The Power of Altruism

Posted by Jamie and Chaya | Posted on 07-20-2017

Are you tapping into your Power of Altruism, showering others with your deep care for their well being? Or….

  • Do you already feel so swamped with people and things to take care of in your own life that the thought of helping others sends you over the edge?
  • Do you feel guilty because you ignore all those email campaigns that flood your inbox every day, sending you into ‘save the planet’ overload?
  • Are you so painfully lost in your own issues that it never crosses your mind to devote your time and energy to a cause?
  • Are just too depressed to feel like you can muster up the energy to help anybody, not even your next door neighbor?
  • Are you frustrated because there just too many causes to pick from? Do you stall out trying to decide which one to sign on for?
  • Do you feel like you there is no way you could really make a difference anyway?

If so, you’re not alone. But there are some really good reasons to clear the overwhelm and exercise your Power of Altruism. First of all….


Have you heard the starfish story?


There’s a little girl walking along a beach that’s covered with starfish for as far as she can see. Thousands of them have been washed up on shore with the tide, and they’re dying in the sun.

The little girl is walking along, picking up one at a time, and throwing it back into the ocean.

An older gentleman walks up to her and asks her what she’s doing.

She says, “I’m saving the starfish.”

He replies, “But there are thousands and thousands! You can’t possibly make a difference here!”

She reaches down, picks up a starfish, looks at it intently, then hurls it into the water.

The girl looks up at the old man and says, “I just made a difference for that one.”

The Power of Altruism is within you!
It’s the Blue Topaz frequency, just waiting
to come alive and be a part of your life.


You may think what you do is only a drop in a bucket, but those drops add up and become an ocean. Your actions will impact a whole lot of people and tons of circumstances (that you may never know of) down the line.

Strengthen your connection to this frequency and you’ll feel that Power of Altruism come alive within you. You’ll feel:

  • Powerful in taking a stand and making a difference for what you care so deeply about.
  • An infusion of new energy in your life, lifting your depression and disconnection.
  • Your own issues and problems shrink, as the positive energy of focusing on easing someone else’s pain fills your soul.
  • The deep satisfaction of playing your part in the big picture, and knowing your every action makes a difference to someone.
  • That contributing to your cause of choice is so fulfilling that you’ll wonder if you should be paying THEM to let you do it!

2 Actions to Wake Up the Power of Altruism:


#1: Say or sing this proclamation until you believe it with your entire being:

“I make a difference in the world.”

#2: Take 7 – 21 drops of Altruism Vibrancy Essence daily. This remedy will align you with the energetic frequency of Altruism, and help you realize that all your tiny drops in the bucket of life make a huge difference. It’s just a matter of choosing the cause(s) you want to give your energy to.


There’s no time like the present to move
some mountains, one stone at a time.


“The best antidote for despair is action.”
~ Joan Baez

Thank you for the difference you make in our lives!

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