The Power of Patience


Posted by Jamie and Chaya | Posted in Emotional Stability, Newsletter | Posted on 28-07-2015

There’s no substitute for being patient and keeping your cool in the middle of a topsy-turvy world. You can remain peaceful in the middle of challenging situations, and be a calming influence on everyone around you. It sure makes dealing with the many demands in life so much easier!

To find out if patience is a lost art in your world, ask yourself these questions:

  • Does your blood pressure shoot off the charts every time you find yourself stuck in traffic that’s moving about as fast as you could walk?
  • Do you have big emotional swings? Going back and forth between hot and bothered, and cold and withdrawn?
  • Are your relationships like this: irritation building, tempers flying, saying things that cause pain and can’t be taken back? Then a lot of time spent trying to patch things up and rebuild trust?
  • Are you a door-slammer, a yeller, one of those people who always seems to be storming out of the room when things don’t go your way?
  • Do you tap your fingers (and your feet!) in frustration when the people ahead of you in line are taking their sweet time, and ignoring the fact that you have more important things you’ve got to get to?
  • Do you feel guilty about how judgmental you REALLY feel about other people much of the time?
  • Are you spread so thin, that you don’t have an ounce of patience with your kids anymore?

If a puppy can learn patience, surely you can too!


When we got Coconut at 8 weeks old, she had what we saw as an ‘eating disorder’, meaning, whatever she saw, she ate: paper, socks, mulch, rocks…if it was on the ground it was in her mouth and down her throat.

And when we gave her actual food, she snorted and inhaled it in the blink of an eye, and then had hiccups and indigestion. She had no patience!

It turns out there are a lot of cool dog toys that make them work hard for their food. They have to toss the toy, or roll it, or pry it open to get their food, and even then it’s only a little at a time.

One of our favorites was a bottle you put the food in, with a rope at the opening. She would have to stand on the rope and push the bottle back and forth to make a piece of kibble fall out. Sometimes a meal would take 15 minutes.

But she learned it – now she eats normally, and leaves the mulch for the plants and the socks for our feet. So yes, you too, like Coconut, can develop the Power of Patience. Maybe you just need a food toy.

Coconut and Lampchop 9 weeks2Coconut – when she was just a little toddler

Equanimity here you come! The Power of Patience is a frequency all around you – yes, even in your body.


When you’re connected to the Power of Patience, you will:

  • Feel calm and centered while you’re waiting in slow traffic. You’ve learned…stressing over it doesn’t speed things up.
  • Stay so even-tempered that people just love being around you. You calm THEM down without even trying.
  • Have time to enjoy the good stuff in your relationships, because you are no longer pouring your energy down the rat hole of petty fights.
  • Revel in your ability to stay calm, cook and collected no matter what’s happening around you. How strong and centered you’ll feel!
  • Peacefully wait your turn in the check-out line. The folks ahead of you need a little nurturing too.
  • Feel free of judgment as it melts into appreciation and acceptance.
  • Keep your cool with your kids, regardless of how much they try to test you.

2 ways to steep yourself in the Power of Patience:


#1: Say or sing this affirmation until you believe it with your entire being:

“I am patient, loving and even-tempered.”


#2: Take 7 – 21 drops of Patience Vibrancy Essence daily. This remedy will align you with the energetic frequency of Patience, and help you transform angst into emotional ease. Order yours HERE!

Nurture yourself and others ~
Strengthen your Power of Patience!


“Inner peace is impossible without patience. Wisdom requires patience. Spiritual growth implies the mastery of patience. Patience allows the unfolding of destiny to proceed at its won unhurried pace.”

~ Brian Weiss

Stay cool !

Feel Rooted and Secure with the Sky Blue Power of Stability


Posted by Jamie and Chaya | Posted in Emotional Stability, Newsletter | Posted on 03-10-2013

Home…what a warm and cozy word this can be. Just the sound of it offers up an yummy image of safety, comfort, and being right with the world. It creates a sense of stability and groundedness….kinda like milk and warm cookies fresh out of the oven on a cold day.

If the idea of stability seems boring to you, consider some of the challenges you might be facing without it:


  • Change feels scary and unsettling to you.
  • You freak out when little things go wrong, and totally fall apart when something big happens.
  • Those extra pounds you’re carrying give you a sense of grounding and solidity.
  • You crave comfort food a lot – maybe even the kinds of food Mom made.
  • You don’t venture out into the world and try new things because you feel insecure.
  • You feel uncomfortable in your home – or any home. You move a lot, trying to find that place where your restless spirit can finally settle.
  • You feel lonely.

Reaching Towards the Heavens
For a tree to grow up and expand out into the sky,
it’s gotta have strong roots.

Chaya here….

I moved 16 times in 14 years, and traveled so much for diving competitions I felt like I lived out of a suitcase. By itself, there’s nothing wrong with that. Some of it was absolutely thrilling.
Except that I didn’t have any internal stability, so I had no sense of groundedness or home anywhere.
I felt very off balance emotional much of the time….upset by the smallest things. Ok, I was a bit of a drama queen, I admit. I could go from enthusiastic and high to shut down in the pit of despair very quickly.

