The Power of Creativity


Posted by Jamie and Chaya | Posted in Newsletter | Posted on 01-09-2015

Even if you show no signs of being a born Picasso, do you still wonder if you really have that seed of creativity lurking deep inside? The answer is, yes! Creativity comes in many forms, and shines through you in ways you may be overlooking or taking for granted. When you widen your view, you can discover the artist that you are!

You may be out of touch with your Power of Creativity if you…

  • Took it to heart when your grade school teacher told you that you weren’t artistic.
  • Feel like some people are just born artists, and that they have something special that you don’t.
  • Are convinced there isn’t a creative bone in your body, simply because your drawings of people are always stick figures.
  • Try to write something only to find that all the words seem to flee, and you’re left staring at the blank screen.

Creativity comes in many “shades and colors.”

Notice how it shows up in you!


A few years back we were in Michigan at hospice with Jamie’s 95 year-old Mom, and as a family we were all reviewing this amazing woman’s creative life.

She had 6 kids and was the matriarch of 26 offspring total, including a Great Great Grandchild! Yes, creating and raising children is an expression of creativity!

She also owned and ran her own real estate business, and for a creative hobby she remodeled and redecorated houses. When she felt too advanced in years for that, she built miniature homes and decorated them. Up to a week before she went into hospice, she still drove, went to her book club, and did the NY Times Crossword Puzzle!

As we sat with her during her final hours, it felt like we were connected through her to some place of divine creativity, as she seemed to sometimes be having conversations with us, and sometimes with angels.

At one point, she said, “My bridesmaids dresses are really pretty. You’re really going to like them.” Even then, she was remembering her more creative moments.


Creativity affirmation

The Power of Creativity is in each of us, regardless of

age, gender, background, or childhood!


As with all the Vibrancy Powers, this is a light frequency, flowing through your body, just awaiting your awareness and channeling. 

When you’re connected to the Power of Creativity, you:

  • Know you’re creative no matter what anybody else says, because you can feel it inside just waiting to come out!
  • Realize that creativity takes many forms, and you celebrate the unique way it flows through you.
  • Don’t waste time judging yourself for what you can’t do. Whether through writing, dancing, music, art, speaking, parenting, or how you live your everyday life ~ you connect deeply with your own artistry and it shows.
  • Open the gates and let those juices flow, knowing that there’s no one “right” way to express the creativity that lies deep inside.

Claim Your Inner Artist with the Purple Gold Power of Creativity


#1: Say or sing this affirmation until you believe it with your entire being:

“I express my creative gifts and talents!”

#2: Take 7 – 21 drops of Creativity Vibrancy Essence daily. This remedy will help unlock your creative self, and express what’s inside for all the world to see and enjoy. Order yours HERE!

To live a creative life,
drop your fear of being wrong.


”Creativity is neither a rational deductive process, 
nor the irrational wandering of the undisciplined mind,
but the emergence of beauty as mysterious as the
 blossoming of a field of daisies out of the dark Earth.”

~ Thomas Berry

Affirming the eternal artist in you!

The Power of Patience


Posted by Jamie and Chaya | Posted in Emotional Stability, Newsletter | Posted on 28-07-2015

There’s no substitute for being patient and keeping your cool in the middle of a topsy-turvy world. You can remain peaceful in the middle of challenging situations, and be a calming influence on everyone around you. It sure makes dealing with the many demands in life so much easier!

To find out if patience is a lost art in your world, ask yourself these questions:

  • Does your blood pressure shoot off the charts every time you find yourself stuck in traffic that’s moving about as fast as you could walk?
  • Do you have big emotional swings? Going back and forth between hot and bothered, and cold and withdrawn?
  • Are your relationships like this: irritation building, tempers flying, saying things that cause pain and can’t be taken back? Then a lot of time spent trying to patch things up and rebuild trust?
  • Are you a door-slammer, a yeller, one of those people who always seems to be storming out of the room when things don’t go your way?
  • Do you tap your fingers (and your feet!) in frustration when the people ahead of you in line are taking their sweet time, and ignoring the fact that you have more important things you’ve got to get to?
  • Do you feel guilty about how judgmental you REALLY feel about other people much of the time?
  • Are you spread so thin, that you don’t have an ounce of patience with your kids anymore?

If a puppy can learn patience, surely you can too!


When we got Coconut at 8 weeks old, she had what we saw as an ‘eating disorder’, meaning, whatever she saw, she ate: paper, socks, mulch, rocks…if it was on the ground it was in her mouth and down her throat.

