Sow Good Seeds with the Power of Guidance!


Posted by Jamie and Chaya | Posted in Newsletter, Personal Empowerment | Posted on 10-04-2014

What a blessing that you have free will! You can choose. Every minute of every day you have choices. But where do they lead? Do you let yourself be guided by the short term and long term vision of what your actions will create for you, and sow the seeds of good karma? Or do you find your life circumstances complicated and challenging.

This is what it might look like when your moral compass is due for a little recalibration:

  • You beat yourself up about those extra pounds you’re carrying around, and just can’t understand why they won’t come off.
  • You feel irritated about why bad things keep happening to good people like you.
  • You worry that the IRS might come knocking at your door because of those questionable deductions on your tax return.
  • You keep going deeper into debt, hoping someday down the road you’ll figure out how to pay it all back.


Of course you’re familiar with the expression,
“As you sow, so shall you reap”, right?

Have you ever seen The Biggest Loser? It’s filled with the Power of Guidance themes.

First, it’s obvious that the participants’ obesity is a direct result of their actions. They ate – a lot. They didn’t exercise. They didn’t manage their anger issues, heal their low self-esteem, or deal with any other underlying causes. Then came the obesity and loads of other consequences: health issues, more low self-esteem and anger, isolation, hopelessness, depression.

Then, they apply for the show and reap the benefits of that – they win a chance  to live at Biggest Loser Ranch. They eat less and healthier, they exercise, they process their feelings….and viola, they lose weight. Every week you see the results of their actions as the pounds fall off.

They work on other Violet Gold lessons too. They make friends, or not. They’re kind to each other, or not. And when they ‘play the game’ in an underhanded way – it always comes back to bite them in the butt.

It all comes back. Every word, every action, every inaction is a choice. And every one has it’s consequences. In the bigger picture, you can’t really get away with anything. But when you see or sense forward, and understand the ripple effect  of your choices, you know what the right choices are for your life, have better ability to govern your thoughts, choose more positive actions, find more opportunities to help others, and can trust that your random acts of kindness will create a beautiful ripple.

It’s not about feeling guilty.
It’s about living in alignment with your conscience, so that you can reap the benefits of the good choices you make.

Every day Life gives you endless opportunities to access your Power of Guidance. Follow it’s lead!

When you get it that everything you think, say, and do will impact your future, you can turn your whole life around!

  • You’ll feel empowered, confident, and optimistic about your future. You’re no longer doing things that heap more problems on yourself.
  • You’ll enjoy a clear conscience, because you’re not trying to get away with anything.
  • You’ll stop feeling like a victim of the winds of fate, and realize how much of your own experience is directly related simply to what you do or don’t do.
  • You’ll make wise choices that will create more stability in your life, more harmonious relationships, better health, and greater abundance.
  • You’ll free up your time and energy for playing with friends and family…..instead of having to spend that time dealing with the fallout of bad choices.

 It’s all up to you! The more responsibility you take for your thoughts, words, and actions, the farther you’ll fly!


2 ways to build a solid foundation in your life with the “bricks” of the Power of Guidance:
#1: Tired of creating havoc by making short-sighted choices in your life? Turn your karmic ship around with this affirmation:

“I am responsible for my actions!”

We recommend that you sing this 7 times out loud or to yourself. Let these words permeate your consciousness morning, noon, and night. Then let them determine your next step.

#2: Keep the Guidance Vibrancy Essence on hand for those times when you want to go unconscious to the law of cause and effect. Take 14 drops under your tongue daily, or whenever you need to wake up and pay attention to the seeds you are planting.


“The words you speak today should be soft and tender…
for tomorrow you may have to eat them.”

“Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”

~ Unknown


It’s Spring! Plant the best seeds you’ve got!

Don’t quit! Tap into the Power of Persistence


Posted by Jamie | Posted in Accomplishment, Newsletter | Posted on 24-03-2014

Do you keep thinking about those dreams you’ve had in the past that never materialized?  No problem. The road to making them a reality just has to be paved with the Topaz Power of Persistence. Does that mean drudgery? No, not if you’re following the path that is right for you.

Stop a minute. When you think about your unmet goals and dreams, do you:

  • Notice a wave of heaviness and depression wash over you?
  • Lack enough confidence to try again?
  • Still deal with the fallout of having been so inconsistent that people don’t really trust you any more?
  • Believe that you’re just irresponsible and unpredictable?
  • Settle for less because you don’t want to just slog through all the boring parts of creating the life you thought you wanted?

Persistence - never-give-up

If you answered “yes” to any or all of these, know this:

It is possible to chase your dream,
put the work in day after day,
enjoy the journey,
AND reach your destination.

Jamie here….

The first time I watched Chaya dive was in a video of her at about 10 years old. She would do a dive, swim to the side, get out of the pool, do another dive, swim, get out, dive, swim get out. Over and over – perpetual motion. And the whole time, she glowed with joy.

I said, “So how many dives did you do in your career?” She looked baffled for a moment, because she’d never considered adding them all up.

She started mumbling the math out loud, and scribbling on a piece of paper. “Let’s see…21 years, 50 weeks per year, 6 days a week, 2 workouts a day for 10 of those years…..”

