Feel Rooted and Secure with the Sky Blue Power of Stability


Posted by Jamie and Chaya | Posted in Emotional Stability, Newsletter | Posted on 03-10-2013

Home…what a warm and cozy word this can be. Just the sound of it offers up an yummy image of safety, comfort, and being right with the world. It creates a sense of stability and groundedness….kinda like milk and warm cookies fresh out of the oven on a cold day.

If the idea of stability seems boring to you, consider some of the challenges you might be facing without it:


  • Change feels scary and unsettling to you.
  • You freak out when little things go wrong, and totally fall apart when something big happens.
  • Those extra pounds you’re carrying give you a sense of grounding and solidity.
  • You crave comfort food a lot – maybe even the kinds of food Mom made.
  • You don’t venture out into the world and try new things because you feel insecure.
  • You feel uncomfortable in your home – or any home. You move a lot, trying to find that place where your restless spirit can finally settle.
  • You feel lonely.

Reaching Towards the Heavens
For a tree to grow up and expand out into the sky,
it’s gotta have strong roots.

Chaya here….

I moved 16 times in 14 years, and traveled so much for diving competitions I felt like I lived out of a suitcase. By itself, there’s nothing wrong with that. Some of it was absolutely thrilling.
Except that I didn’t have any internal stability, so I had no sense of groundedness or home anywhere.
I felt very off balance emotional much of the time….upset by the smallest things. Ok, I was a bit of a drama queen, I admit. I could go from enthusiastic and high to shut down in the pit of despair very quickly.

Kind of like diving from the top of the 10 Meter platform to the bottom of the pool in 2.5 seconds!
And then….a cat named Koala came into my life and sat on my lap. And purred. And sat and purred some more.Stability 2013 - Chaya and Koala

With her on my lap, I felt grounded for the first time. She loved me unconditionally. She chased away the loneliness. Wherever she was, I felt like I had a home.
Over time I strengthened my Power of Stability, learning from personal growth opportunities and people who had strong, healthy Sky Blue energy. The drama began to melt away.
Recently, Jamie and I just celebrated 14 years living here in our house. Now the feeling of HOME in me is one of the deepest, most joyful, peaceful, loving, comforting experiences in my being.
One of my wishes for you and all people is to have that sense of home….first and foremost, within yourself, and then also with family, friends, animals, and a place where you feel loved, warm, stable and secure.


You have the Power of Stability within you!

Here are some of the benefits of balancing and strengthening it:

  • You’ll feel centered and whole even if things all around you are falling to pieces. You’ll remain the calm center of the storm. (You may even find your friends and family feel comfort in just being around you!)
  • Even if big change is in the air, you’ll feel secure, confident, and rooted in who you are and what’s really important in your life.
  • You can let go of those extra pounds because you’ll feel grounded, solid, and secure in your life from within your own being.
  • You’ll find comfort and take care of yourself in healthy ways, consciously eating your favorite foods because you enjoy them, not because you need them to sooth you.
  • Your spirit can finally settle into a peaceful, restful home life, with other 2-legged or 4-legged friends to share your love and life with.

2 ways to root yourself in the Sky Blue Power of Stability:
#1: Do you feel like you use all your energy to just hold yourself together while you ride a roller coaster of emotions? Here’s an affirmation you can begin using:

“I am stable and secure.”

We recommend saying and singing it 7 times daily, or when you need to remind yourself that you have solid ground under your feet.


#2: Keep a bottle of Stability Vibrancy Essence close at hand this week. Every time you notice yourself shaken off your foundation by events in life, take 7 drops. See if you can begin to settle into a sense of security, the kind a child feels around a strong, safe, loving parent, and let that sustain you through times of change.


Take the cozy comfort of your own home wherever you go.

“You can live in a house, but your real home is inside you.”

~ Leonard Jacobson


Blessings on your home and hearth.


Access your spiritual depth perception with the Black Gold Power of Wisdom


Posted by Chaya | Posted in Newsletter, Spiritual Connection | Posted on 05-09-2013

When your Power of Wisdom is strong and healthy, you “get” the spiritual connection behind everything. With this deep sense of the underlying meaning of life events, you can wisely deal with the everyday surface stuff.

But without this Power, you might find yourself in some pretty uncomfortable places. Do any of these familiar to you?

  • You’re so bogged down with job, family responsibilities, bills, and financial stress, you feel like life has lost its true meaning.
  • Your soul feels like its withering and dying of thirst in the desert.
  • You’re sick and tired of suffering in the dark with no answers.
  • Anxiety and fear are the current dictators of your life.
  • You feel lost and alone in the world, like a child separated from Mom at a carnival.
  • Sometimes you just shake your head and think to yourself, “What is it all about? What’s the point?