And when we gave her actual food, she snorted and inhaled it in the blink of an eye, and then had hiccups and indigestion. She had no patience!

It turns out there are a lot of cool dog toys that make them work hard for their food. They have to toss the toy, or roll it, or pry it open to get their food, and even then it’s only a little at a time.

One of our favorites was a bottle you put the food in, with a rope at the opening. She would have to stand on the rope and push the bottle back and forth to make a piece of kibble fall out. Sometimes a meal would take 15 minutes.

But she learned it – now she eats normally, and leaves the mulch for the plants and the socks for our feet. So yes, you too, like Coconut, can develop the Power of Patience. Maybe you just need a food toy.

Coconut and Lampchop 9 weeks2Coconut – when she was just a little toddler

Equanimity here you come! The Power of Patience is a frequency all around you – yes, even in your body.


When you’re connected to the Power of Patience, you will:

  • Feel calm and centered while you’re waiting in slow traffic. You’ve learned…stressing over it doesn’t speed things up.
  • Stay so even-tempered that people just love being around you. You calm THEM down without even trying.
  • Have time to enjoy the good stuff in your relationships, because you are no longer pouring your energy down the rat hole of petty fights.
  • Revel in your ability to stay calm, cook and collected no matter what’s happening around you. How strong and centered you’ll feel!
  • Peacefully wait your turn in the check-out line. The folks ahead of you need a little nurturing too.
  • Feel free of judgment as it melts into appreciation and acceptance.
  • Keep your cool with your kids, regardless of how much they try to test you.

2 ways to steep yourself in the Power of Patience:


#1: Say or sing this affirmation until you believe it with your entire being:

“I am patient, loving and even-tempered.”


#2: Take 7 – 21 drops of Patience Vibrancy Essence daily. This remedy will align you with the energetic frequency of Patience, and help you transform angst into emotional ease. Order yours HERE!

Nurture yourself and others ~
Strengthen your Power of Patience!


“Inner peace is impossible without patience. Wisdom requires patience. Spiritual growth implies the mastery of patience. Patience allows the unfolding of destiny to proceed at its won unhurried pace.”

~ Brian Weiss

Stay cool !

The Power of Concentration


Posted by Jamie and Chaya | Posted in BrainPower, Newsletter | Posted on 30-06-2015

When your brain is online, you are sharp as a tack, and quick with facts. But if things are little slow up there, read on. We might have some good tips for you.

How’s your ability to concentrate and process information these days? Are any of these familiar?

  • There were three things you wanted to remember to do when you got home from work today. What the heck were they??
  • Your new neighbor just came over and introduced herself. But now you’re embarrassed, because two minutes later when you turn to introduce her to your husband….you can’t remember her name!
  • Your brain just crashes like a frozen computer when you try to tackle your checkbook or you have to work with numbers.
  • You’re concerned you’ll look dumb at Game Night. It’s Trivial Pursuit this time. You used to know a lot of those answers, but are sure you won’t be able to recall any of them now.
  • You’re drowning in emails. There are too many and they’re coming in way too fast. You just close your Inbox and hope they’ll all evaporate.
  • You’re anxious because your memory seems to be getting worse every month – you wonder if you’ll even remember your own name and address by the time you hit 70!

Wouldn’t it be nice if there was something to blame for your sluggish concentration and fuzzy, foggy brain?


We were in Barnes and Noble last week and the young woman helping us seemed to be having a concentration-challenged day.

When she tried to look up a book title for us, her computer froze. As she tried to find the book on the shelf, she couldn’t remember exactly where the section was. Later she checked us out, and gave us incorrect change.

“I think my baby ate my brain,” she said, as she patted her pregnant belly. We all had a good laugh.


It’s time to reclaim your brain!  Call in the Power of Concentration!


When you’re connected to this energy you’re a master at assimilating facts:

  • Your mind is like a steel trap and you easily access your memory bank.
  • You don’t panic when you want to introduce someone. You get their name the first time, and it sticks.
  • You easily use technology to process all the information you don’t want to, so you have room in your brain to process what you do.
  • Thinking clearly is your new normal. Trivial Pursuit? Jeopardy? Where you put your keys? No problem!
  • That sharp mind of yours comes up with a system for quickly and efficiently managing your emails, plus all the data and the information that flies across your desk every day.

2 ways to turn on your Power of Concentration :


#1: Are you tired of scratching your head, trying to remember everything? Here’s an affirmation that can help open up those mental floodgates.

