The Power of Compassion

Posted by Chaya | Posted on 12-06-2016

There’s just no substitute for the joy, warmth and softness you feel when you are able to meet everything and everyone (including yourself!) from a place of compassion. If only that was always the case!

When your Power of Compassion is out of balance, so is your ability to deal with the your emotions or to be empathetic, because these two go hand in hand. You might find yourself in either or both of these camps:

Camp 1:

  • You go to bed angry with your significant other, or you let upsets, anger, or hurt feelings sit around for days, while you just suffer in silence.
  • If emotions try to come to the surface, you quickly swallow them down, or do something to distract yourself from those feelings that are threatening to overtake you.
  • When a friend shares their feelings with you, your first inclination is to tell them how to fix their problem….to which they tell you they don’t feel understood at all.
  • You want to run from the room when someone gets angry, starts to cry, or basically begins having a meltdown.

Or, Camp 2:

  • You feel like an emotional basket-case. It seems like you’re always upset, on the edge of tears, yelling, or in some way falling apart.
  • You catch yourself telling the same story of what upset you over and over again. No matter how often you do, you’re still as angry or sad or heart-broken as you were when it first happened.You feel like you’re drowning. Not only are your own feelings overwhelming, but you’re hyper-aware of how everyone around you is feeling all the time too.




When you open the door to feelings,
you open the door to compassion.


Chaya here…

In the early days of our marriage, Jamie and I were both struggling with the Power of Compassion. If emotions were on the table, disaster was surely a possibility.

Any time that one of us was stuffing our true feelings, or unloading our unresolved feelings on the other, compassion flew out the window…for ourselves and each other. And watch out when both of these happened at the same time!

Jamie lived more in Camp 1 and I lived more in Camp 2.

By the way, it’s not at all uncommon in a relationship for one partner to be out of balance in one direction with a Power, while the other person is at the other end of the see-saw.

This was such a big one for us, we used all the tools we could find. We did Vibrancy Healing Therapeutics and also had a wonderful life coach/therapist who was the model of empathy, compassion, and healthy emotional expression. (Our Vibrancy Essences weren’t available yet, or that would’ve sped up the process greatly!)

One amazing book that really helped us was Non-Violent Communication, by Marshall Rosenberg. In it, he outlines a simple 4-step process that helps you easily get to the heart of what you’re feeling, express it without blaming or dumping on others, listen with empathy and compassion, and ultimately move through and complete the emotional process so you can just get back to clarity and joy.

We had some deep patterns to re-wire, but the effort paid off. Just the other day we had a chance to test ourselves as an emotional weather pattern came through, and we both stayed balanced around the middle point of that see-saw!

Not only was it no big deal, but we each felt more loving, loved, and connected for having shared what we were going through. We felt true compassion for ourselves and for each other.


Raise your EQ (“Emotional Quotient”)
and smooth out your life.


Strengthening your Power of Compassion will make you feel so much more authentic, sane, loving, and joyful!

If you were in Camp 1….

  • When emotions are present, you’ll know how to handle them early, instead of stewing on them and increasing their intensity.
  • When emotions surface you’ll be able to face them fearlessly.
  • Your relationships with your spouse, kids, and friends will greatly improve! When they share with you what’s going on for them emotionally, you’ll be able to empathize with their perspective. They’ll be wonderfully surprised at how much you “got” them.
  • You’ll be comfortable if someone is having a meltdown, and you’ll know how to stay present and not lose yourself.

If Camp 2 was your previous home-base….

  • The emotions that don’t feel so good won’t rule your existence. The upsets, tears, and anger will move through quickly and without damage, leaving you free to feel the other emotions of joy, happiness, and peace.
  • The stories that you’ve been stuck on will transform as you bring compassion to yourself. Talking through your feelings with a loving friend will help so much that you won’t need to do it over and over again.
  • You’ll feel clear about which emotions are yours to deal with and which emotions truly belong to someone else. Empathy for others won’t mean drowning in the pain of the world.


2 Ways to Feel into the White Power of Compassion:


#1: Say or sing one of these proclamations until you believe it with your entire being:
If you live more in Camp 1: “I share my feelings.”

Camp 2: “I distinguish between my feelings and others.”
#2: Take 7 – 21 drops of the Compassion Vibrancy Essence daily. This remedy will align you with the energetic frequency of Compassion and help you be more emotionally truthful, and tap into a deeper sense of empathy.


A compassionate society begins with balanced emotions.


“When emotions come, as they inevitably will, dance them, move them, and confront people, situations, and challenges from a point of centered stillness. Blocked emotions end up exploding or festering and having much more impact than they should.”

~ Gabrielle Roth

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