What if you didn’t have any visual depth perception, and everything appeared in 2D like on a flat screen? You would bump into things, you wouldn’t be able to catch a ball hurtling toward you, and you definitely couldn’t drive a car. Being low in the Black Gold consciousness is similar – only what you’re lacking is spiritual depth perception.

Wisdom - owl

Dive deep, look beyond,
 search for meaning, and ask the big questions.

Chaya here…

I remember when I was 20, and grieving deeply for the loss of my Dad. I’d been feeling very lost, confused, sad, and victimized. I was looking at a bookshelf when one of the titles pulled me in like a magnet. “Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?”

It was the first spiritual/metaphysical book I’d ever looked at, and as I let it fall open I found so many words of comfort to heal my anger and fear.

To this day, I don’t remember what the pages said, but the title has never left me. “Why do bad things happen to good people?” was the beginning question of a deep spiritual quest for me.

Later it became, “Why does anything happen?” and also “Why do good things happen?”  All these led me to wonder about my soul’s development. They gave me permission to contemplate the mysteries of the Universe and my life.

Do I have the definitive answers? No, but I find that the answers that have come offer new depth and give me a sense of meaning.

And I keep asking, I keep delving into the mysteries. It’s all about the journey with the Power of Wisdom.


Find the treasures hidden
 underneath the surface of life.

When your Power of Wisdom is alive and well, you will….

  • Find meaning in all the moments and experiences of your life – whether you’re paying the bills, driving your child around, or sitting in meditation or prayer.
  • Feel your soul singing with the awareness of the spiritual essence that saturates your being.
  • See the underlying meaning behind what happens in your life and feel comforted by the realization that there are no “accidents”.
  • Relax into life, and let yourself be guided by a deeper truth, rather than be distracted by some crazy event appearing on the surface.
  • Develop an internal sense of the interconnection of all beings and the vast Universe you live in….which includes you!
  • See your life as a spiritual journey to be lived, and not just a collection of random events that torment you.

 2 ways to dive into the Black Gold Power of Wisdom:
#1: Are you tired of feeling stuck on the surface of life, getting whipped around by situations that just don’t make any sense?  Next time you’re wallowing in confusion, sing to yourself 7 times,

“I trust and rely on my deep wisdom!”

Then dive in and take a conscious look at what is going on around you. You’ll be surprised by what you might discover!

#2: Keep a bottle of Wisdom Vibrancy Essence with you this week. Every time you feel like you’re having trouble connecting to your spiritual core, take 7 drops. Then let your mind open up and access the deeper truth that has been escaping you…until now!


It’s not so much the answers that draw us.
It’s the search that enlivens us.

“…if we thoughtfully proceed, if we recognize with equal sensitivity
 the vision of objective science and the revelations of deep introspection,
 we move from information to insight, knowledge to wisdom….
The best of journeys rarely lead to definitive answers.
They simply lead to more questions.”

~ Gotham Chopra, author of “Walking Wisdom”


Dive deep, but don’t forget your headlamp!

Claim Your Inner Artist with the Power of Creativity!


Posted by Chaya | Posted in Creativity, Newsletter | Posted on 22-08-2013

Even if you show no signs of being a born Picasso, do you still wonder if you really have that seed of creativity lurking deep inside? The answer is, yes! Creativity comes in many forms, and shines through you in ways you may be overlooking or taking for granted. When you widen your view, you can discover the artist that you are!

You may be out of touch with your Power of Creativity if you…

  • Took it to heart when your grade school teacher told you that you weren’t artistic.
  • Feel like some people are just born artists, and that they have something special that you don’t.
  • Are convinced there isn’t a creative bone in your body, simply because your drawings of people are always stick figures.
  • Try to write something only to find that all the words seem to flee, and you’re left staring at the blank screen.

Creativity affirmation

Creativity comes in many “shades and colors”.
Notice how it shows up in you!

A while back we were in Michigan at hospice with Jamie’s 95 year-old Mom, and as a family we were all reviewing this amazing woman’s creative life.

She had 6 kids and was the matriarch of 26 offspring total, including a Great Great Grandchild! Yes, creating and raising children is an expression of creativity!

She also owned and ran her own real estate business, and for a creative hobby she remodeled and redecorated houses. When she felt too advanced in years for that, she built miniature homes and decorated them. Up to a week before she went into hospice, she still drove, went to her book club, and did the NY Times Crossword Puzzle!

As we sat with her during her final hours, it felt like we were connected through her to some place of divine creativity, as she seemed to sometimes be having conversations with us, and sometimes with angels.

At one point, she said, “My bridesmaids dresses are really pretty. You’re really going to like them.” Even then, she was remembering her more creative moments.


The Power of Creativity is in each of us,
regardless of age, gender, background, or childhood!

As with all the Vibrancy Powers, this is a light frequency, flowing through your body, just awaiting your awareness and channeling.