An Olympian’s journey begins with a vision, but without The Power of Persistence it turns to ashes.

250,000 times my wife climbed a ladder to a diving board or a platform in pursuit of her dream. Many of you know she won a bronze medal in the 1988 Olympics. But what most people don’t know is that after the Olympics, she went back to the pool, trained more, and won the World Cup the following year, defeating the Olympic Gold Medalist along the way.

As Calvin Coolidge said, “NOTHING takes the place of persistence.”

Whether you’re going after your Big Visions or just trying to lose 10 pounds, it’s one foot in front of the other, steadily and consistently showing up and putting the work in. So make sure it’s work you enjoy!

Don’t beat yourself up if you haven’t been consistent and reliable in the past…


The Power of Persistence is within you –
 it may just need to be strengthened, like a muscle.

When you access the Power of Topaz….

  • Your dreams can become a reality. They don’t create themselves. You help create them by your perseverance.
  • You are more effective, more productive, and more responsible. From your relationships to your health to your career, a whole new world of success will open up to you!
  • People will trust, rely on, and look up to you in ways they never could before. You can count on yourself, and others can count on you.


“Slow and steady wins the race,” said the Turtle.
 Clearly, he was connected to The Power of Persistence.

Even if you don’t have this Power in your Vibrancy Signature, it can still help you show up every day to bring about what you want in your life!

  • Do what’s necessary to get you where you want to go.
  • Let your “iron will” sustain you through the most challenging of times, giving you confidence in yourself and faith in the outcome.
  • Enjoy yourself and let your successes become the new “now.” Keep showing up and doing what needs to be done to have what you want to have.

2 Tips to engage your Power of Persistence:
#1: Are you tired of laying around on the couch commiserating about how things in your life aren’t the way you want? This affirmation might put an end to the complaining:

“I am consistent and reliable!”

 Every time you notice that you are about to give up, sing it 7 times out loud or to yourself. Then get ready to stand up, put one foot in front of the other, and commit to one of those Violet Crystal visions you reminded yourself of last week.

#2: Keep the Persistence Vibrancy Essence on your shelf for those times when you are getting bored or discouraged, and are thinking about quitting. Take 14 drops under your tongue daily or whenever you need some help in staying the course.


Grab hold and don’t let go until you succeed
 (or until it is obvious that you are barking up the wrong tree).

“Ambition is the path to success, persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.”

Bill Bradley


Through rain, sleet, snow, and hail, we know you’ll make it!

Are You Protecting What is Precious to You? Call on the Orange Gold Power of Protection!


Posted by Jamie | Posted in Newsletter | Posted on 20-03-2014

A big part of feeling successful, abundant and happy in life is the ability to call on your Inner Warrior when you need to protect what’s most important to you.

No matter how generous and considerate you are of others, you’ll always need to look out for your own interests to ensure your own well being. As the saying goes, “Trust in Allah, but tie your camel.”

But do any of these challenges describe your situation lately?     

  • You feel powerless to do anything about the decisions being made by our political leaders that impact your life.
  • You don’t have a budget or retirement plan and worry you’ll be in serious financial trouble down the road.
  • You cave in when faced with other people, institutions, or even beliefs that seem more powerful than you.
  • Your relationship is slowly deteriorating because you’re both so busy and never take that special time to deeply connect.
  • You know you’re being taken advantage of in some way, but don’t know what to do about it.

   Martial Artist
We’ve seen what happens when people
 don’t defend and protect what matters to them most.

Whether it’s your health, your marriage, your family, your community, your finances, or anything that’s important to you, you’ll need to access your Power of Protection to avoid pitfalls, not fall victim to life’s challenges, and strategize your success.

Jamie here….

      I’ll never forget the first time I was able to help a client overcome their cancer from a consciousness, or energetic perspective.

      Prior to that I’d spent years helping people beat cancer from only the physical angle – diet and exercise. To be able to get to its core – to the real reasons the cancer even started was so much more rewarding.

      And guess what I discovered…Not only in that first client, but in EVERY subsequent client with cancer I’ve found there is always an Orange Gold (Power of Protection) issue, usually buried deep in the unconscious. It’s not the only issue, because cancer is very complicated, and unique to each person.

      But it’s the only consistent issue I see every time.

      What does it mean to have an Orange Gold issue? On some level you have a misconception that you can’t protect yourself from invading toxins and stress. And your cells respond to that message.

      At it’s core, cancer is an invasion into our cells of pathogenic material which would be shielded naturally by our immune system if our Orange Gold warrior is on the job..

      The bottom line is that one of the best things you can do for yourself to prevent cancer is strengthen your Power of Protection! When you learn to protect yourself inside your subconscious mind, you become immune to “getting” cancer.

      Like a martial artist that can deflect a punch and redirect aggressive energy, your body can be taught to navigate carcinogens, toxins and cellular invaders with the help of your own Orange Gold “warrior”.

      Of course, there’s more to the cancer story, and other important preventative measures you can take (I’m still promoting those oxygen-rich foods and copious amounts of fruits and veggies), but we’ll save those for another day. This week, make sure your Inner Warrior feels like it knows how to protect you – right down to the cellular level.

Get connected to The Power of Orange Gold
 so you can protect yourself appropriately!

