Keep Your Cool

Posted by Sallie Justice | Posted on 07-18-2019

Do you recognize this face?

This is what it looks like when the Power of Patience within you is out to lunch. Gone… Zip… Nada…

Invite back the Power of Patience!


Yes, press your inner reset button and invite some soothing Blue Gold energy back into your cells. It’s the part of you that lovingly introduces ease and calm back into any situation.

Cooling off might not happen quickly, though. Once that hotheaded adrenaline gets going, it’s hard to get it out of your system, but if you let the Blue Gold part of your nature whisper a few of these phrases to the parts of you that are off the charts with frustration, you might be able to get back to an even keel before you know it:

To the hotheaded part of you: “Thanks for being so clear about what’s not acceptable to you. I’ll help you find a smooth way for this to work out for all involved.”

To the impatient part of you: “Thanks for letting me know how competent you are. l’ll help you get this handled effectively without breaking things and alienating anyone.”

To the grumpy part of you: “Thanks for letting me know what’s not working for you. I’ll help you find loving ways to nurture yourself and get your needs met.”

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