When you’re connected to the Power of Creativity, you:

  • Know you’re creative no matter what anybody else says, because you can feel it inside just waiting to come out!
  • Realize that creativity takes many forms, and you celebrate the unique way it flows through you.
  • Don’t waste time judging yourself for what you can’t do. Whether through writing, dancing, music, art, speaking, parenting, or how you live your everyday life ~ you connect deeply with your own artistry and it shows.
  • Open the gates and let those juices flow, knowing that there’s no one “right” way to express the creativity that lies deep inside.

2 ways to access your Power of Creativity:

#1: Tired of the conflict between the thought that you “aren’t creative”
and the mysterious sense that you are?  Next time you’re about to buy into the belief that you’re no artist, sing this affirmation out loud or to yourself 7 times,

“I express my creative gifts and talents!”

Then grab your medium of choice (paints, camera, computer, microphone, pen…whatever) and just watch what pours out of you!

 #2: Keep a bottle of Creativity Vibrancy Essence close by this week. Every time you feel like the door to your creative self is locked tight in some kind of vault, pick up that bottle and take 21 drops. Then watch an invisible key gently unlock the door, and let out what is inside for all the world to see.


To live a creative life,
drop your fear of being wrong.

“Creativity is neither a rational deductive process,
nor the irrational wandering of the undisciplined mind,
but the emergence of beauty as mysterious as the
 blossoming of a field of daisies out of the dark Earth.”

~ Thomas Berry


To the eternal artist in you!

Is your Bulls*** Meter working? Call on the Red Power of Honesty!


Posted by Jamie and Chaya | Posted in Communication, Newsletter | Posted on 12-08-2013

Honesty3 - tapestryTelling the truth keeps your life uncomplicated, and your conscience clear. But sometimes those lines between fact and fiction begin to blur, and before you know it, you could be up to your eyeballs in conflicts and confusion. If the Power of Honesty is in short supply in your life, it may look like this:

  • You feel betrayed in a relationship because someone lied or cheated…then you remember all the early warning signs that this person lacked integrity, and you wonder how you missed them.
  • You cut yourself off from potentially healthy, workable relationships, because you’ve been lied to so many times that you just don’t know who to trust any more.
  • You feel like you’re a bad judge of character because you can never tell if someone is going to act with integrity or turn out to be dishonest and slimy.
  • You don’t want to hurt your friend’s feelings so you bend the truth a little, but then feel guilty and confused about which was better, the white lie or the pure truth.
  • You paint yourself into a corner with one little lie, and then feel all the stress of continually covering your back to keep the real truth hidden.
  • You find your own morals slipping when something you really want is at stake, like a lot of money. (Ever been tempted to stretch the truth on your taxes?)

The truth shall set you free!

A few years ago we met a businessman who was convinced he knew how to help us share the Vibrancy Path work with the world. He was bright, outgoing, enthusiastic, and talked about a heart-centered business model. We liked him a lot and had many hours of meetings.

There were a couple things he said, sprinkled here and there, that were just slightly suspicious. We called them yellow flags (for caution). We kept paying attention.

He was dangling a carrot in front of us that we were desperately hungry for. Someone who could show us how to run our business, help a lot of people, create a future for this work that would live beyond us, and bring us financial success.

We had stars in our eyes.

But eventually there were a couple of red flags. Some things he said that just didn’t add up. Thankfully, these warning signs were too big to miss. We declined his offer and parted amicably.

Sadly, we discovered not long ago that he’s now a felon on-the-run, wanted by the FBI for fraud and embezzlement. The company he had ended up working for went under from his lack of Red-ness.

In this instance, we were saved from a lot of headache and heartache by our own Powers of Honesty and the ability to recognize the red flags and respond.

It’s not always easy, though. Sometimes the warning flags are very subtle.


Make sure your BS Meter is properly calibrated!

When you’re connected to the Red Power of Honesty, you’ll:

  • Not be so quick to blindly trust others, relying on your inner sense of whether or not people are speaking and acting from truth.
  • Notice when something isn’t adding up in your dealings with other people, and be willing to call them on it.
  • Tell your truth with confidence, no longer letting fear get in your way of being honest.
  • Sleep well at night, knowing that you haven’t said or done anything dishonest….you’ve been true to yourself.
  • Find that people want to work with you, because they know you’re a straight-shooter.
  • Realize that it isn’t worth the complication, guilt, and hassle to cheat on your taxes or bend your morals.

2 ways to stand strong in your Red Power of Honesty:

#1: Tired of dancing around the truth all the time just to be liked, or get your way?  Next time you notice that you’re tempted to fib your way through a situation, here’s an affirmation that will point you in the right direction:

I am strong and honest!

Sing it to yourself or out loud 7 times. Then let the truth set you free!