With your Orange Gold warrior at your side you will: 

Let go of victimhood, and have the confidence and hutzpah to take care of yourself and those you love.

• Come up with strategic plans to safeguard yourself and others.

• Have the courage and strength to stand up for the underdog.

Avoid any pitfalls and create circumstances that support you.

Take charge of situations that would otherwise overwhelm you.

Even if Orange Gold is not in your Vibrancy Signature,
 it can still help you look out for yourself
(without trampling on anyone else)!

Just imagine what it might be like if you went to bat for yourself and others so that everyone could feel safe, cared for, respected, and honored! That could put a quick end to being disrespected, mistreated, swindled, misrepresented, or simply overlooked.

With the help of The Power of Protection, you can turn chaos into sanity, confusion into clarity, and helplessness into right action. What a relief!

Two moves to take to ensure your Power of Protection is strong:

#1: Do you feel like you’re helpless when it comes to dealing with some strong forces in your life?  Here’s an affirmation that will help you stand up for your own interests:

“I am protected!”

Stop and sing it 7 times out loud or to yourself whenever you know you need to step into your warrior shoes and move into action.

#2: Keep the Protection Vibrancy Essence by your side if you need some help taking charge of your wellbeing. Take 14 drops under your tongue daily or whenever you feel like a victim of circumstances.

Be the champion in your life.

The best lightning rod for your protection is your own spine.

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


Sweating the Small Stuff? Call on the Yellow Gold Power of Lightening Up!


Posted by Chaya | Posted in Newsletter | Posted on 20-03-2014

Life is short, so wouldn’t it be great to feel like you can sail through it with ease? Imagine the exuberant feeling you might have it you didn’t get tripped up by the bumps and curves that you meet along the way! But if you are like many people these days, you may:

  • Feel heavied out by the still struggling economy.
  • Find yourself wallowing in misery over all the conflict in the world.
  • Get depressed every time you make a mistake.
  • Yell at your kids when they spill grape juice on their shirt.
  • Freak out because you burned your dinner.

It’s easy to get reactive, but have you noticed how your upset only adds more difficulty and drains your energy?


 That’s when the Power of Yellow Gold can help you out.

Chaya here…  Thanks to a great Yellow Gold lesson I got when I was first learning to be a glassblower, I’m a reformed drama queen.

I was apprenticing with a local artist named Chip. One afternoon I watched him for an hour, as he crafted an amazing blue vase with intricate, elegant silver edging. From liquid, molten glass the vase slowly came into form.

He heated and reheated dozens of times while he created, colored, nurtured, tweaked, shaped, and nudged. When it was done, it was going to breathtaking ~ and probably worth about $500.

Just before he put it into the glory hole (fire) for the last time, a gust of wintry air came through a crack in a window, cooling it too much. Still on the end of the blowpipe, he slid the vase back into the fire.

“Ka-Powwwww!” The vase exploded.

I sucked in a huge breath and held it. I waited for Chip to explode. His creation, his artwork, his high dollar vase was gone ~ poof, just like that.

Chip just got out the broom and started sweeping up the mess.

“Oh my God, Chip, aren’t you freaking out?” I said (because I was).

He looked at me calmly and said, “It’s just glass. It breaks. You just gotta get over it.”

Now whenever we break anything at home, even it’s a piece of cherished pottery or my own glass, I just remember Chip and his reaction….it’s glass, it breaks.

It’s amazing how much stress is saved by not reacting with “Oh No!” and a bunch of drama! Who knew?


Turn those Oh-No’s into light-hearted Uh-Oh’s!
Get connected to The Power of Yellow Gold!

You will:

• Be a lot happier! Everything is much easier to deal with when you can take it lightly.

Stop turning “molehills into mountains” by not heaping a dramatic reaction on top of something that goes wrong.

Easily resolve mishaps and problems, because you find the humor and get on with cleaning up the messes.

• Have plenty of energy to enjoy your life, because you’re not wasting it on worrying about “the small stuff” or things you can’t do anything about.

Not take things so seriously, and ultimately be more fun to be with.


Even if you don’t have Yellow Gold in your Vibrancy Signature,
 it can still help you keep your sense of humor!

Don’t waste another second worrying about the way things are – laugh and move on!  Uplift the people around you with your cheery disposition. Let your light-heartedness bring a nice balance to the more challenging events of life!


Two tips for capturing the spirit of Yellow Gold:
#1: Are you tired of walking around with a gray cloud over your head? Every time this week that you notice you’re lost in the moan and groan about all the miseries in life, take a walk on the light side! Here’s an affirmation to get you off on the right foot:

“I’m light-hearted and laugh at life!”

We recommend that you sing it 7 times out loud or to yourself. Then watch the clouds begin to lift!

#2: The Lighten Up Vibrancy Essence is just the thing when you want to raise your spirits or stop taking things so seriously. Take 14 drops under your tongue daily or whenever you feel yourself going down that old road of misery and drama.


Lighten Up!

“Life’s too mysterious, don’t take it serious.”




Find Your Excellence with the Red Topaz Power of Integrity


Posted by Jamie and Chaya | Posted in Newsletter | Posted on 29-01-2014

“Whatever your life’s work is, do it well. A man should do his job so well that the living, the dead, and the unborn could do it no better.”