“I concentrate easily!”

We recommend that you sing it 7 times out loud or to yourself whenever you feel like your brain is stuck in “still processing” mode. Then zero in on the facts you need and get on with your life.

#2: Keep a bottle of Concentration Vibrancy Essence close by this week. When you feel a dip in your brain power, take 7 drops. It will be like hitting the refresh button on your computer. Order yours HERE!

Life’s not only about the facts,
but mastering them opens the door to what’s behind them.


“It’s hard to be nostalgic when you can’t remember anything.”

~ Author Unknown

Here’s to your brainpower!

The Power of Altruism


Posted by Jamie and Chaya | Posted in Accomplishment, Newsletter | Posted on 16-06-2015

What is Altruism? It sounds noble because it is. Here’s a definition: the practice of unselfish concern for, or the devotion to the welfare of others.

It’s when you are so moved by a need you see in the world that you just have to take action. When you see suffering on a small or large scale and you feel that commitment deep inside that says, “I must do something about this!”

And yes, you will make a difference. As Margaret Mead said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

Are you tapping into your Power of Altruism, showering others with your deep care for their well being? Or….

  • Do you already feel so swamped with people and things to take care of in your own life that the thought of helping others sends you over the edge?
  • Do you feel guilty because you ignore all those email campaigns that flood your inbox every day, sending you into “save the planet” overload?
  • Are you so painfully lost in your own issues that it never crosses your mind to devote your time and energy to a cause?
  • Are just too depressed to feel like you can muster up the energy to help anybody, not even your next door neighbor?
  • Are you frustrated because there just too many causes to pick from? Do you stall out trying to decide which one to sign on for?
  • Do you feel like you there is no way you could really make a difference anyway?

If so, you’re not alone. But there are some really good reasons to clear the overwhelm and exercise your Power of Altruism.


Have you heard the starfish story?


There’s a little girl walking along a beach that’s covered with starfish for as far as she can see. Thousands of them have been washed up on shore with the tide, and they’re dying in the sun.

The little girl is walking along, picking up one at a time, and throwing it back into the ocean.

An older gentleman walks up to her and asks her what she’s doing.

She says, “I’m saving the starfish.”

He replies, “But there are thousands and thousands! You can’t possibly make a difference here!”

She reaches down, picks up a starfish, looks at it intently, then hurls it into the water.

The girl looks up at the old man and says, “I just made a difference for that one.”


The Power of Altruism is within you!
It’s the Blue Topaz frequency,
just waiting to come alive and be a part of your life.


You may think what you do is only a drop in a bucket, but those drops add up and become an ocean. Your actions will impact a whole lot of people and tons of circumstances (that you may never know of) down the line.

Strengthen your connection to this frequency and you’ll feel that Power of Altruism come alive within you. You’ll feel:

  • Powerful in taking a stand and making a difference for what you care so deeply about.
  • An infusion of new energy in your life, lifting your depression and disconnection.
  • Your own issues and problems shrink, as the positive energy of focusing on easing someone else’s pain fills your soul.
  • The deep satisfaction of playing your part in the big picture, and knowing your every action makes a difference to someone.
  • That contributing to your cause of choice is so fulfilling that you’ll wonder if you should be paying THEM to let you do it!

2 actions to take to wake up your Power of Altruism:


#1: Tired of feeling depressed, lonely, and useless? Here’s an affirmation that will give you a new lease on life.

“I make a difference in the world!”

We suggest you sing this out loud or to yourself 7 times whenever you notice yourself getting so self-absorbed that you don’t care any more. Then pick up that phone, hop online, walk across the street and reach out to someone else who could use your help!


#2: Take 7 – 21 drops of Altruism Vibrancy Essence daily. This remedy will align you with the energetic frequency of Altruism, and help you remember that you can make a difference in the world and to take that first step. Order yours HERE!


There’s no time like the present to move some mountains,
one stone at a time.


“The best antidote for despair is action.”
~ Joan Baez

Thank you for the difference you make in our lives!

The Power of Optimism!


Posted by Jamie and Chaya | Posted in Newsletter | Posted on 19-05-2015

3 to 1. Apparently that’s the magic ratio that will lead you to flourishing in life instead of languishing.

Many studies have recently been showing that if you want to be truly, deeply joyful, creative, and open that you have to have at least 3 positive thoughts or feelings for every one negative thought or feeling.

It sounds easy, doesn’t it? Sure, with the Power of Optimism flowing freely through your being, it would be.

