Discover Your Vibrancy Signature in Charlotte!

 What would it be like to fulfill your dreams and your desires more effortlessly?

Do you yearn to live your Soul’s Purpose and create a life that’s in alignment with your greatest vision of who you are?

What might your life look like if you found greater confidence in who you are, and to go after what you want?

Would you like to gain new insights into what you need at your very core to feel happy, loved, and fulfilled?

Discovering Your Vibrancy Signature

can be the start of your journey to:

  • Realize the gifts and talents you’ve come to this life to express.
  • Find clarity and focus for your dreams and visions
  • Feel more alive, healthy, and radiant, and in alignment.

The Process of Discovering Your Vibrancy Signature

The very first step is to meet with Jamie Champion, developer of the Vibrancy Path, in person. In this 20-minute evaluation appointment, you will discover what Powers and Colors make up your soul’s purpose.

While Jamie will give you a few fun bits of information about your Vibrancy Signature during the evaluation, it’s the two 1-hour follow-up coaching sessions with Jamie’s wife and co-developer, Chaya, where it all really comes alive.

In these coaching sessions, done by phone or zoom, you discover the depth and beauty of your Vibrancy Signature and how to apply it to specific areas of your life, like relationships, career, self-love and self-care. This enables you to step into greater alignment, authenticity, joy and fulfillment.

The full fee of $295 includes: the in-person evaluation with Jamie, the two one-hour coaching sessions with Chaya, and a personalized ebook, including chapters specific to your Vibrancy Signature, which you can download immediately following your evaluation.

Are you ready to sign up for your Vibrancy Signature in Charlotte?

Register yourself, your spouse, or your kids for your 20-minute Vibrancy Signature evaluation appointment in Charlotte with a payment of $295 per person.

Click below to choose your date and time on Jamie’s online calendar, and submit your payment. You will receive a receipt and a confirmation email, as well as reminder emails and texts as the event gets closer (remember to opt in for texts when you schedule). 

Prior to your Charlotte appointment, we will be sending you a link to Chaya’s calendar so you can schedule your two one-hour Vibrancy Signature coaching sessions, which will take place in the weeks following your evaluation.

For your appointment: Please meet Jamie in the Charlotte Convention Center for your Vibrancy Signature Evaluation. Appointment times are available:

OCT 26 – 28

Thurs, Oct 26th, 11am-6pm

Fri, Oct 27th, 9am-6pm

and Sat, Oct 28th, 9am-noon

Charlotte Convention Center

501 South College Street

Charlotte, NC 28202


Please note if you are registering more than one person, you’ll have to come back to the link below each time to start the scheduling process fresh each time.

The Vibrancy Signature:  Discover Yours…Your Kids’…Your Spouse’s!

This information will give you the keys to:

  • Understanding what you need at the very core to feel happy and fulfilled by life.
  • Knowing your personal secrets to career fulfillment and success.
  • Cultivating relationships where you and everyone in your family feels completely loved and appreciated.
  • Raising empowered, centered, happy kids.
  • Taking your relationship with your spouse to the next level.
  • Feeling alive, vibrantly healthy, and fully in alignment with who you were born to be.

OCT 26 – 28

Thurs, Oct 26th, 11am-6pm

Fri, Oct 27th, 9am-6pm

and Sat, Oct 28th, 9am-noon

Charlotte Convention Center

501 South College Street

Charlotte, NC 28202


Please note if you are registering more than one person, you’ll have to come back to the link below each time to start the scheduling process fresh each time.


Kim Dalzell,
Spokesperson, President NutriQuest, Inc

“To be affirmed….to KNOW you were created for a specific greatness and to have that reinforced by completing the Vibrancy Signature….has just been amazing to me!

We all know we have gifts and talents, but WHY? where do they really come from? How do they all interact with our life’s purpose? We live with these puzzle pieces, seeking to understand where we fit into this world and what our mission is and how we should best come together.

This process has helped solidify for me not only how I present to the world but it surprised and delighted me to know that I had more potential in certain areas in which I felt I was lacking.

Now I feel empowered that, YES, I can be more and do more and serve more! This is life-affirming and life-changing work and I feel very blessed to have started this journey with you.”


Understanding your

Vibrancy Signature

helps you and those you love…

  • Experience the fulfillment of aligning with your Soul’s Purpose.
  • Feel empowered in your choices and your ability to move your dreams forward.
  • Reclaim your health and natural vibrancy.
  • Create a career, relationships, and a life that truly expresses who you really are.

Here’s Jamie to tell you more !

Here’s Chaya to describe this process:


John Drennan
Business Owner and Business Coach

“The work I have done with Jamie Champion and the Vibrancy Path rates among the most valuable and fulfilling experiences in my life and in the growth of our family.

My wife and I had our initial Vibrancy Signature sessions with Jamie years ago, and were amazed by the insights he had into who we were, particularly in terms of our natural strengths and gifts.

We were then eager to have our three children get their Vibrancy Signature’s which led to a whole new language and understanding for us to share and experience as a family. The work enhanced our connections with one another, while also enriching our relationships, careers, health, and appreciation for ourselves and others.

In my business, it has benefited me and the team of people I work with because the Vibrancy work helps us to better understand our strengths and weaknesses, and to have people working in the environments and tasks that are best suited to them.

This is profound work that yields profound results–while being fun and easy to integrate.”



OCT 26 – 28

Thurs, Oct 26th, 11am-6pm

Fri, Oct 27th, 9am-6pm

and Sat, Oct 28th, 9am-noon

Charlotte Convention Center

501 South College Street

Charlotte, NC 28202


Please note if you are registering more than one person, you’ll have to come back to the link below each time to start the scheduling process fresh each time.

If you have any questions, or would like to talk to one of us instead of just doing this all online, please don’t hesitate to call us at 434-361-2042.

 We look forward to helping you discover your amazing Vibrancy Signature and live in alignment with your Soul’s Purpose.