~Martin Luther King, Jr.

The Power of Integrity is, in many ways, the embodiment of the Olympic motto: Citius, Altius, Fortius, which means faster, higher, stronger. 

If you add to that, better, healthier, and any other adjective that means more improved, and you’re on your way to understanding the drive this Power brings you.

This is Integrity: To be able to say “Yes!” with honest gusto, when someone asks “Did you do your very best today?”

And, when someone asks you if you could have done it better, you can truthfully say, “No, I did everything I possibly could.”

In the 2012 Australian Open Tennis men’s final, Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic redefined the phrase, “Leave it all out there.”

They played for 6 hours, at a level of intensity and excellence beyond what either the Number 1 or Number 2 player in the world had ever given before.

At the award ceremony, they couldn’t even stand.

In the press conference afterward, both the winner (Novak) and the loser (Rafa) talked about the joy of playing at such a level and their pride in their work and efforts.

Novak remarked, “It was obvious to everyone that we had taken every last drop of energy from our bodies.”


This standard is obviously extreme, but it’s in sports where we often find this pinnacle of integrity. (And sometimes we see the dark shadow as well, as periodic news about fallen athletes has shown us.)

How does the Power of Integrity show up in your life?

At the end of the day, can you say that you’ve lived up to this high standard with yourself and others, that you’ve done your very best regardless of the circumstances?

Or, when you review how you approach your life, do you see that…..

  • You often give up on doing an A-plus job on projects at work, and settle instead for C-level performance.
  • You tolerate relationships that don’t inspire you, because you don’t have the strength to clarify your personal boundaries and get what you need.
  • You’re unhappy with your weight and your level of fitness, but you just don’t have the drive to consistently exercise and eat well.
  • You’re drowning in chaos and drama because you don’t know how to choose what’s in and what’s out of your life, or how to spend your time and use your energy effectively.

Does making your life a “10” seem like an unattainable pipe dream? I mean, who really does that?

People who are strong in the Power of Integrity, that’s who!

No matter where you’re at right now, you can begin moving up the scale towards that 10 of yours.

The Power of Integrity is an energy frequency right at your fingertips. You just have to access it, align with it, and strengthen it within yourself.

Success can be yours, too!
Whatever your 100% is, give that.

Tap into your Power of Integrity and you will:

  • Stop settling for mediocrity because you’ll access your inner strength and tenacity, finding that deep and honest commitment to doing your very best.
  • Be able to set and maintain the boundaries you need to ensure your relationships have quality, respect, appreciation, and healthy dynamics.
  • Discover that drive you need to meet your own standard of excellence when it comes to taking care of your body.
  • Respect yourself and make better choices that don’t waste your valuable time and energy, or compromise what you believe in.
  • Get a raise, or reap the other benefits of how you impact those around you because you expected greatness from yourself, and pushed yourself to achieve it.

 Here are two ways to strengthen the Power of Integrity in your  life:

#1: Tired of living a mediocre life or tolerating things that don’t fit with your highest dreams and goals?  Here’s an affirmation that will be just the ticket to perk you up:

“I have integrity and high standards!”

We recommend saying or singing it 7 times daily until you find yourself
raising the bar when it comes to what you can do and how you do it. Before you know it, you’ll feel like going for the Gold!

#2: Keep a bottle of the Integrity Vibrancy Essence around to combat any thoughts of settling or tolerating.  Whenever you start feeling like you just don’t have what it takes to live a life of excellence, take 7 drops. Then ask yourself what your next step would be if you DID…and do it.

It’s 10% off this week to help give you that added boost. 

Connect to your Power of Integrity and
live a 10 life!

 “The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor.”

~ Vincent T. Lombardi

Leave it all out there!

Play More With Your Yellow Power of Fun


Posted by Jamie and Chaya | Posted in Fun and Relaxation, Newsletter | Posted on 02-01-2014

Can you be the life of the party when you want to? Can you bring a spirit of playfulness wherever you go? Do you have fun in your everyday activities?

Here’s a few challenges you might be facing if your Power of Fun is faltering:

  • You’re so bored with life (or exhausted from your day) you just flop down in the couch every night and pass the hours in front of the TV until you fall asleep.
  • The first thing you do when you’re out with friends or at a social gathering is get a drink of alcohol so you can loosen up.
  • You don’t do anything that wasn’t planned out ahead of time.
  • You keep your nose to the grindstone, work hard and follow the rules….but you’re burned out, unhappy, and have no social life.
  • Life seems filled with drudgery – it’s all chores, responsibilities, and hard work.

Yellow Confetti

Fun and play keeps the doctors away.

 Chaya here…

“My fun quotient is a little low,” I told Jamie one day, and a few days later we were sharing an inner-tube and flying down a slide, laughing the whole way.

Finding what fills up YOUR Fun Fund is critical.

Here are a few of ours:

~ reading in the hammock (fun and relaxing)
~ going to the movies (fun and entertaining)
~ a new house project (fun and creative)
~ going down waterslides (pure fun)

On our recent waterpark adventure we were one of the only couples over 20 that wasn’t there with kids. It didn’t matter to us – we were kids for the day!

