Posted by Jamie and Chaya | Posted on 09-01-2020
Think about this for a minute:
How does contemplating this image and these words change how you see the world…and how you see yourself?
You might have noticed that there are a lot of very physical, earthly, human issues happening right now. Important. Urgent. Heartbreaking. Scary.
With all this chaos, confusion, and stress, it can be so easy to think that you must DO something. There are many physical, everyday, worldly things you are probably doing to mitigate circumstances, help others, and create safety.
You might also be experiencing a lot of emotional reactivity to what’s going on in the world. And mentally, perhaps you are very busy, too, wondering what’s coming next.
So, with all of that…
How’s your spiritual life going?
It’s so easy to get busy with the worldly stuff! Physically, emotionally, mentally – there is just so much to focus on!
Ok, this might be a good time for a deep breath.
How about a little help from the Power of Balance?
This White Gold energy helps you take the time to nourish your inner life as the true underpinning of all that you are and do. It builds your faith, and refreshes your spirit.
With the Power of Balance strong and healthy:
- You will more easily navigate all the changes going on in the world.
- You will feel guided to put your focus on what is (truly) most important.
- It will be easier to keep your priorities straight.
- You’ll find that your actions are more infused with compassion and appreciation for the sacred.
Let this week be one of bringing
more balance into this dance between
your spiritual life and your daily life.
- Ask yourself: how does Spirit move in you? speak to you? How do you connect with and hear Spirit most clearly?
- Commit to taking time each day this week to connect with Spirit in this way. Whether through prayer, meditation, art, dance or any of the myriad of ways that people connect with their spiritual core, choose the path that speaks to you the most, and devote time each day to do that. Make it your #1 priority just for this week.
- Watch how these regular daily “retreats” impact the other areas of your life. Notice any changes in your emotional state, your overall sense of well being, your ability to meet and handle your responsibilities, and your capacity for sensitivity, joy and appreciation for life. Earmark these moments in your mind. They are indeed sacred.
“We can want peace, but unless we are spiritually at peace ourselves, we don’t mean it. It is our thoughts which keep that part of the universe where each of us stand, out of or in balance.”
~ Little Crow