But, if you’ve succumbed to all the fear in the news, or if life has just knocked you around one too many times recently, perhaps this has gotten out of balance making it hard for you to easily access your Power of Optimism.

Here’s what it might look like if the negative thoughts are winning in your life:

  • At end of day, you feel drained and exhausted. You go home, flop in the chair and fret about all the challenges you had to deal with today, and worry about the new ones you’ll have tomorrow.
  • Everything just feels so heavy, soooo difficult. There seems to be roadblocks at every turn.
  • You find yourself telling everyone you talk to about how rotten everything is – how stressed you are, how your mother calls up to complain all the time, how your dog pooped on the floor yesterday, what a mess the political scene is….
  • You’re just not having any fun. Everywhere you look, you see more reasons to give up. “Life sucks,” is your mantra.
  • You’re whining about never getting ahead in your career. Clients don’t stick with you, your boss doesn’t give you a raise, people just don’t seem to want to work with you.

We’ve all been there, but have you gotten so used to the negativity and pessimism in your mind that you don’t realize how deeply it’s affecting you?

Go ahead!  Take those lemons and make some fabulous lemonade!

Optimism1 - poppies3


Do you want to remember the good stuff or the bad?


A good friend of ours was just showing us her family photo album a while back. There were wonderful pictures of her kids and herself and her husband, in all their ages and stages.

There were photos of them laughing, playing at the beach, huddling for warmth in their tent on a camping trip, roasting marshmallows over a fire, opening presents on Christmas morning. To us there seemed to be a lot of joy and many great memories.

This simple experience of looking at these photos turned into a little healing moment for our friend though….she told us how she barely remembered all of those experiences! That when she thinks of all the years of the kids growing up, she remembers the fights, the stress, the car shuttling in traffic, the messy house, the times they got in trouble at school or had their painful heartbreaks.

She remembered the negative stuff very clearly. But all the joy, the positive experiences, the laughter, the play – that was all fuzzy. (Good thing she’s got the pictures to remind her!)

Of course, our friend knows about the Vibrancy Path, so the next thing she said was, “Boy, I think I really need to strengthen my Power of Optimism! For all these years, my attention has been captured by the negative experiences, instead of focusing on all the positive ones. Wow, how did that happen?”


Positivity can help you live up to 10 years longer!
Use the Power of Optimism that’s right at your fingertips.


As with all the Vibrancy Powers, this is a frequency in your energy field, just waiting to be called upon. It’s an energy that you can tap into to help you focus on the good in your life. Heal thyself of pessimism and see what life has in store for you! You will:

  • Have plenty of energy to sink your teeth into life, because you’re not pouring it down the drain of misery.
  • Discover that, no matter what people say, life can actually be fun! The good stuff has always been there, but now you’ll be able to really see it and feel it.
  • Realize that when you look on the bright side, you see more options and opportunities for ways to make things even better.
  • Find that you’re getting that raise or magnetizing more clients who just can’t wait to spend time with you and your sunny disposition.
  • Accentuate the positive – and it’ll rub off on others. Everyone around you will start noticing what’s good about life, and the positivity will multiply.


2 ways to tap into the Mocha Gold Power of Optimism:


#1: Say or sing this proclamation until you believe it with your entire being:

“I direct my thoughts toward the positive.”

#2: Take 7 – 21 drops of Optimism Vibrancy Essence daily. This remedy will align you with the energetic frequency of Optimism, and help you open yourself up to all that is good in your life. Order yours HERE!

Optimism is a choice.


 “You can complain that roses have thorns
or rejoice that thorns have roses.”
~ Ziggy

Choose optimism!

The Power of Enthusiasm


Posted by Jamie and Chaya | Posted in Energy, Newsletter | Posted on 05-05-2015

Thumbs Up copy

“WAY TO GO! Wow! That’s awesome!”

When was the last time someone said something like that to you?

Sallie, one of our Vibrancy Signature Coaches, was just telling us how she says this kind of thing to her 4 year old grandson, Alexander, two or more times an hour…accompanied by a thumbs-up or applause.

I used to get and give “Woo-hoos” every day, when I was training for the Olympics in diving. Throughout practice all the divers would whistle and cheer for each others’ great dives. We fed on all the enthusiasm and it kept us motivated to do our best and try to be the next one to earn some high-fives.

So WHERE IS THAT in our everyday adult lives??!