We went down every slide, no matter how small and simple or big and scary. (Although the one that was dark was a little too frightening to be fun for me!)

We soaked up hours of pure joy and merriment, letting the water spray us in the face and dump on top of our heads out of giant-sized buckets. We even pretended we were going through a wormhole to another planet on one curvaceous slide through a green tube.

I know you’re thinking this sounds all summery, and yet it’s the week before Christmas….but it was an indoor waterpark at a nearby ski resort, where people also go to ski and play golf….for FUN!

So, what’s fun for you?


Enjoy Yourself and Enjoy Your Life !

If you don’t remember the last time you had some pure, joyful, childlike fun, you’re in for such a treat. When you strengthen your inner Power of Fun, the whole world will look brighter!  It’s like letting the YELLOW sunshine in.

  • You’ll find activities to fill your evenings and weekends that give you energy and leave you feeling refreshed, relaxed and happy.
  • Fun will ooze out of your pores – enlivening conversation, finding games to play, goofing around. You’ll be the life of the party, without having to rely on alcohol or drugs.
  • You might just occasionally throw your plans to the wind, be spontaneous, and discover something magical.
  • You’ll balance your work ethic with vacation time, game night, and playing with friends, bolstering your health and happiness along the way.
  • The daily activities of life will be fun and engaging because you’ll instinctively know what’s needed to spice them up and make them more entertaining for you.

2 ways to rev up your Power of Fun:
#1: Are you done with all things serious?  Tired of living a joyless existence? Well, try this affirmation on for size.

“I’m joyful and playful.

We recommend saying and singing it 7 times daily until you begin to access that part of yourself that knows how to have a good time not matter what. Remember, if it isn’t fun, why bother?

#2: Take a bottle of Fun Vibrancy Essence along everywhere you go this week. When you notice yourself going down the path of grayness and drudgery, getting lost in all the have-to’s and obligations, take 7 drops. Then walk over to the sunny side of the street and kick up your heels. If you’re going to live life, why not have fun doing it?! It’s funny how the important things get done more easily when you see life as more of a playground than a prison. 

Let’s Play!

 “Not a shred of evidence exists in favor of the idea that life is serious.”

Brendan Gill


Fill up your Fun Fund FAST!


Yes You CAN with the Magenta Power of Confidence!


Posted by Jamie and Chaya | Posted in Newsletter | Posted on 15-12-2013

There’s just about nothing you can’t conquer with the Power of Confidence on your side!

Lose weight? Done.
Win that 10K? No problem.
Get your dream job? For sure.

If these kinds of things aren’t happening easily for you, perhaps your Magenta energy needs some boosting and balancing. Here are some of the symptoms that your Power of Confidence is flat:

  • You don’t try new things or ask for what you desire (like that raise).
  • You don’t bother setting goals because they just never seem to work out.
  • You hear yourself say, “I can’t” a lot.
  • A lot of things in life just seem way too hard.
  • When you have a deadline you have to meet at work, your stress level goes through the roof and you feel panicky.
  • No matter what kind of success you reach, you see all the places you could’ve done better.
  • You feel like you’re not living up to your potential.


See what happens when
you take that “t” out of “can’t”.

One way to boost your Power of Confidence is to have someone in your corner who believes in you and is there to pat you on the back when you need it!

Coconut the Dog here today….

Nice to meet you! I know Chaya and Jamie have introduced me in past emails. I thought I’d share a common Magenta moment from my world…

I like it when Chaya and Jamie (Mom and Dad, to me) throw a stick in the lake and I get to chase it and bring it back.

BUT, I’m actually a snow dog – seriously, I could pull you on a sled across Siberia. Swimming is not really my thing. You should feel how heavy this fur coat is when it’s wet!

So I prefer it if the stick is just a couple of feet into the water, so I can stand on the bottom and only get wet up to my tummy.

If the stick lands a little further out, well, I don’t mind swimming for a few seconds. No matter what though, I keep my tail up and out of the water. That beautiful plume is kind of my calling card, and I do not like it soggy and flat.

However, sometimes I hear Mom or Dad say, “Oops”, and then the stick flies really, really far out into the water. I don’t know why. Seeing it floating all alone so far away gets me very stressed out.

I stand on the shore and beg it to float back to me. I feel so sad. I really don’t want to lose it, but I’m just not sure if I can swim that far.

But then, I go back to Mom, and she pats me between my shoulder blades and says, “You can do it, Coconut! I believe in you!”

Sometimes she yells it a bunch of times (she’s a Blue Green, ya know!), and I start to get really excited and I feel like Wonder Dog. I can do anything! I can conquer any task! I CAN swim!

I run to the edge and leap into the water (Mom and Dad always go “Wow!” when I dive like that). They even count how many seconds I swim for – sometimes I ‘set a record’, whatever that means.

When I bring the stick back I get more pats and they say, “Great job! We knew you could do it! You’re the BEST!”

Yep, I think I just might be the best snow dog swimmer ever!

Confidence 2013 - Coconut Swimming2It’s time to get in your own corner
and pat yourself on the back!