#2: Keep a bottle of Honesty Vibrancy Essence close by this week. Every time you feel like you are getting sucked into a vortex of lies and deceit (yours or anyone else’s), pick up that bottle and take 7 drops. Then perk up, tell it like it is, and don’t tolerate anything less than the truth from others.


Honesty is the best policy!

Aside from the strictly moral standpoint,
honesty is not only the best policy,
but the only possible policy,
 from the standpoint of business relations.
The fulfillment of the pledged word is
of equal necessity to the conduct of all business.
If we expect and demand virtue and honor in others,
the flame of both must burn brightly within ourselves.

James Franklin Bell (1856 – 1919)

Stay rooted in the truth.

Keep Your Cool Year Round with the Power of Patience


Posted by Chaya | Posted in Emotional Stability, Newsletter | Posted on 25-07-2013

There’s no substitute for being patient and keeping your cool in the middle of a topsy-turvy world. You can remain Patience - boy and dog 2013peaceful in the middle of challenging situations, and be a calming influence on everyone around you. It sure makes dealing with the many demands in life a whole lot easier!

To find out if patience is a lost art in your world, ask yourself these questions:

  • Does your blood pressure shoot off the charts every time you find yourself stuck in traffic that’s moving about as fast as you could walk?
  • Do you have big emotional swings? Going back and forth between hot and bothered, and cold and withdrawn?
  • Are your relationships like this: irritation building, tempers flying, saying things that cause pain and can’t be taken back? Then a lot of time spent trying to patch things up and rebuild trust?
  • Are you a door-slammer, a yeller, one of those people who always seems to be storming out of the room when things don’t go your way?
  • Do you tap your fingers (and your feet!) in frustration when the people ahead of you in line are taking their sweet time, and ignoring the fact that you have more important things you’ve got to get to?
  • Do you feel guilty about how judgmental you REALLY feel about other people much of the time?
  • Are you spread so thin, that you don’t have an ounce of patience with your kids anymore?


If a puppy can learn patience, surely you can too!

When we got Coconut at 8 weeks old, she had what we saw as an ‘eating disorder’, meaning, whatever she saw, she ate: paper, socks, mulch, rocks…if it was on the ground it was in her mouth and down her throat.

And when we gave her actual food, she snorted and inhaled it in the blink of an eye, and then had hiccups and indigestion. She had no patience!

It turns out there are a lot of cool dog toys that make them work hard for their food. They have to toss the toy, or roll it, or pry it open to get their food, and even then it’s only a little at a time.

One of our favorites was a bottle you put the food in, with a rope at the opening. She would have to stand on the rope and push the bottle back and forth to make a piece of kibble fall out. Sometimes a meal would take 15 minutes.

But she learned it – now she eats normally, and leaves the mulch for the plants and the socks for our feet. So yes, you too, like Coconut, can develop the Power of Patience. Maybe you just need a food toy.

 Coconut and Lampchop 9 weeks2

Coconut – when she was just a little toddler


Equanimity here you come! The Power of Patience is a frequency all around you – yes, even in your body.

When you’re connected to the Power of Patience, you will:

  • Feel calm and centered while you’re waiting in slow traffic. You’ve learned…stressing over it doesn’t speed things up.
  • Stay so even-tempered that people just love being around you. You calm THEM down without even trying.
  • Have time to enjoy the good stuff in your relationships, because you are no longer pouring your energy down the rat hole of petty fights.
  • Revel in your ability to keep your cool no matter what’s happening around you. How strong and capable you’ll feel!
  • Peacefully wait your turn in the check-out line. The folks ahead of you need a little nurturing too.
  • Feel free of judgment as it melts into appreciation and acceptance.
  • Keep your cool with your kids, regardless of how much they try to test you.


2 ways to steep yourself in the Power of Patience:
#1: Tired of feeling tied up in knots over the circumstances around you? Next time you notice that you are ready to bite someone’s head off over nothing, sing this affirmation to yourself 7 times:

“I am patient, loving and even-tempered.”

Then let yourself get nice and peaceful and go on with your life in loving way.

#2: Keep a bottle of Patience Vibrancy Essence at your fingertips this week. Every time you start to get riled up over the “small stuff”, whip out your bottle and take 7 drops. Then let your angst transform into emotional ease.


Nurture yourself and others ~
Strengthen your Power of Patience!

“Inner peace is impossible without patience. Wisdom requires patience. Spiritual growth implies the mastery of patience. Patience allows the unfolding of destiny to proceed at its won unhurried pace.”

Brian Weiss

Stay cool !

Soothe Your Soul with the Power of Sensuality!


Posted by Chaya | Posted in Creativity, Newsletter | Posted on 11-07-2013

Purple Enews - butterfly on cosmosDo you think of yourself as a sensual person?