How many times a day do you get woo-hoo’d? Can you even remember the last time someone gave you a shot of enthusiasm, patted you on the back and told you how amazing you were and what a fantastic thing you’d just done?

Remember Miss Manners and all the rules she laid down about how to conduct ourselves in society? Wouldn’t it have been great if she’d decreed that it’s impolite NOT to fist-pump and thump someone on the back with a “Way to go!” whenever they did something well?

Can’t you just see it?…..You give a customer excellent service and afterward, when your peers or your boss don’t applaud you, you’d think, ‘Well, that was rude. You didn’t jump up and down about how awesomely I handled that customer. Hurrumph.’

But no, it’s not considered rude. It’s ‘normal’! You do what’s expected of you and people only notice when there’s a mistake. That’s not much of a motivation to do things better, much less enjoy the process.



Should high-fiving enthusiasm be reserved only
for small kids and sporting events? No Way!


If the Power of Enthusiasm has been dampened down in your world, then here’s some of the effects you’re possibly feeling:

  • You drag yourself through your day with no juice coming from anywhere or anybody to make you feel like what you’re doing is worthwhile.
  • You contribute to the Starbuck’s fortune with all the espressos you buy just to get you through your week because your energy reserves are on empty.
  • You tank up on junk food to numb your melancholy.
  • You lose friendships because you’re so absorbed in your own misery and lack of vitality that you just aren’t much fun to be around.
  • You feel old, dull, and critical of anyone else that has the audacity to get excited about ‘inconsequential’ and ‘childish’ things.

But imagine what it would be like if you were giving and
receiving lots of woo-hoos every day?


Doesn’t reading that last statement just perk up your energy right way? Your Blue Green cells are probably getting pumped up just thinking about being showered with accolades on a daily basis rather than criticisms (or even just plain neutrality).

You might:

  • Feel more loved and appreciated….like you’re not out on some island all by yourself, but that what you do is noticed and recognized by others around you.
  • Engage with people and with your life more deeply, realizing that there’s lots to get excited about now that it isn’t ‘illegal’ to express it.
  • Begin to wake up others around you with your own ecstatic outbursts, expressive comments, and all that vitality you start letting out of your bag.
  • Make more friends by recognizing their accomplishments and motivating them to put their best foot forward!
  • Start craving healthy nutritious food, because you just feel like keeping that good vibe going throughout your whole body.

How about you? Are you ready to get on the Blue Green train to bringing more enthusiasm into your life?

2 ways to wake up your Blue Green Power of Enthusiasm:


#1: Say or sing this proclamation until you believe it with your entire being:
“I’m enthusiastic!”

#2: Take 7 – 21 drops of Enthusiasm Vibrancy Essence daily. This remedy will align you with the energetic frequency of Enthusiasm, and help you break out and EXPRESS yourself!

Guess what! You really don’t have to grow up!
It’s A-Okay to keep your excited
kid self alive no matter how hold you are!


“Nobody grows old merely by living a number of years…
Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.”

~ Samuel Ullman

Woo-Hoo to you!!

The Power of Commitment!


Posted by Jamie | Posted in Newsletter, Relationship | Posted on 21-04-2015

The Power of Commitment is right there inside you, ready to be drawn upon
to work it’s magic in your life. Everything you want to do in life is easier if you are accessing this energy.

If you’ve lost touch with this part of your nature, you’re probably facing some painful struggles. You might hear yourself saying things like this:

  • “I love my partner, but we’re both so busy that we don’t spend any time together. We’re like two ships passing in the night.”
  • “I’m not getting anywhere in my career because I keep bouncing around from one job to the other. At some point I always end up feeling smothered and afraid they want to own me….so I leave.”
  • “Here I go again. I’m restless and bored in this relationship, so I guess it’s time to end it. That’s always my cue to get away while I still can.”

Even outside the realm of relationships:

  • “I’ve been thinking about updating my kitchen for years. I’ve just never taken the leap to start the process. But meanwhile, every day I’m spending way too many hours feeling irritated by the lack of counter space, ugly cabinets and old appliances in there.”

Commitment Enews - penquins3

If you’re not 100% sure you want to get out,

then jump 100% in with both feet!

Allow the Power of Commitment to carry you!


Ah, but….it’s impossible to jump in with both feet when one foot is stuck in the past, isn’t it?

Have you ever noticed how much harder it is to make a solid commitment when you’re carrying a lot of baggage?

It can be very challenging to deeply engage in a new relationship when there’s anger, resentment, or heartbreak still hanging around from a previous one.