Here are some of the things you can expect when you balance your Magenta Power of Confidence:

  • Your self-esteem quotient will fill out and you’ll face life with gusto, ready to go out and reach for the brass ring.
  • You’ll feel motivated to set meaningful goals and work toward them.
  • You’ll believe in yourself, who you are and your abilities, and find yourself saying, “I can and I will!” (Watch out world!)
  • Pressure will become your friend, and when it shows up you’ll feel creative, alive, and ready to go.
  • Your successes will come with a sense of joy, celebration, and accomplishment. Self-criticism will fade away.
  • You’ll believe in your own potential and feel motivated to wake up each day and expand into it.

 2 ways to feel into your Magenta Power of Confidence:
#1: Are you weary of feeling like a failure all the time? Here’s an affirmation you can begin using to turn over a new leaf:

“I am confident and believe in myself.”

We recommend saying and singing it 7 times a day until you begin to notice more of what you CAN do than what you can’t.  And if you can do all that, then surely there is a lot more you are capable of! So give yourself a good ole pat on the back and go for it!

#2: Take a bottle of Confidence Vibrancy Essence along everywhere you go this week. When you notice yourself caving under pressure, and doubting your ability to pull something off, stop and take 7 drops. Then draw in a nice deep breath, and step forward knowing that you can do it…with confidence, you can find a creative way through anything!

 Go forth with confidence!

“Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn’t be able to fly,
but the bumblebee doesn’t know that so it goes on flying anyway. “

~ Mary Kay


We believe in you!

Have More Than Enough with the Gold Power of Abundance


Posted by Chaya | Posted in Newsletter | Posted on 29-11-2013

Opportunities to tap into more abundance surround you every day, no matter what “they” say. Whether its more joy, more ideas, more opportunities, or more money, when you access your Power of Abundance, you are able to see and welcome in the many riches that Life has to offer.

Why give into a sense of lack and limitation, when with a little shift in perspective, you can keep your Power of Abundance online and strong.

Here are a few scenarios of what it might look like when yours is offline in the money department, and in need of support:

  • You’re worried and stressed about not having enough money to pay your bills, get food on the table, pay for your kids education, etc, etc, etc…ETC.
  • No matter how much money you make, or how many material items you collect, you still feel broke, behind, or like there will just never be enough.
  • The tension is so thick with your spouse around money that you’re walking on eggshells, hiding your purchase receipts, and just wishing Ed McMahon would show up at your door and solve all your problems.
  • You wonder if you have some ‘worthiness issues’, maybe even deep in your unconscious, that create your money challenges.
  • You feel overwhelmed at the thought of taking on anyone else’s needs but your own, which you already feel you can barely manage.
  • You feel tight, fearful, and controlling, resisting change with all your might.
  • You feel guilty about not giving any donations to your favorite charities lately, but you know you should hold on to what you have in these crazy financial times.

Gold Fountain

“Prosperity is an internal state,
not an external state of having a certain amount of money.”
~ Shakti Gawain, Creating True Prosperity

Chaya here…

Although prosperity is so much bigger than money, it’s money that’s been the big mirror for me of my consciousness and where I’m at.

On one hand, I’ve generally felt incredibly prosperous for years, but my credit card balances have shown that some money issues have still been playing out.

A couple years ago some good friends of ours inspired us to start tithing on a regular basis. It was always something we wanted to do, because it seemed like a good spiritual practice. But, we thought it would be best to pay off our debt first.

Then I read The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity. Law #1 is, of course, Tithing. Give and the Universe will give back. Well, now this just felt kind of manipulative of the Universe. And it started out that way, I admit. Although I wasn’t proud of the thought, I was hoping that by tithing, we would increase our income.

Every week I took money right off the top and put it into an account I created just for our tithing savings. I researched charities and found ones that really moved my heart.

One of my early favorites was Operation Smile, an organization that corrects children’s cleft palates around the world. These are kids that might be hidden away from society and even thought of as monsters in some cases!

It turns out, for $250, Op Smile can perform cleft lip surgery, give a child a  smile, and oftentimes, give them a life they’d never had. I’d squirrel away our tithe money until I had $250 and send it to them in one chunk.SmilingGirl

Can I just tell you how amazing that felt?! We were helping transform real lives! I couldn’t believe how prosperous I felt inside, knowing that we were able to do that.

Then came the moment I felt the big shift.

I was laying in bed one night, saying my gratitude prayers. Up until then, I’d usually include a prayer for more money to come our way to help us pay down our debt.

That night, my prayer shifted. “Please God, send us more clients or find a way to increase our income so we can help more kids get their smiles fixed!” I had such a deep yearning, such deep gratitude.

All my cells were so filled with this magical potion called generosity, that I couldn’t hold back the tears.

Of course you know what happened next. Feeling so prosperous created a vibe. The Universe answered in kind.

Our debt is now shrinking. I’m happy and grateful for that, but it doesn’t even matter like it used to. Because the feeling of abundance and generosity in me is so full, I trust the rest will take care of itself.


See the abundance that is already
flowing in your life, and let it grow!

