver Power of Support:


#1: Say or sing this proclamation until you believe it with your entire being:

“I give and receive support easily.”


#2: Take 7 – 21 drops of the Support Vibrancy Essence daily. This remedy will align you with the energetic frequency of Support, and help you fill up your own well so that you can fully be available to serve others.


Be good to yourself!

“On self-care:  If you put yourself on the back burner,
you may get burnt … or burn out.”
~ Karen McMillan

We Support You!

The Power of Connecting


Posted by Chaya | Posted in Newsletter | Posted on 20-12-2016

The holidays are a great time to test out your Power of Connecting!

If you find that you resonate with any of these, then it must be time to cozy up with this energy and give it a little more attention:

  • You’re dreading the office Christmas party and all that small talk you’ll have to make with people you don’t really know or maybe even like.
  • Just thinking about visiting your family over the holidays totally stresses you out.
  • You long for a social group of people who love you for who you are, who you can have fun with, with whom you can share the journey of life….your tribe.
  • You feel lonely and isolated, and unsure of how to be in a social situation without feeling awkward.
  • You don’t like or trust most people.


If you are lonely out there on your island,


it’s time to build a bridge!


Chaya here….

By now you probably know that we live out in the boonies. It’s very relaxing and peaceful, just Jamie and I and our animals. And I’m not embarrassed to say I’m a homebody.

I do love it when friends come to visit, but that’s not often because it’s a long drive from anywhere. Sometimes I bribe them with good food.

But if I didn’t make a conscious effort, I could easily go 10 days and not see another person besides Jamie and Sallie!  Yeah, it’s happened on occasion.

And then I discovered Facebook.

Ok, I know, it’s not the same as face to face connecting. It’s not lunch with a girlfriend. It’s not anything like the wonderful vegetarian Thanksgiving Potluck we go to every year at our good friends’ home.

But I still find it can be a lovely connection with people all over the world. I love to see what my friend’s think is important enough to post on their wall – funny videos, inspiring quotes, something interesting that’s happening to them.

I know many people think it’s an escape, or they debunk it for not being ‘true’ connecting. But I personally find that my FB friends stay at the forefront of my mind and heart.

Seeing them online puts them in my consciousness, where I can send them love, positive thoughts, compassion, or just something that makes them laugh.

There are many kinds of community. When you find ones that are a fit, jump in!


You can never have too many friends.


Here ‘s what you can look forward to when you build up your Power of Connecting:

  • Parties will become something you look forward to…meeting people, conversing, sharing ideas, and just basking in the warmth of friendship.
  • When it comes to visiting family during the holidays your Power of Connecting will be a force for more cooperation, peace and harmony.
  • You’ll find the communities and friends where you truly fit ~ where you’re appreciated for who you are and what your bring to them.
  • Your social calendar will fill up with activities you really enjoy and with people you can easily relate to.
  • You’ll be able to see the good in people, what you have in common, and begin to find those you can trust.

3 Ways to Befriend the Indigo Topaz Power of Connecting:


#1: Say and sing this proclamation until you believe it with your entire being:

“I connect warmly with others.”

#2: Take 7 – 21 drops of the Connect Vibrancy Essence daily. This remedy will align you with the energetic frequency of Connecting, and help you interact more easily with people that in the past you’ve tended to shy away from.


To have a friend, be one!


“Wealth is not measured by dollars and cents but by the love we make, the laughter we enjoy, the meals we share, the dreams we experience and the hopes we create. Real connections are our most precious treasures, whether they are with those that share our orbit or with our true and humble selves.”

~ Amy Georgette


The Power of Compassion


Posted by Chaya | Posted in Newsletter | Posted on 06-12-2016

There’s just no substitute for the joy, warmth and softness you feel when you are able to meet everything and everyone (including yourself!) from a place of compassion. If only that was always the case!