It’s so much more difficult to be truly devoted as a parent if you’ve got a lot of issues left over from your own childhood.

If you’re waiting for your current boss to start treating you as poorly as the last one, it’s unlikely you’re able to fully give your all at work.

One of the things I love most about being a Vibrancy Healing Coach is helping people find hope and transform their struggles into triumphs. It’s such a deep honor to witness and participate in their journey as they get to the core of what’s held them back, learn from their past, and write a new future.

And, as they transform those limiting beliefs, or free themselves from the tyranny of stuck emotions, more energy becomes available for them to commit to friends and loved ones more deeply, or to dive deep into their passionate hobbies or projects.

You can do this too. You do not need to feel trapped by your past. You can rewrite your history, learn those lessons your soul is trying to capture, and chart a new path with your energy fully committed to all the things you dream of and all the people you care about.

When you walk the path of commitment, to yourself and the growth of your spirit, to your friends, family, and dreams, you can bear all, sustain all, and awaken to your true Soul’s nature.


Call on the Power of Commitment!

It will buoy your life and sail you across the troubled

waters of your past to the land of your dreams!


You won’t believe how true blue devotion can change your life. When you sign up for the long haul, and balance and strengthen your Power of Commitment you’ll:

• Discover the lessons waiting for you in the old baggage you’ve been hanging on to, and feel it finally release its hold on you as you take that new awareness forward into your future.

• Flush your fear of commitment down the drain, and soak up the joy of deep and caring relationships.

Bask in the love and appreciation your family and friends will show you, because you’re fully “in”.

Experience the power of continuity in your life. Instead of “cutting and running” when things get difficult, you’ll find the secret to strong happy families, long fulfilling careers, and projects you’re proud of.

• Drink in a sense of accomplishment. Whether it’s a relationship, a career, or a backyard garden, when you stick with something or someone every step of the way, you’re sure to grow something wonderful.

2 tips to help you be “true blue”:


#1: Say or sing this proclamation until you believe it with your entire being:

“I am deeply committed to myself and others!”

#2: Take 7 – 21 drops of Commitment Vibrancy Essence daily. This remedy will align you with the energetic frequency of Commitment, and help you get off the fence and devote yourself for the long haul to something or someone you care deeply about.


You can always find excuses to do things half way.

Why not hop into the pool with both feet?


“There are only two options regarding commitment.
You’re either in or out. There’s no such thing as a life in-between.”

~ Pat Riley

Here’s to a life of true commitment and devotion!

The Power of Growing!


Posted by Jamie and Chaya | Posted in Newsletter | Posted on 07-04-2015

You know how fresh and clean the air feels after a good thunderstorm? Well, it’s the same for you after some old stuck patterns get shaken up a bit, making room for a whole new way of being, and helping you live into your potential.

Sometimes, though, you might resist the “shaking up” phase, thinking that it will cause more harm than good. Do you ever do things like this?

  • You suck it up, settle and get stuck in your unhappy situations, and then one day you say “I can’t take it anymore!”
  • When someone points out something you do that bothers them, you get defensive and say or think, “This is the way I am. Deal with it.”
  • You put on a happy face, but underneath you’re miserable, and you don’t know how to change it.
  • You think that someday, when life slows down, you’ll try to get around to having that talk with your partner about what’s not working in your relationship.
  • You ignore a nagging little health problem, thinking it will just probably go away by itself


Everywhere we look, we’re being called to evolve.


There’s really amazing paradigm shifting happening in the world right now. Dictators are being ousted, governments are being reborn, the rumblings of the Earth are turning our lives upside down, and people are saying “enough!”.

Destruction and re-creation on a massive scale. Like one of Mother Nature’s forest fires, the old is being destroyed to make way for new growth to occur.

But does it have to be SO big, SO painful, SO out-of-control? Only when the dis-ease has been allowed to fester for so long that the all that will clear it is total destruction.

We’ve noticed in our own life that growth CAN be painful, but it doesn’t have to. We’ve done it both ways.

We’ve ignored warning signs that what we were doing wasn’t working, getting frustrated and angry. Banging our heads against walls….

And, we’ve also evolved in a much gentler way, noticing challenges when they’re small. Looking for the truth, being open to the discomfort of new awareness and change, we’ve been able shed the old ways and align with the next level without burning down the house.

Guess which way we like better! Letting the Power of Growing be our ally instead of our enemy is way more empowering and energizing. And more fun too!


