Posted by Jamie and Chaya | Posted on 09-15-2016
With all the possibilities available to us, and the complexities of living in these times, it’s easy to feel over-the-top, overwhelmed, and scattered.
But surprisingly enough, you can actually bring things back into balance for yourself and regain some sanity. It’s just a matter of getting your priorities straight, and making your daily choices accordingly.
How are you doing at finding the right balance in your life?
- Are you working more than an 8-hour day?
- Is your health suffering because you’re too busy to eat right, exercise, or get enough sleep?
- Do your kids or spouse complain they don’t get to spend enough time with you?
- Is meditation, prayer or contemplation something you only dream of getting to…someday, when there isn’t so much to do?
- Do you find yourself buying things thinking they’ll make you happy only to realize they didn’t fill that yearning emptiness inside you?
- Do you have trouble getting anywhere in your career because you don’t prioritize what’s important and often get the cart before the horse?
- Do you sometimes feel like you waste a lot of time (or money) because you do things ‘bass-ackwards’?
Find that “sweet spot” where you
have time for what’s most important.
So yes, when we talk about your Power of Balance, we’re talking about life balance, not actually walking without wobbling. But it’s a good metaphor…
Have you ever done an exercise for your core muscles? They usually involve trying to hold your balance while something is trying to throw you off.
For example, imagine you’re standing on one leg on a squishy cushion, trying not to bobble, and then somebody puts a 2 pound weight into one of your hands. Not in both of them – that would create balance…only in one of them. Now your core muscles have to work even harder to fight the instability. (This strengthens them.)
Balancing life can be kind of like that.
Lately, we’ve been maintaining good balance between work and personal time, exercise and rest, chores and playtime. Not too much wobbling.
And then yesterday, suddenly it was like someone tried to hand us a 10-pound weight.
We were given an opportunity to participate in a cool, creative program with our business. But, it would have totally messed up our current commitments and priorities – things we’re already passionate and excited about.
It was very tempting. When we imagined ourselves saying yes we could feel the strain and stress it would add to our lives. It would definitely pull us out of balance.
Maybe we could’ve added it if it were smaller, took less time and energy. But we knew it was too big in this moment to take on. It would create more stress than it’s worth.
Do you see the things coming in your own life that threaten to pull you off center? Do you choose balance, or do you fall off the high wire of life?
Let living a balanced life be YOUR top priority!
When you’re swimming in the Power of Balance, you will…
- Stick to an 8-hour day without a bit of guilt. Like they say, “all work and no play makes for a dull boy” (or girl!).
- Have lots of energy now that you’re taking care of yourself. No more grumping around due to lack of sleep, good food, or your morning yoga.
- Not dare miss play time with your kids, and snuggle time with your honey (or the other way around). Life’s too short to overlook the ones you love!
- Let time to connect with Spirit be top on your list, because you realize how much that one commitment balances out your day (and your life) like nothing else.
- Save money on the frivolous shopping or other addictions now that your life is so spiritually rich.
- Always know what the most ideal next step is when you are planning work projects.
- Know what’s most important and won’t waste time on the small stuff.
2 Steps To Enhance the White Gold Power of Balance:
#1: Say or sing this affirmation daily until you believe it with your entire being:
“I have my priorities straight!”
#2: Take 7 – 10 drops of Balance Vibrancy Essence daily. This remedy will align you with the energetic frequency of Balance and help you live a more sane, integrated and spiritually-centered life.
Choose what’s most important,
and life will support you by aligning with that.
“On the tightrope of life, only one thing allows us to move forward, and that one thing is balance. Without balance we fall into chaos, we fall behind, we miss out on what true choices we have in life.”
~ Laura Kangas
Keep your balance!