Kind of like diving from the top of the 10 Meter platform to the bottom of the pool in 2.5 seconds!
And then….a cat named Koala came into my life and sat on my lap. And purred. And sat and purred some more.Stability 2013 - Chaya and Koala

With her on my lap, I felt grounded for the first time. She loved me unconditionally. She chased away the loneliness. Wherever she was, I felt like I had a home.
Over time I strengthened my Power of Stability, learning from personal growth opportunities and people who had strong, healthy Sky Blue energy. The drama began to melt away.
Recently, Jamie and I just celebrated 14 years living here in our house. Now the feeling of HOME in me is one of the deepest, most joyful, peaceful, loving, comforting experiences in my being.
One of my wishes for you and all people is to have that sense of home….first and foremost, within yourself, and then also with family, friends, animals, and a place where you feel loved, warm, stable and secure.


You have the Power of Stability within you!

Here are some of the benefits of balancing and strengthening it:

  • You’ll feel centered and whole even if things all around you are falling to pieces. You’ll remain the calm center of the storm. (You may even find your friends and family feel comfort in just being around you!)
  • Even if big change is in the air, you’ll feel secure, confident, and rooted in who you are and what’s really important in your life.
  • You can let go of those extra pounds because you’ll feel grounded, solid, and secure in your life from within your own being.
  • You’ll find comfort and take care of yourself in healthy ways, consciously eating your favorite foods because you enjoy them, not because you need them to sooth you.
  • Your spirit can finally settle into a peaceful, restful home life, with other 2-legged or 4-legged friends to share your love and life with.

2 ways to root yourself in the Sky Blue Power of Stability:
#1: Do you feel like you use all your energy to just hold yourself together while you ride a roller coaster of emotions? Here’s an affirmation you can begin using:

“I am stable and secure.”

We recommend saying and singing it 7 times daily, or when you need to remind yourself that you have solid ground under your feet.


#2: Keep a bottle of Stability Vibrancy Essence close at hand this week. Every time you notice yourself shaken off your foundation by events in life, take 7 drops. See if you can begin to settle into a sense of security, the kind a child feels around a strong, safe, loving parent, and let that sustain you through times of change.


Take the cozy comfort of your own home wherever you go.

“You can live in a house, but your real home is inside you.”

~ Leonard Jacobson


Blessings on your home and hearth.


Keep Your Cool Year Round with the Power of Patience


Posted by Chaya | Posted in Emotional Stability, Newsletter | Posted on 25-07-2013

There’s no substitute for being patient and keeping your cool in the middle of a topsy-turvy world. You can remain Patience - boy and dog 2013peaceful in the middle of challenging situations, and be a calming influence on everyone around you. It sure makes dealing with the many demands in life a whole lot easier!

To find out if patience is a lost art in your world, ask yourself these questions:

  • Does your blood pressure shoot off the charts every time you find yourself stuck in traffic that’s moving about as fast as you could walk?
  • Do you have big emotional swings? Going back and forth between hot and bothered, and cold and withdrawn?
  • Are your relationships like this: irritation building, tempers flying, saying things that cause pain and can’t be taken back? Then a lot of time spent trying to patch things up and rebuild trust?
  • Are you a door-slammer, a yeller, one of those people who always seems to be storming out of the room when things don’t go your way?
  • Do you tap your fingers (and your feet!) in frustration when the people ahead of you in line are taking their sweet time, and ignoring the fact that you have more important things you’ve got to get to?
  • Do you feel guilty about how judgmental you REALLY feel about other people much of the time?
  • Are you spread so thin, that you don’t have an ounce of patience with your kids anymore?


If a puppy can learn patience, surely you can too!

When we got Coconut at 8 weeks old, she had what we saw as an ‘eating disorder’, meaning, whatever she saw, she ate: paper, socks, mulch, rocks…if it was on the ground it was in her mouth and down her throat.

And when we gave her actual food, she snorted and inhaled it in the blink of an eye, and then had hiccups and indigestion. She had no patience!

It turns out there are a lot of cool dog toys that make them work hard for their food. They have to toss the toy, or roll it, or pry it open to get their food, and even then it’s only a little at a time.

One of our favorites was a bottle you put the food in, with a rope at the opening. She would have to stand on the rope and push the bottle back and forth to make a piece of kibble fall out. Sometimes a meal would take 15 minutes.

But she learned it – now she eats normally, and leaves the mulch for the plants and the socks for our feet. So yes, you too, like Coconut, can develop the Power of Patience. Maybe you just need a food toy.

 Coconut and Lampchop 9 weeks2

Coconut – when she was just a little toddler


Equanimity here you come! The Power of Patience is a frequency all around you – yes, even in your body.

