Are You Protecting What is Precious to You? Call on the Orange Gold Power of Protection!

Posted by Jamie | Posted on 03-20-2014

A big part of feeling successful, abundant and happy in life is the ability to call on your Inner Warrior when you need to protect what’s most important to you.

No matter how generous and considerate you are of others, you’ll always need to look out for your own interests to ensure your own well being. As the saying goes, “Trust in Allah, but tie your camel.”

But do any of these challenges describe your situation lately?     

  • You feel powerless to do anything about the decisions being made by our political leaders that impact your life.
  • You don’t have a budget or retirement plan and worry you’ll be in serious financial trouble down the road.
  • You cave in when faced with other people, institutions, or even beliefs that seem more powerful than you.
  • Your relationship is slowly deteriorating because you’re both so busy and never take that special time to deeply connect.
  • You know you’re being taken advantage of in some way, but don’t know what to do about it.

   Martial Artist
We’ve seen what happens when people
 don’t defend and protect what matters to them most.

Whether it’s your health, your marriage, your family, your community, your finances, or anything that’s important to you, you’ll need to access your Power of Protection to avoid pitfalls, not fall victim to life’s challenges, and strategize your success.

Jamie here….

      I’ll never forget the first time I was able to help a client overcome their cancer from a consciousness, or energetic perspective.

      Prior to that I’d spent years helping people beat cancer from only the physical angle – diet and exercise. To be able to get to its core – to the real reasons the cancer even started was so much more rewarding.

      And guess what I discovered…Not only in that first client, but in EVERY subsequent client with cancer I’ve found there is always an Orange Gold (Power of Protection) issue, usually buried deep in the unconscious. It’s not the only issue, because cancer is very complicated, and unique to each person.

      But it’s the only consistent issue I see every time.

      What does it mean to have an Orange Gold issue? On some level you have a misconception that you can’t protect yourself from invading toxins and stress. And your cells respond to that message.

      At it’s core, cancer is an invasion into our cells of pathogenic material which would be shielded naturally by our immune system if our Orange Gold warrior is on the job..

      The bottom line is that one of the best things you can do for yourself to prevent cancer is strengthen your Power of Protection! When you learn to protect yourself inside your subconscious mind, you become immune to “getting” cancer.

      Like a martial artist that can deflect a punch and redirect aggressive energy, your body can be taught to navigate carcinogens, toxins and cellular invaders with the help of your own Orange Gold “warrior”.

      Of course, there’s more to the cancer story, and other important preventative measures you can take (I’m still promoting those oxygen-rich foods and copious amounts of fruits and veggies), but we’ll save those for another day. This week, make sure your Inner Warrior feels like it knows how to protect you – right down to the cellular level.

Get connected to The Power of Orange Gold
 so you can protect yourself appropriately!

With your Orange Gold warrior at your side you will: 

Let go of victimhood, and have the confidence and hutzpah to take care of yourself and those you love.

• Come up with strategic plans to safeguard yourself and others.

• Have the courage and strength to stand up for the underdog.

Avoid any pitfalls and create circumstances that support you.

Take charge of situations that would otherwise overwhelm you.

Even if Orange Gold is not in your Vibrancy Signature,
 it can still help you look out for yourself
(without trampling on anyone else)!

Just imagine what it might be like if you went to bat for yourself and others so that everyone could feel safe, cared for, respected, and honored! That could put a quick end to being disrespected, mistreated, swindled, misrepresented, or simply overlooked.

With the help of The Power of Protection, you can turn chaos into sanity, confusion into clarity, and helplessness into right action. What a relief!

Two moves to take to ensure your Power of Protection is strong:

#1: Do you feel like you’re helpless when it comes to dealing with some strong forces in your life?  Here’s an affirmation that will help you stand up for your own interests:

“I am protected!”

Stop and sing it 7 times out loud or to yourself whenever you know you need to step into your warrior shoes and move into action.

#2: Keep the Protection Vibrancy Essence by your side if you need some help taking charge of your wellbeing. Take 14 drops under your tongue daily or whenever you feel like a victim of circumstances.

Be the champion in your life.

The best lightning rod for your protection is your own spine.

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


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