Posted by Sallie Justice | Posted on 02-22-2022
Do you have some Yellow Gold in your Vibrancy Signature, that zesty Power of Lightheartedness?
It’s the one that…
- adds that playful take to the normal ups and downs of life.
- enables you to wear your challenges lightly.
- helps you look on the bright side of troubling scenarios around you.
- and helps you find the humor that helps make life enjoyable…even when its not.
Granted, you probably have a laundry list of things in your life that deserve serious adult focus and attention. Your self care, your family, your car, your home projects, your career, not to mention the challenges in your community and around the world. But remember…

Wake up the Power of Lightheartedness
in your life this week
with the following exercise!
1) First, to help strengthen your Yellow Gold connection, take a few drops of Lighten Up Vibrancy Essence, if you have a bottle. (You can order it HERE!).
2) Next, saturate your being with these affirmations below.
I am silly.
I am light-hearted and laugh at life.
I handle life’s ups and downs easily.
I transform by lightening up.
3) To help you lighten up a bit this week, every time something “goes wrong,” isn’t “right” or is challenging or troublesome to deal with, think to yourself, or better yet, say out loud in a funny way:

Believe it or not, this simple healing sound can drain away some of the drama, ease the tension, and bring you back to center.
For one week, as often as you can, turn all your “Oh-No’s” into “Uh-Oh’s”, and see how things unfold for you! Life is going to happen regardless. You may as well keep a light heart and silly spirit along the way!
4) Another great antidote to too much seriousness is to affirm whenever you think of it:
I’m lighthearted and laugh at life.
I handle life’s ups and downs easily.
Maybe you don’t have Yellow Gold, but wish you did! Maybe others who have it annoy you. That’s a sign that you too could use a little boost to this oh-so needed Power – this facet of our humanity that helps us keep things in perspective and not overly heavied out by the natural, but not always fun, ups and downs of life.
5) Enjoy yourself!

Keep it light!