Here’s one definition of sensual: arousing or exciting the senses. If you thought this was going to be about sexuality, I’m sorry to disappoint you. Although sensuality is a component of sexuality, sensuality is much more foundational than that. It’s about surrounding yourself with beauty that fills up your senses, AND being open to the wonderful experience of drinking it in!

Here are some of the everyday challenges you might find yourself in, if you aren’t connecting to the energetic gifts of the Power of Sensuality. You may:

  • Have lost the romantic spark with your honey and settled into a hum-drum relationship.
  • Accidentally hurt the ones you love with your words and feedback that comes out more critically than you expect.
  • Slog around your house in over-sized sweats feeling frumpy and dumpy and frowning at yourself in the mirror.
  • Spend your day being pragmatic, practical, scheduled, and busy, but deep in your gut you feel empty inside
  • Live or work in a room that’s “functional” but lacks beauty and leaves you feeling flat.
  • Scarf up your microwave dinner while standing at your sink, and wonder why you don’t feel nourished and satisfied with the meal.
  • Think things like buying flowers, meandering through art galleries, or going out for a leisurely candlelit dinner are just a waste time and money.

Beauty, experienced through your senses, is a vital ingredient in the banquet of your life.
Without it, something is always missing.

These kinds of challenges can easily stem from not having enough beauty in your life. Or, they could be from not being open to receiving all the beauty that IS there. Let’s have a Sensuality reality-check.

Take a few minutes to consider all the beauty that you recognize in your current everyday life. Do you get to enjoy an awesome view on your way to work? Or do you just drive your way through power lines and car lots…or a mix of the two? 

Do you keep fresh flowers on your dining table every day, just on special occasions, or not at all? Do you fill your ears with music that uplifts you, or just listen to whatever happens to be on the radio at the moment?

Scan your life and, on a scale of 1 – 10, how would you rate your Sensuality Quotient based on the degree of loveliness you have around you on a regular basis? This is your starting point for strengthening your Power of Sensuality.

Now, having just tuned into where beauty is spilling into your world, are your senses awake enough to process the nurturing that beauty is offering you?

When you see a beautiful butterfly, do you feel yourself take a breath as you absorb it’s colors?

When you eat delicious food, are you savoring the flavoring? Are you soaking in the smells?

Close your eyes and gently rub your hand over your chair or a piece of clothing you are wearing. Take an easeful minute to feel its texture…it’s softness, it’s roughness…how bumpy or smooth it is. Let that subtle information seep into your cells.

How does that make you feel? Is it comforting, pleasurable? Does it leave you feeling neutral? Or does it make you want to pull your hand away?

Imagine surrounding yourself with fabrics you can just relax into in the normal course of your day, and how that would affect your overall quality of life.

Just like with your sense of touch just now, ALL your senses will let you know what nourishes you and what doesn’t when you connect with them. The more you strengthen the Power of Sensuality, the more you will allow the beauty that’s everywhere to nurture your spirit. You will find yourself creating experiences for yourself and others that feed your senses and soothe your soul. Read on to find out what’s in store!

Throw open your doors to the finer things in life.
Feed your senses every day and stay satisfied.

When you’re connected to the Power of Sensuality, you will:

  • Find romance oozing back into your relationships….picnics in the park, reading poetry together, offering little gifts, candlelight dinners…just like when your love was new!
  • Choose kind and uplifting words when you speak to your loved ones, and watch how they blossom with your nourishing feedback.
  • Smile at yourself whenever you pass by a mirror, because you have taken the time to make yourself feel beautiful.
  • Find it easy to take breaks from “being responsible,” to discover the deep, soul-fulfilling pleasure of feeding your senses with beauty – food, words, art, flowers, music.
  • Find easy ways to add a touch of beauty to every room in your house and office….little things that warm your heart, boost your spirit, and feed your soul.
  • Take the time to sit down to a lovely and leisurely meal even when you are alone. Ahh…nourishment for your body AND soul.

2 beautiful ways to surround yourself with the Power of Sensuality:
#1: Do you notice that harsh words put a damper on your psyche? Whenever you catch yourself speaking in an ugly way to others, or when other people drop cold or demeaning comments at your feet, sing out loud 7 times,

“I open my senses to the beauty of life!”

And open yourself up to a life filled with beautiful words, beautiful thoughts, and beautiful ways of relating with others.

#2: Keep a bottle of Sensuality Vibrancy Essence handy all week long. Every time you notice you’re moving through life quickly, practically, and busily, without taking the time to nourish your soul and feed your senses,
take 7 drops and stop for a minute. Then see if you can find one thing right away that will add a touch of beauty to your day.

Nourish your soul with more beauty.

