Posted by Chaya | Posted on 01-13-2015
With the holidays behind us, now is the time to check in with your Power of Support to see if it’s in need of a little nurturing and fluffing up after a season of giving so much to others.
Here is a very common scenario of an imbalance in the Power of Support:
- You’re over-extended and have too much on your plate.
- You don’t have time (or take the time) for your own self-care – like a massage, meditation, exercise, etc.
- You feel guilty if you say “No” to a request for help.
- It just doesn’t feel right to ask someone else to help you.
- When help does come your way you deflect it in some way, insisting you don’t need it.
- You worry if you don’t help so much, people won’t love you.
Of course, this is not the only way a Silver imbalance shows up, it’s just the most common one we hear from our clients.
But any issue around the concept of support – giving it, giving too much, receiving it, taking too much, feeling unsupported and as though no one’s “got your back”, or even getting overwhelmed by other people’s needs are all signs that your Power of Support needs….well, some support.
It’s better to give and receive in equal measure.
Chaya here…
There’s nothing like low back pain to test your balance with the Power of Support.
This was our situation a while back when an old diving injury flared up for me. If you’ve ever had low back problems, you know what I’m talking about. Things you do every day are suddenly difficult or impossible.
When you drop your pen on the floor you just leave it, because the floor is suddenly very far away, and bending down is fraught with danger.
Every step you take is careful, gentle, and you’re tense all over just hoping you don’t make a wrong move.
And heaven forbid if you sneeze. Ouch!
So, Jamie and I got to test our health with Silver consciousness.
I got to practice asking for help. This wasn’t too difficult. The challenge was doing it and still feeling empowered. It’s embarrassing to admit, but I can fall into self-pity pretty easily and then I get whiney. It’s not a pretty sight.
I did pretty well at supporting myself where I could. I did my Vibrancy Healing therapeutic homework, got myself to the chiropractor, got a massage, and did some gentle stretching when I was able.
Jamie got to work on the other side of the Power of Support – giving it. He managed to add to his schedule the extra work around the house and help me when I needed it, without exhausting himself in the process.
He kept track of how he was feeling so he knew when he needed to take care of himself and refill his own well of energy….even when it meant saying ‘No’ to a request of mine. As you might expect, even his ‘No’ is gentle and kind.
Oooh, and then back in my court. I got to practice handling Jamie’s ‘No’, respecting his needs, and finding another way to get the support I needed.
All in all I think we did very well. I give Jamie and A and myself a B+. I’ve just GOT to work on that whiny thing.
Asking for support does not equate with weakness.

Giving and receiving in equal measure,
in a healthy way, can feel wonderful!
Here are a few of the benefits you’ll experience when you strengthen your Power of Support:
- You’ll know how to decide how and when you offer your service – choosing the tasks that really juice you, and therefore give you energy instead of drain you.
- You’ll say “Yes” to supporting yourself and take that yoga class, go for that walk in the woods, or do whatever it is that fills your well, so you’re fresh and ready to serve when it’s time.
- You’ll discover how saying “No” just might be the best thing you can do for someone, and for you, and so the guilt won’t have a place to live.
- You’ll be able to ask for help when you need it without feeling like you’re weak or inconveniencing someone.
- You’ll be able to receive someone else’s help when it comes…and you’ll probably discover that in the receiving, you’ve done them a huge service.
- You’ll know deep down that you’re loved for who you are, not for what you do for the people in your life.
2 steps to strengthening your Power of Support
#1: Say or sing this proclamation until you believe it with your entire being:
“I give and receive support easily.”
#2: Take 7 – 21 drops of the Support Vibrancy Essence daily. This remedy will align you with the energetic frequency of Support, and help you fill up your own well so that you can fully be available to serve others.
Be good to yourself!
“On self-care: If you put yourself on the back burner,
you may get burnt … or burn out.”
~ Karen McMillan