Transform yourself and others by facing the truth and
finding new ways to break up old stuck patterns.
Tap into the Power of Personal Growth!


Shift those paradigms! When you access the Power of Growing, you will….

  • Welcome your challenges, seeing them as perfect opportunities for more growth.
  • Feel empowered, hopeful, and open to trying new ways of being and doing things. Possibilities expand when you are willing to create yourself anew.
  • Dissolve limiting patterns early in the game, so you don’t have to resort to extreme measures when things have gotten out of control.
  • Be more willing to try new things, because you realize that staying with the same old, same old doesn’t cut it in your pursuit of a fulfilling life.
  • Discover more of who you really are by venturing into new territory

It’s always tempting to hide out in the safety of the familiar, but it’s a lot more fun to move toward growth. Even if you don’t have Red Gold in your ColorPrint, it’s power is still at your fingertips to help you evolve and live into your true potential.


2 Ways to create more powerful Growing moments for yourself:


#1: Are you tired of being stuck in the mud (in your job, relationships, health, goals….)? Do you think there’s no way you can change how you are, or the situations you’re in? Then pull your head out of the sand with this affirmation:

“I grow and develop each day!”

We recommend that you sing this 7 times out loud or to yourself. Repeat, repeat, repeat. Then step into your power to shift how you deal with your life situations so that things are more in alignment with your truth.

#2: Keep the Growing Vibrancy Essence handy for those times when you’d rather retreat into your comfort zone than face the truth head on, allow your outdated paradigms to shift, and stretch into new ways of being. Take 14 drops under your tongue daily or whenever you need a boost in creating a new you.


Growth and change aren’t always comfortable,
but can definitely be liberating!


“One can choose to go back toward safety or forward toward growth.
Growth must be chosen again and again;
fear must be overcome again and again.”

~ Abraham Maslow

Here’s to an ever new you!

The Power of Healing!


Posted by Chaya | Posted in Newsletter, Self-Care | Posted on 26-02-2015

Healing can happen on so many levels and by way of so many different powerful modalities these days. The important thing is to listen to your body and respond to its call for rejuvenation and health in the ways that resonate with you.

One area you’ll want to pay close attention to is the effects of electromagnetic energy. Thanks to all our technological advances, we are now more connected than ever, but this amazing capability that we have also has some negative consequences:

  • You hang up your cell phone and notice your ear is on fire. Do you wonder what’s happening to your brain?
  • You’re up late on your computer, then are too wired to fall asleep. What’s with that?
  • The vibes in some places just give you the willies. What makes you want to run away screaming?

Our first house was a little like that…

Have you ever been in your kitchen with no one around, no TV on, just you and the silence? Then, your refrigerator cycles off, and you realize that it wasn’t actually all that quiet before but now it really is? And you feel yourself relax into the peace?

That’s what it was like for us when we moved to our rural home in a little valley of the Blue Ridge Mountains.

Prior to that, we’d been living in a house in the city that had a giant, alien-looking high-power electrical tower about 30 yards away. We knew that beast was giving off a lot of Electromagnetic waves (EMF’s) that weren’t healthy for us, but it was easy in everyday life to forget about it.

We did feel a lot of stress and tension living there though, with occasional bouts of anxiety and sleeplessness, but we didn’t necessarily make the connection.

When the lease was up we escaped to our new home in the countryside, where there not only are no electrical towers, but we have difficulty even getting cell phone service within a mile of our house.

And that’s when we realized that the city house, and even us, had been humming like that fridge, and we hadn’t noticed it affecting us….until we moved and it stopped. It was like there was silence in our nervous systems where before there were bees.

We both began to relax and unwind in ways we hadn’t been able to for a year. The anxiety melted, the tension dissipated, and we could finally get a good night’s sleep.

Hopefully you’re not in such an extreme situation. But you’re probably aware of times when you pick up energy – from people, from a place, or from an electronic gadget.



You don’t have to be stuck with that uncomfortable energy!
Get connected to The Power of Healing!

You will:

  • Be more sensitive to the energy that’s in and around you, recognizing whether it’s the kind that can gives you pleasure or causes you discomfort.
  • Be pain-free, because you’ll be able to clear away any kind of unwanted energy, whether it’s from a physical injury, those pesky EMF’s, or something you picked up from a stressed-out person.
  • Reduce anxiety, tension, and irritation.
  • Feel balanced and as though your body is a clear channel for your life energy to flow through.
  • Feel more grounded, focused, and decisive when you’re “crystal clear” and free of static on all levels.
  • Keep yourself healthy by being aware of stuck energy and knowing how to ground or release it.