“Modernity and beauty simply don’t mix. Pragmatism and an industrial-sized busyness denigrate everything that can’t squeeze out of a calculator. And the first thing to die under such circumstances is a passion for beauty…

 We just don’t have the time for poetry; beauty isn’t useful, we say, until we’re in our eighties, when many finally reflect and realize that beauty was truly essential to a good life that has now slipped by.”

Douglas Jones


Surround yourself with beauty!


Get Your Brain Back Online with the Power of Concentration!


Posted by Jamie and Chaya | Posted in BrainPower, Newsletter | Posted on 27-06-2013

Concentration_-_Colorful_BrainWhen your brain is online, you are sharp as a tack, and quick with facts. But if things are little slow up there, read on. We might have some good tips for you.

How’s your ability to concentrate and process information these days? Are any of these familiar?

  • There were three things you wanted to remember to do when you got home from work today. What the heck were they??
  • Your new neighbor just came over and introduced herself. But now you’re embarrassed, because two minutes later when you turn to introduce her to your husband….you can’t remember her name!
  • Your brain just crashes like a frozen computer when you try to tackle your checkbook or you have to work with numbers.
  • You’re concerned you’ll look dumb at Game Night. It’s Trivial Pursuit this time. You used to know a lot of those answers, but are sure you won’t be able to recall any of them now.
  • You’re drowning in emails. There are too many and they’re coming in way too fast. You just close your Inbox and hope they’ll all evaporate.
  • You’re anxious because your memory seems to be getting worse every month – you wonder if you’ll even remember your own name and address by the time you hit 70!


Wouldn’t it be nice if there was something to blame
for your sluggish concentration and fuzzy, foggy brain?

We were in Barnes and Noble last week and the young woman helping us seemed to be having a concentration-challenged day.

When she tried to look up a book title for us, her computer froze. As she tried to find the book on the shelf, she couldn’t remember exactly where the section was. Later she checked us out, and gave us incorrect change.

“I think my baby ate my brain,” she said, as she patted her pregnant belly. We all had a good laugh.


 It’s time to reclaim your brain!
Call in the Power of Concentration!

When you’re connected to this energy you’re a master at assimilating facts:

  • Your mind is like a steel trap and you easily access your memory bank.
  • You don’t panic when you want to introduce someone. You get their name the first time, and it sticks.
  • You easily use technology to process all the information you don’t want to, so you have room in your brain to process what you do.
  • Thinking clearly is your new normal. Trivial Pursuit? Jeopardy? Where you put your keys? No problem!
  • That sharp mind of yours comes up with a system for quickly and efficiently managing your emails, plus all the data and the information that flies across your desk every day.

2 ways to turn on your Power of Concentration :

#1: Are you tired of scratching your head, trying to remember everything? Here’s an affirmation that can help open up those mental floodgates.

“I concentrate easily!”

We recommend that you sing it 7 times out loud or to yourself whenever you feel like your brain is stuck in “still processing” mode. Then zero in on the facts you need and get on with your life.

#2: Keep a bottle of Concentration Vibrancy Essence close by this week. When you feel a dip in your brain power, take 7 drops. It will be like hitting the refresh button on your computer.


Life’s not only about the facts, but mastering
them opens the door to what’s behind them.

“It’s hard to be nostalgic when you can’t remember anything.”

Author Unknown


Here’s to your brainpower!

What a difference you can make in the world! Let your Power of Altruism shine.


Posted by Jamie and Chaya | Posted in Emotional Stability, Newsletter | Posted on 13-06-2013

What is Altruism? It sounds noble because it is. Here’s a definition: the practice of unselfish concern for, or the devotion to the welfare of others.

It’s when you are so moved by a need you see in the world that you just have to take action. When you see suffering on a small or large scale and you feel that commitment deep inside that says, “I must do something about this!”

And yes, you will make a difference. As Margaret Mead said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”  Altruism - human peace symbol

Are you tapping into your Power of Altruism, showering others with your deep care for their well being? Or….

  • Do you already feel so swamped with people and things to take care of in your own life that the thought of helping others sends you over the edge?
  • Do you feel guilty because you ignore all those email campaigns that flood your inbox every day, sending you into “save the planet” overload?
  • Are you so painfully lost in your own issues that it never crosses your mind to devote your time and energy to a cause?
  • Are just too depressed to feel like you can muster up the energy to help anybody, not even your next door neighbor?
  • Are you frustrated because there just too many causes to pick from? Do you stall out trying to decide which one to sign on for?
  • Do you feel like you there is no way you could really make a difference anyway?

If so, you’re not alone. But there are some really good reasons to clear the overwhelm and exercise your Power of Altruism. First of all….

Have you heard the starfish story?

There’s a little girl walking along a beach that’s covered with starfish for as far as she can see. Thousands of them have been washed up on shore with the tide, and they’re dying in the sun.

The little girl is walking along, picking up one at a time, and throwing it back into the ocean.

An older gentleman walks up to her and asks her what she’s doing.

