On Being Yourself

Posted by Sallie Justice | Posted on 04-22-2022

Just think of all the things you might do if you felt truly free to be yourself. If no one was looking, no one was keeping score, and no one cared how you lived your life! And if your own self-judgements would melt away.

Maybe you would:

Take a month off from work, grab your best buddy, and zip off to get a taste of one of those glorious wonders of the natural world that you’ve dreamed about visiting.

• Crank up some good music and dance wildly around in your skivvies while you clean your house.

• Cut your hair, dye your hair, dress it up, wear it down, put flowers in it, put hats on it, change it around every day to suit your mood.

Change careers. Turn over a new leaf and step into doing the kind of work that makes your heart soar. No more Monday blahs!

• What about spontaneously grabbing your partner right in the middle of Main Street, swooping them back and planting a whopping kiss on that sweet little face right in front of everybody. Have you ever thought of doing that?

• Or head for the local grocery store for your weekly staples and instead take a left turn and see what calls you. Find your own pace, stop wherever you want, or don’t, and just enjoy the adventure and freedom.

Are any of the scenarios “you”? Things you’ve wanted to do one day…the day you have the time, courage, finances, space, confidence, or audacity to run with?

If none of those little vignettes are exactly right, we hope that they’ve gotten your Lavendar Power of Authenticity wheels turning!

We all have a deep desire to step out and be real. That’s the voice of Lavender…nudging you to be yourself, be fully in this moment, be authentic. The Power of Authenticity fills you with that freedom.

Wake up the Power of Authenticity

in your life this week

with the following exercise!


1) First, to help strengthen your Lavender connection, take a few drops of Authenticity Vibrancy Essence, if you have a bottle. (You can order it HERE!).

2) Next, saturate your being with these affirmations below.

I do what I love to do.

I follow my heart’s desire.

I am authentic.

I am a free spirit.

3) When you read all the examples of all the random free-spirited scenarios above, what came to mind? Did one of your own coveted scenarios pop into your head? Something you’ve been sitting on, but have held back…for whatever reason. Until now…Until now. You’ve only held back until now.

4) This week, let it roll. Find some crafty way to free yourself up in some fashion and let yourself do this one thing that you’ve always wanted to do. If you need the courage, the energy, the mojo to get moving, keep taking your Authenticity Essence and doing the affirmations.

5) See how it feels! And tuck this experience inside in case you need a little incentive down the road to step out again and follow the way of your natural heart when no one is watching…or even if they are.

6) Enjoy yourself!

Make room for your deepest, most authentic voice to come forward. The world desperately needs you to be you. You are the only one that can bring your story to life and contribute your unique and special gifts!

Your heart’s desires are beautiful, important, and deserve to be expressed!

Here’s to you! The real you!

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