Gold energy is so powerful! The benevolent Kings and Queens of old, who would look out for their kingdom and make sure everyone’s needs were met, had the Power of Abundance in spades. Here’s what can happen if you strengthen yours:

  • Instead of stress, paying your bills will be accompanied by gratitude for all that you have….heat, water, electricity, cable, and those wonderful kids who desire to go to college!
  • You’ll be filled with a trust and a knowing that there is enough for you, you’ll be safe and cared for, and all your needs will be fulfilled.
  • Your conversations with your spouse about money will end in hugs, not hurt.
  • You’ll step into your powerful, radiant self, confident in your own worthiness.
  • Looking out for others and even taking on responsibility to help them meet their needs will not seem daunting, but rather like a worthy challenge.
  • You’ll recognize when change needs to happen, and discover how to flow with it comfortably.
  • You’ll feel rich and powerful on all levels, with time, energy, and money to donate….making you feel more rich and powerful yet!

2 ways to access your Gold Power of Abundance:
#1: Are you tired of living in a constant state of restriction and lack? Here’s an affirmation you can begin using to open up a new door:

I am generous and prosperous.

We recommend saying and singing it, 7 times daily. Then take responsibility for changing any of your beliefs, attitudes, or actions that have been blocking the flow of abundance to your door. The more you share your true wealth, the more Life can shower you with its endless riches.

#2: Keep a bottle of Abundance Vibrancy Essence in your back pocket this week. Every time you notice yourself clinching your purse strings, stop and take 7 drops. Then loosen that grip, and consider that all you give will come back to you tenfold. Open your hand and let the prosperity flow.


As you give, so shall you receive.

“Withhold no good impulse. You may fear that you will run to excess and squander too much, but those feelings are born of fear. In God’s reality, the more you give of yourself–in feeling, generosity, self-expression, goodness, creativity, and love–the more you will be given.”

~ Deepak Chopra


May your life be filled with abundance!

See What’s Possible with the Violet Power of Envisioning!


Posted by Jamie | Posted in Newsletter, Success and Abundance | Posted on 19-11-2013

One of your best allies in difficult times is the Power of Envisioning. Sometimes, though, cynicism seems awfully tempting when it looks like things will never go the way you know they could.

Here are a few questions to check and see if this energy is strong and balanced enough for you to fully rely on:

  • Have you lost hope in the country’s economy, wondering if you’re ever going to be able to earn and save enough money to retire the way you’ve dreamed?
  • Is your faith in politics thin and frail because you think all politicians are just full of hot air, controlled by Big Business, unable to cooperate, and not to be trusted?
  • Are you afraid of what’s coming in your future?
  • Do you feel stuck in the day to day grind, getting things done, but feeling empty inside?
  • Do you feel directionless and without purpose, wandering through your life without any inspired visions or goals?
  • Have you given up on having dreams because in the past you’ve crashed and burned, and it’s just too painful to have hope?

Dreamy landscape

Don’t let what seems impossible
distract you from what IS possible.

Jamie here….

My personal challenge hasn’t been having visionary ideas, it’s been figuring out which of my visions are timely and worth my focus.

I’m constantly envisioning how this work can help more people to get into alignment with who they were born to be, and heal the root causes of what’s keeping them from their grandest visions.

A couple of years ago Chaya and I were deeply moved by the opportunity to reveal a new vision we had for how to expand our capacity and powerfully help people with this work.

We invited a few close friends and business advisors to our home, and told them how our ideas of what we thought possible had shifted, morphed, and grown with us as we had grown.

Then we described the changes we planned to make in the months and years ahead – all in alignment with this new future we wanted to live into.

It was so empowering to share our updated visions. We felt incredibly loved and supported. These generous friends gave us their time, shared their heart, and reflected back to us the power and rightness of where we wanted to go.

They gave us the energy and courage to move forward and take action, helping us to being our dreams into reality in a way that can help you in ever deepening ways.

None of this would have happened without our own reliance on our Power of Envisioning. The more we have unveiled our new plan to everyone we know, the more we see our dream taking shape – it is only a matter of time.

Dreams are the maps to your future.

Don’t let anything keep you from dreaming up what’s possible for you! If you strengthen and balance your Power of Envisioning….

  • You’ll be able to clear the stress of what’s going on with the economy, keep your focus on your retirement plan, and tap into all the resources available to you. 
  • You’ll keep your faith in finding visionary candidates that look beyond their next re-election cycle, and who will help us create a future we’ll all want to live in.
  • You’ll feel renewed hope and confidence in what’s ahead for you, and not be bogged down by your fears.
  • You’ll find the new visions that will inspire you each day to do what you love and give you purpose.
  • The dreams of the past that didn’t come true will lose their strangle-hold on your present, and you’ll see all the new possibilities ahead of you.

2 steps to wake up your Violet Power of Envisioning:
#1: Are you ready to let go of hopelessness and despair?  Whether you feel it just a little or a lot, here’s an affirmation you can begin using to shift this tide:

I envision a bright future.

We recommend saying and singing it 7 times daily. Then start dreaming. Dream as big as you can. The more you strengthen this muscle, the more your mind will soar with new images of what is possible. Keep your eyes focused on those, and your old reasons for giving up will gradually fade away.

#2: Keep a bottle of Envision Vibrancy Essence close at hand this week. Whenever you notice yourself feeling cynical, pessimistic, or fearful about the future, stop and take 7 drops.

Then step back, take a breath, and ask yourself, “How would I LIKE it to be? If I thought there were no obstacles, what is really possible here?”