She says, “I’m saving the starfish.”

He replies, “But there are thousands and thousands! You can’t possibly make a difference here!”

She reaches down, picks up a starfish, looks at it intently, then hurls it into the water.

The girl looks up at the old man and says, “I just made a difference for that one.”

The Power of Altruism is within you!
It’s the Blue Topaz frequency,
just waiting to come alive and be a part of your life.

You may think what you do is only a drop in a bucket, but those drops add up and become an ocean. Your actions will impact a whole lot of people and tons of circumstances (that you may never know of) down the line.

Strengthen your connection to this frequency and you’ll feel that Power of Altruism come alive within you. You’ll feel:

  • Powerful in taking a stand and making a difference for what you care so deeply about.
  • An infusion of new energy in your life, lifting your depression and disconnection.
  • Your own issues and problems shrink, as the positive energy of focusing on easing someone else’s pain fills your soul.
  • The deep satisfaction of playing your part in the big picture, and knowing your every action makes a difference to someone.
  • That contributing to your cause of choice is so fulfilling that you’ll wonder if you should be paying THEM to let you do it!

2 actions to take to wake up your Power of Altruism:

#1: Tired of feeling depressed, lonely, and useless? Here’s an affirmation that will give you a new lease on life.

“I make a difference in the world!”

We suggest you sing this out loud or to yourself 7 times whenever you notice yourself getting so self-absorbed that you don’t care any more. Then pick up that phone, hop online, walk across the street and reach out to someone else who could use your help!

#2: Keep a bottle of Altruism Vibrancy Essence close by this week for those moments when you feel like your little tiny drop in the bucket won’t matter. Whenever you feel overly absorbed in your own misery, take 7 drops, and remember that you can and DO make a difference.

There’s no time like the present to move some mountains,
one stone at a time.

“The best antidote for despair is action.”
  Joan Baez

Thank you for the difference you make in our lives!

The best GPS for your life: the Power of Precision!


Posted by Jamie and Chaya | Posted in Accomplishment, Newsletter | Posted on 30-05-2013

Wouldn’t it be great to have a GPS for your Life?  It could help you make your decisions swiftly and easily without deliberation. For example, you might need it when you’re:

  • Stuck in the process of looking at all the options ~ like which career path to follow, which insurance policy to buy, or even which emails to open first? Decisions, decisions!!
  • Running an online search and get inundated with a gazillion different websites that might have the info you need, but you don’t have all day (nor the patience) to check them all out! Which ones do you ignore??
  • Late for an appointment, you ask directions from someone who gives you the elaborate tour guide version, and you all you want to do is GET THERE?
  • Having a big job that you have to do in a short amount of time (like clean the house before your guest, who is only an hour away, arrives on your doorstep!) and you can’t seem to get your brain in gear and get crackin’?

Wouldn’t it be great if your mind worked quickly, like a GPS, always orienting you to the shortest path to your destination? It can with the Power of Precision!

Precision bullseyeThe secret to decision is the Power of Precision!

Once we decided to get married, we must’ve really been connected to our Power of Precision. We had to be – we only gave ourselves 90 days to plan the wedding.

There was no time to get lost in deliberating. We had to zero in quickly on the place, (a cute winery in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains), the food (vegan, of course), and the cake (vegan carrot, and yes, delicious).

Tent? Yes, in case of rain.

Invitations, check. Chaya’s dress, check. Jamie’s clothes, check. Ceremony planned, vows written, check. Rings, check (well, a little problem there, but that’s a story for another day).

Although some people might think that such a short time frame would make things more stressful, we found it to be less stressful than the normal process because there just wasn’t time to get bogged down on anything!

Fantastic wedding Day? Check!

Cutting to the chase wins the race,

if you don’t want to waste your precious time and energy.

With your internal GPS on board, here’s what you can look forward to:

  • Quickly and clearly seeing which choice will most directly take you where you REALLY want to go.
  • Making decisions easily. You know which career suits your needs right now (and your Vibrancy Signature!), which insurance policy best fits your family’s situation, and which emails are most critical. No more deliberation necessary.
  • Your mind operating like a laser beam, zeroing in on the path of least resistance, and bypassing anything that’s not important to your desired goal.
  • Online searches taking mere minutes rather than hours, because you weed out the ones that don’t instantly say to you “pick me!”

2 ways to hone in on your Emerald Power of Precision:
#1: Feeling like you’re too woozy to see what’s going on, much less make a decision about it? Here’s an affirmation to help zero in on what you need to do.

“I am precise!”

Sing this to yourself or out loud 7 times,  every time you notice yourself wandering around aimlessly in our thoughts, actions, or speech. Then imagine the Power of Precision flooding into you, helping you snap to attention, cut through the non-essentials, and get on with whatever is calling to you.