When your Power of Compassion is out of balance, so is your ability to deal with the your emotions or to be empathetic, because these two go hand in hand. You might find yourself in either or both of these camps:

Camp 1:

  • You go to bed angry with your significant other, or you let upsets, anger, or hurt feelings sit around for days, while you just suffer in silence.
  • If emotions try to come to the surface, you quickly swallow them down, or do something to distract yourself from those feelings that are threatening to overtake you.
  • When a friend shares their feelings with you, your first inclination is to tell them how to fix their problem….to which they tell you they don’t feel understood at all.
  • You want to run from the room when someone gets angry, starts to cry, or basically begins having a meltdown.

Or, Camp 2:

  • You feel like an emotional basket-case. It seems like you’re always upset, on the edge of tears, yelling, or in some way falling apart.
  • You catch yourself telling the same story of what upset you over and over again. No matter how often you do, you’re still as angry or sad or heart-broken as you were when it first happened.You feel like you’re drowning. Not only are your own feelings overwhelming, but you’re hyper-aware of how everyone around you is feeling all the time too.




When you open the door to feelings,
you open the door to compassion.


Chaya here…

In the early days of our marriage, Jamie and I were both struggling with the Power of Compassion. If emotions were on the table, disaster was surely a possibility.

Any time that one of us was stuffing our true feelings, or unloading our unresolved feelings on the other, compassion flew out the window…for ourselves and each other. And watch out when both of these happened at the same time!

Jamie lived more in Camp 1 and I lived more in Camp 2.

By the way, it’s not at all uncommon in a relationship for one partner to be out of balance in one direction with a Power, while the other person is at the other end of the see-saw.

This was such a big one for us, we used all the tools we could find. We did Vibrancy Healing Therapeutics and also had a wonderful life coach/therapist who was the model of empathy, compassion, and healthy emotional expression. (Our Vibrancy Essences weren’t available yet, or that would’ve sped up the process greatly!)

One amazing book that really helped us was Non-Violent Communication, by Marshall Rosenberg. In it, he outlines a simple 4-step process that helps you easily get to the heart of what you’re feeling, express it without blaming or dumping on others, listen with empathy and compassion, and ultimately move through and complete the emotional process so you can just get back to clarity and joy.

We had some deep patterns to re-wire, but the effort paid off. Just the other day we had a chance to test ourselves as an emotional weather pattern came through, and we both stayed balanced around the middle point of that see-saw!

Not only was it no big deal, but we each felt more loving, loved, and connected for having shared what we were going through. We felt true compassion for ourselves and for each other.


Raise your EQ (“Emotional Quotient”)
and smooth out your life.


Strengthening your Power of Compassion will make you feel so much more authentic, sane, loving, and joyful!

If you were in Camp 1….

  • When emotions are present, you’ll know how to handle them early, instead of stewing on them and increasing their intensity.
  • When emotions surface you’ll be able to face them fearlessly.
  • Your relationships with your spouse, kids, and friends will greatly improve! When they share with you what’s going on for them emotionally, you’ll be able to empathize with their perspective. They’ll be wonderfully surprised at how much you “got” them.
  • You’ll be comfortable if someone is having a meltdown, and you’ll know how to stay present and not lose yourself.

If Camp 2 was your previous home-base….

  • The emotions that don’t feel so good won’t rule your existence. The upsets, tears, and anger will move through quickly and without damage, leaving you free to feel the other emotions of joy, happiness, and peace.
  • The stories that you’ve been stuck on will transform as you bring compassion to yourself. Talking through your feelings with a loving friend will help so much that you won’t need to do it over and over again.
  • You’ll feel clear about which emotions are yours to deal with and which emotions truly belong to someone else. Empathy for others won’t mean drowning in the pain of the world.


2 Ways to Feel into the White Power of Compassion:


#1: Say or sing one of these proclamations until you believe it with your entire being:
If you live more in Camp 1: “I share my feelings.”

Camp 2: “I distinguish between my feelings and others.”
#2: Take 7 – 21 drops of the Compassion Vibrancy Essence daily. This remedy will align you with the energetic frequency of Compassion and help you be more emotionally truthful, and tap into a deeper sense of empathy.


A compassionate society begins with balanced emotions.


“When emotions come, as they inevitably will, dance them, move them, and confront people, situations, and challenges from a point of centered stillness. Blocked emotions end up exploding or festering and having much more impact than they should.”

~ Gabrielle Roth