Let your thoughts take wing, and notice how much more open and hopeful you feel. Let this feeling keep you imagining a future that you want to live into. All great things start with a vision.

If you can dream it,
it can be.

“You have sole ownership of your vision.
And the Universe will give you what you want within your vision.
What happens with most people is that they muddy their vision with “reality”.
Their vision becomes full of not only what they want,
 but what everybody else thinks about what they want, too.
Your work is to clarify and purify your vision so that the vibration that
you are offering can then be answered.”

Abraham Hicks

Here’s to dreaming big!

Liberate Yourself with the Peach Power of Forgiveness!


Posted by Chaya | Posted in Newsletter | Posted on 01-11-2013

The research is out: One of the best ways to lighten your load in life is to practice the art of forgiveness. A tall order? Maybe, but anyone that has explored what makes life and relationships work has found this to be one of the big keys.

When you let yourself and others off the hook for past errors, a lot of energy is freed up to get on with life and do what really matters today.

What about you? Are those little grudges you’re holding onto siphoning off your precious life energy? (Ok, that was a trick question because, regardless of what you think, the answer is: Most Definitely.)

Here are some cues that your Power of Forgiveness could use some strengthening:

  • You’re still processing with your therapists all the anger and resentment you feel about how your family treated you when you were young.
  • You beat yourself up for all the things you think you could’ve done better or differently….how you’ve handled your money, how you’ve treated your health, how you treat your kids, etc.
  • You’ve lost good friendships because you couldn’t figure out how to forgive and move forward after something ‘went down’.
  • You find yourself acting fake when you see your boss or that neighbor you had a run-in with, smiling on the outside, but seething on the inside.
  • Sometimes you punish your spouse by not talking or withholding love when you’re angry with him/her…occasionally turning a small disagreement into a full-blown argument.
  • You “forgive” someone because you know you should (it’s the spiritual thing to do) or because you need to in order to get by (like a boss), but in fact you’re stomach gets tight or you feel tense or angry every time you see that person.

”Unforgiveness is the poison you drink every day 
hoping that the other person will die.”

~Debbie Ford


 What’s a quick and easy way to free your energy?
Lay down those hard feelings once and for all!

 Chaya here….

I found this on the internet one day, and thought it was so beautifully written and critical to this topic:

”Forgiveness is not about condoning another’s hurtful actions, it’s about releasing your negative emotions and perceptions about the painful events.

Otherwise you keep yourself chained to those events or people – 
you keep it alive within you – and you carry it with you wherever you go.


It’s a very heavy burden to carry around and you end up 
crippling yourself emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically.”

Ok, well, writing this email is proving to be kind of difficult for me….it’s making me realize I’ve really got to up my game. My own Power of Forgiveness is not as strong as it could be.

I’m pretty good when something happens now in my life that’s upsetting….I can feel my feelings, trust that I must’ve needed that experience on some level, know that the other person did their very best in that moment, feel empathy for both of us, and move toward acceptance.

It may take a little time, but I can usually get there.

BUT….as I review my past, there are a few sticky people who do not pass through my mind with ease. I feel a little “Grrr” as their face pops in. With a couple of them, the feeling is really intense, even though the experience I perceived as an infraction is more than 20 years old!

Some part of me still wants to hang on to the victim-hood, think of them as the “mean girls” who hurt me. Wow, what a drain – it seems so ridiculous now that I think about it. Talk about giving my power away!

A few years ago I bought a book called Radical Forgiveness by Colin Tipping. I skimmed through it and loved his philosophy. But I never got around to doing the exercises though, and even ‘misplaced’ the book for awhile. I guess I wasn’t really ready to put down my burdens quite yet.

I’m admitting this little secret to you in hopes that my confession holds me accountable. If you’re also needing to sharpen up your Power of Forgiveness, then you know you’re not alone.

So, here’s my plan….

Step 1: Right now, I forgive myself for not getting around to this sooner, for not being a more evolved human being, and for holding grudges!!!

Step 2: I make a commitment right now to myself, with you as my witness, that I’m going to take the Peach ColorEssence daily, and get back to my book and do the exercises in it.

I’m going to stick with it until I know I’ve truly forgiven the “mean girls” because they’ll have, as Rev. Karyl Huntley says, “harmless passage through my mind.”

If you’re being drained by old resentments too, I hope you’ll join me on this quest to forgive.

Friendly Bees

Forgive yourself and others to have
more room to love yourself and others!

Tap into your Power of Forgiveness – it will make your life much easier!

  • Those victim stories of your childhood will transform, and the resentment that is blocking you from having a totally loving relationship with your family will melt away.
  • You’re confidence will go up, the misery will go down, and your health and sleep will improve because you’ll be less judgmental and more accepting of your actions and choices.
  • You’ll heal old friendships and keep the current ones healthy and happy.
  • You won’t develop ulcers from the unresolved grudges burning inside, and when you see those people you used to have anger toward, you’ll feel peace and freedom, and able to be real with them.
  • You’ll find loving ways to get through those difficult moments with your spouse, quickly and without creating unnecessary damage.
  • You won’t forgive someone “because you should”. You’ll forgive because it feels better than hanging on to the hurt.