#2: Keep a bottle of Precision Vibrancy Essence by your side this week, especially if you have some important decisions to make. Every time you notice yourself going down long winding roads to nowhere, take 7 drops, and allow yourself to perk up, pay attention to where you want to go, and decide how best to get there.


Put in your coordinates and
let your Power of Precision get you there.

“Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut through argument,

debate, and doubt to offer a solution everybody can understand.”  

General Colin Powell

Redirect Life-Draining Negativity with the Power of Optimism!


Posted by Jamie and Chaya | Posted in BrainPower, Newsletter | Posted on 20-05-2013

Optimism3 to 1. Apparently that’s the magic ratio that will lead you to flourishing in life instead of languishing.

Many studies have recently been showing that if you want to be truly, deeply joyful, creative, and open, you have to have at least 3 positive thoughts or feelings for every one negative thought or feeling.

It sounds easy, doesn’t it? Sure, with the Power of Optimism flowing freely through your being, it would be.

But, if you’ve succumbed to all the fear in the news, or if life has just knocked you around one too many times recently, perhaps this has gotten out of balance, and your Power of Optimism isn’t being accessed.

Here’s what it might look like if the negative thoughts are winning in your life:

  • At end of day, you feel drained and exhausted. You go home, flop in the chair and fret about all the challenges you had to deal with today, and worry about the new ones you’ll have tomorrow.
  • Everything just feels so heavy, soooo difficult. There seems to be roadblocks at every turn.
  • You find yourself telling everyone you talk to about how rotten everything is – how stressed you are, how your mother calls up to complain all the time, how your dog pooped on the floor yesterday, what a mess the government is in….
  • You’re just not having any fun. Everywhere you look, you see more reasons to give up. “Life sucks,” is your mantra.
  • You’re whining about never getting ahead in your career. Clients don’t stick with you, your boss doesn’t give you a raise, people just don’t seem to want to work with you.

We’ve all been there, but have you gotten so used to the negativity and pessimism in your mind that you don’t realize how deeply it’s affecting you?


Do you want to remember the good stuff or the bad?

A good friend of ours was just showing us her family photo album the other day. There were wonderful pictures of her kids and herself and her husband, in all their ages and stages.

There were photos of them laughing, playing at the beach, huddling for warmth in their tent on a camping trip, roasting marshmallows over a fire, opening presents on Christmas morning. To us there seemed to be a lot of joy and many great memories.

This simple experience of looking at these photos turned into a little healing moment for our friend though….she told us how she barely remembered all of those experiences! That when she thinks of all the years of the kids growing up, she remembers the fights, the stress, the car shuttling in traffic, the messy house, the times they got in trouble at school or had their painful heartbreaks.

She remembered the negative stuff very clearly. But all the joy, the positive experiences, the laughter, the play – that was all fuzzy. (Good thing she’s got the pictures to remind her!)

Of course, our friend knows about the Vibrancy Path, so the next thing she said was, “Boy, I think I really need to strengthen my Power of Optimism! For all these years, my attention has been captured by the negative experiences, instead of focusing on all the positive ones. Wow, how did that happen?”


Positivity can help you live up to 10 years longer!

Use the Power of Optimism that’s at your fingertips.

As with all the Vibrancy Powers, this is a frequency in your energy field, just waiting to be called upon. It’s an energy that you can tap into to help you focus on the good in your life. Heal thyself of pessimism and see what life has in store for you! You will:

  • Have plenty of energy to sink your teeth into life, because you’re not pouring it down the drain of misery.
  • Discover that, no matter what people say, life can actually be fun! The good stuff has always been there, but now you’ll be able to really see it and feel it.
  • Realize that when you look on the bright side, you see more options and opportunities for ways to make things even better.
  • Find that you’re getting that raise or magnetizing more clients who just can’t wait to spend time with you and your sunny disposition.
  • Accentuate the positive – and it’ll rub off on others. Everyone around you will start noticing what’s good about life, and the positivity will multiply.

Go ahead!

Take those lemons and make some yummy lemonade!


2 ways to tap into the Mocha Gold Power of Optimism:
#1: Tired of complaining about everything and seeing no sign of change? Here’s an affirmation that might help you turn that tide:

“I direct my thoughts toward the positive.”

We suggest you sing it to out loud or to yourself 7 times whenever you notice a “life sucks” mantra is filling your head. If it’s true that what you think about grows, then this is the perfect antidote to a gloomy perspective. The more you feed positivity and optimism, the more it will begin to play out in your life.

#2: Keep the Optimism Vibrancy Essence handy this week. Every time you feel like you’re slipping into the moan and groan of all that’s wrong in your life, whip out that bottle, take 7 drops, and open yourself up to what’s good.


Optimism is a choice.

“You can complain that roses have thorns
or rejoice that thorns have roses.”