Any health issue can be improved by learning to resonate with the energy that moves through everything and knowing how to let it flow…and let it go.


Three steps to Crystal Clear Clarity:

#1: Do you feel overwhelmed by too much technology buzzing in your space? Do you feel drained by the company you’re keeping? Do you feel zapped by the vibes in a place? Here’s an affirmation you can begin using to turn that around:

“I clear away foreign energy!”

Saying and signing this affirmation 10 times a day will begin to reinforce this Power of Healing in your life.To amp up the power of your clearing, hold the top-back of your head (where your hair spiral is) while you sing.

Other good tips:

  • Shake out your arms and legs and wiggle all over, imagining the unwanted energy falling off.
  • Water grounds energy, so wash your hands or shower, letting the energy flow down the drain.

#2: Take 7 – 21 drops of Healing Vibrancy Essence daily. This remedy will align you with the energetic frequency of Crystal whenever you need an energetic lift.

#3: There are many articles on the web with info about the dangers of EMFs on your health. Here are a few we like:


Connect to Crystal and tap into your healing energy.


“I can tell you that anything that happens in the physical body will happen in the pattern of the energy fields first.”

~ Barbara Brennan

Keep that energy moving!

The Power of Connecting!


Posted by Chaya | Posted in Newsletter | Posted on 06-01-2015

This time of year is a great time to test out your Power of Connecting!

If you find that you resonate with any of these, then it must be time to cozy up with this energy and give it a little more attention:

  • You’re dreading that party you were invited to and all that small talk you’ll have to make with people you don’t really know or maybe even like.
  • Just thinking about visiting your family over the holidays totally stressed you out.
  • You long for a social group of people who love you for who you are, who you can have fun with, with whom you can share the journey of life….your tribe.
  • You feel lonely and isolated, and unsure of how to be in a social situation without feeling awkward.
  • You don’t like or trust most people.

If you are lonely out there on your island,
it’s time to build a bridge!

Chaya here….

By now you probably know that we live out in the boonies. It’s very relaxing and peaceful, just Jamie and I and our animals. And I’m not embarrassed to say I’m a homebody.

I do love it when friends come to visit, but that’s not often because it’s a long drive from anywhere. Sometimes I bribe them with good food.

But if I didn’t make a conscious effort, I could easily go 10 days and not see another person besides Jamie and Sallie! Yeah, it’s happened on occasion.

And then I discovered Facebook.

Ok, I know, it’s not the same as face to face connecting. It’s not lunch with a girlfriend. It’s not anything like the wonderful vegetarian Thanksgiving Potluck we go to every year at our good friends’ home.

But I still find it can be a lovely connection with people all over the world. I love to see what my friend’s think is important enough to post on their wall – funny videos, inspiring quotes, something interesting that’s happening to them.

I know many people think it’s an escape, or they debunk it for not being ‘true’ connecting. But I personally find that my FB friends stay at the forefront of my mind and heart.

Seeing them online puts them in my consciousness, where I can send them love, positive thoughts, compassion, or just something that makes them laugh.

There are many kinds of community. When you find ones that are a fit, jump in!



You can never have too many friends.


Here ‘s what you can look forward to when you build up your Power of Connecting:

  • Parties will become something you look forward to…meeting people, conversing, sharing ideas, and just basking in the warmth of friendship.
  • When it comes to visiting family, you’ll either…A) have the clarity and courage to just say no, or B) your Power of Connecting will be a force for more cooperation, peace and harmony.
  • You’ll find the communities and friends where you truly fit ~ where you’re appreciated for who you are and what your bring to them.
  • Your social calendar will fill up with activities you really enjoy and with people you can easily relate to.
  • You’ll be able to see the good in people, what you have in common, and begin to find those you can trust.

2 ways to befriend the Power of Connecting within:


#1: Say or sing this proclamation until you believe it with your entire being:

“I connect warmly with others.”

#2: Take 7 – 21 drops of the Connection Vibrancy Essence daily. This remedy will align you with the energetic frequency of Connection, and help you interact more easily with people that in the past you’ve tended to shy away from.


To have a friend, be one!


“Wealth is not measured by dollars and cents but by the love we make, the laughter we enjoy, the meals we share, the dreams we experience and the hopes we create.  Real connections are our most precious treasures, whether they are with those that share our orbit or with our true and humble selves.”

~ Amy Georgette

Your friends forever!