When you’re connected to the Power of Patience, you will:

  • Feel calm and centered while you’re waiting in slow traffic. You’ve learned…stressing over it doesn’t speed things up.
  • Stay so even-tempered that people just love being around you. You calm THEM down without even trying.
  • Have time to enjoy the good stuff in your relationships, because you are no longer pouring your energy down the rat hole of petty fights.
  • Revel in your ability to keep your cool no matter what’s happening around you. How strong and capable you’ll feel!
  • Peacefully wait your turn in the check-out line. The folks ahead of you need a little nurturing too.
  • Feel free of judgment as it melts into appreciation and acceptance.
  • Keep your cool with your kids, regardless of how much they try to test you.


2 ways to steep yourself in the Power of Patience:
#1: Tired of feeling tied up in knots over the circumstances around you? Next time you notice that you are ready to bite someone’s head off over nothing, sing this affirmation to yourself 7 times:

“I am patient, loving and even-tempered.”

Then let yourself get nice and peaceful and go on with your life in loving way.

#2: Keep a bottle of Patience Vibrancy Essence at your fingertips this week. Every time you start to get riled up over the “small stuff”, whip out your bottle and take 7 drops. Then let your angst transform into emotional ease.


Nurture yourself and others ~
Strengthen your Power of Patience!

“Inner peace is impossible without patience. Wisdom requires patience. Spiritual growth implies the mastery of patience. Patience allows the unfolding of destiny to proceed at its won unhurried pace.”

Brian Weiss

Stay cool !

What a difference you can make in the world! Let your Power of Altruism shine.


Posted by Jamie and Chaya | Posted in Emotional Stability, Newsletter | Posted on 13-06-2013

What is Altruism? It sounds noble because it is. Here’s a definition: the practice of unselfish concern for, or the devotion to the welfare of others.

It’s when you are so moved by a need you see in the world that you just have to take action. When you see suffering on a small or large scale and you feel that commitment deep inside that says, “I must do something about this!”

And yes, you will make a difference. As Margaret Mead said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”  Altruism - human peace symbol

Are you tapping into your Power of Altruism, showering others with your deep care for their well being? Or….

  • Do you already feel so swamped with people and things to take care of in your own life that the thought of helping others sends you over the edge?
  • Do you feel guilty because you ignore all those email campaigns that flood your inbox every day, sending you into “save the planet” overload?
  • Are you so painfully lost in your own issues that it never crosses your mind to devote your time and energy to a cause?
  • Are just too depressed to feel like you can muster up the energy to help anybody, not even your next door neighbor?
  • Are you frustrated because there just too many causes to pick from? Do you stall out trying to decide which one to sign on for?
  • Do you feel like you there is no way you could really make a difference anyway?

If so, you’re not alone. But there are some really good reasons to clear the overwhelm and exercise your Power of Altruism. First of all….

Have you heard the starfish story?

There’s a little girl walking along a beach that’s covered with starfish for as far as she can see. Thousands of them have been washed up on shore with the tide, and they’re dying in the sun.

The little girl is walking along, picking up one at a time, and throwing it back into the ocean.

An older gentleman walks up to her and asks her what she’s doing.

She says, “I’m saving the starfish.”

He replies, “But there are thousands and thousands! You can’t possibly make a difference here!”

She reaches down, picks up a starfish, looks at it intently, then hurls it into the water.

The girl looks up at the old man and says, “I just made a difference for that one.”

The Power of Altruism is within you!
It’s the Blue Topaz frequency,
just waiting to come alive and be a part of your life.

You may think what you do is only a drop in a bucket, but those drops add up and become an ocean. Your actions will impact a whole lot of people and tons of circumstances (that you may never know of) down the line.

Strengthen your connection to this frequency and you’ll feel that Power of Altruism come alive within you. You’ll feel:

  • Powerful in taking a stand and making a difference for what you care so deeply about.
  • An infusion of new energy in your life, lifting your depression and disconnection.
  • Your own issues and problems shrink, as the positive energy of focusing on easing someone else’s pain fills your soul.
  • The deep satisfaction of playing your part in the big picture, and knowing your every action makes a difference to someone.
  • That contributing to your cause of choice is so fulfilling that you’ll wonder if you should be paying THEM to let you do it!

2 actions to take to wake up your Power of Altruism:

#1: Tired of feeling depressed, lonely, and useless? Here’s an affirmation that will give you a new lease on life.

“I make a difference in the world!”

We suggest you sing this out loud or to yourself 7 times whenever you notice yourself getting so self-absorbed that you don’t care any more. Then pick up that phone, hop online, walk across the street and reach out to someone else who could use your help!

#2: Keep a bottle of Altruism Vibrancy Essence close by this week for those moments when you feel like your little tiny drop in the bucket won’t matter. Whenever you feel overly absorbed in your own misery, take 7 drops, and remember that you can and DO make a difference.

There’s no time like the present to move some mountains,
one stone at a time.

“The best antidote for despair is action.”
  Joan Baez

Thank you for the difference you make in our lives!