Accessing Your Wisdom


Posted by Sallie Justice | Posted in Newsletter, Spiritual Connection | Posted on 26-08-2021

When the Power of Wisdom is strong and healthy within you, you “get” the spiritual connection behind everything. With this deep sense of the underlying meaning of life events, you can wisely deal with the everyday surface stuff.

But without this Power, you might find yourself in some pretty uncomfortable places. Do any of these familiar to you?

  • You’re so bogged down with job, family responsibilities, financial stress, and challenging world events, you feel like life has lost its true meaning.
  • Your soul feels like its withering and dying of thirst in the desert.
  • You’re sick and tired of suffering in the dark with no real answers.
  • Anxiety and fear are the current dictators of your life.
  • You feel lost and alone in the world, like a child separated from your parents at a carnival.
  • Sometimes you just shake your head and think to yourself, “What is it all about? What’s the point?
  • You wonder, with all the deeply troubling events and situations escalating in the world right now, IS there even a deeper meaning??

What if you didn’t have any visual depth perception, and everything appeared in 2D like on a flat screen? You would bump into things, you wouldn’t be able to catch a ball hurtling toward you, and you definitely couldn’t drive a car. Being low in the Black Gold consciousness is similar – only what you’re lacking is spiritual depth perception.


Find the treasures hidden


underneath the surface of life.


If ever there was a time to access your Black Gold wisdom, it is now. Bumping up against and battling difficult circumstances on the surface of things is one, and very common, way to attempt to deal with what is happening. But that is only marginally satisfying since without a deeper understanding, it is more difficult for your actions to be wise and comprehensive, and to lead to meaningful outcomes.

But if you dive deep, look beyond, search for the meaning and ask the big questions, chances are you will come back from the depths with an understanding that will help you in unexpected and mysterious ways. When your Power of Wisdom is alive and well, you will….

  • Find meaning in all the moments and experiences of your life – whether you’re paying the bills, driving your child around, or sitting in meditation or prayer.
  • Feel your soul singing with the awareness of the spiritual essence that saturates your being.
  • See the underlying meaning behind what happens in your life and feel comforted by the realization that there are no “accidents”.
  • Relax into life, and let yourself be guided by a deeper truth, rather than be distracted by some scary or crazy event appearing on the surface
  • Develop an internal sense of the interconnection of all beings and the vast Universe you live in….which includes you!
  • See your life as a spiritual journey to be lived, and not just a collection of random events that torment you.

Wake up the Power of Wisdom


in your life this week


with the following exercise!


1) To help strengthen your Black Gold connection, take a few drops of Black Gold Wisdom Vibrancy Essence, if you have a bottle. (You can order it HERE!).

2) Next, saturate your thoughts with these affirmations:


I love to think.


I think deeply and with clarity.


I trust and rely on my deep wisdom.


I delve into the mysteries of life.


3) Now, what is one big question that has been nagging at you lately? Something that you almost beg the Universe to reveal to you to help bring you a deeper understanding, and to guide your way. Something that you hope will ease your sense of confusion and lack of grounding that you may currently feel.

4) Ponder until your question comes clear. Then write it down succinctly, as though it were a koan that you are committed to unraveling.

5) Take this question with you into a chosen quiet time or meditation. (You can actually keep the written version with you at the time.) Commit to holding this question in your consciousness, remaining receptive to any deeper wisdom that may present itself. Have no time table. Have no agenda. Just dive deep and let wisdom speak to you in its own time, and in the words you can ultimately hear most clearly. Watch as your Black Gold nature reveals itself.


It’s not so much the answers that draw us.


It’s the search that enlivens us.

“…if we thoughtfully proceed, if we recognize with equal sensitivity
 the vision of objective science and the revelations of deep introspection,
 we move from information to insight, knowledge to wisdom….
The best of journeys rarely lead to definitive answers.
They simply lead to more questions.”

Gotham Chopra

~ author of “Walking Wisdom”

Here’s to a deep dive!

The Power of Trust


Posted by Chaya | Posted in Newsletter, Spiritual Connection | Posted on 12-05-2016

We all have it…that little quiet voice inside that will guide our next step if only we let it. You can just sense it telling you where to go, what to remember, what to avoid, and more. It’s not always easy to pay attention to it (much less trust it!) in this noisy world of ours. But it can sure save you a lot of hassle when you do!

Could any of these be a scene out of your life?

  • “I’m so out of the flow today. Everything I try to do just turns out wrong. I feel like I’m just swimming upstream, and it’s totally stressing me out.”
  • “Just getting to work every day is such an uphill battle for me. What’s that about?”
  • “My knee hurts like crazy. I’ve been trying to just ignore it, thinking the pain will go away, but it’s getting worse. Is this a sign?”‘
  • “I keep overeating, getting indigestion, and putting on the pounds. Why am I not listening to my body when it first sends me the message it’s full?”

These are all words spoken by people who are struggling with something in their lives, and are beginning to wonder if Life is trying to tell them something.

Do you listen to those kinds of inklings and hunches when you get them? Or do you plow on through and try to force things to go your way?

Trust2 - Night full moon 3

The Universe has your best interest at heart!
It’s constantly sending you signs,
signals and messages.


When you tune in and TRUST your inner guidance, you find the way to flow with what’s going on around you.

Unless you prefer swimming against the current….

Do you remember the European vacation that I told you about in our last newsletter that taught me so much about the Power of Authenticity? Well, I also learned a very big lesson about the Power of Trust on that trip! I learned about how to listen and trust my inner knowing to find, get into, and stay in the “flow”.

Venice was where it all began. Soon after I got there it became almost painfully obvious that I was out of the flow and needed to listen to the inner signals I was getting.

For three days, all I did was swim upstream. I’d take the water taxis to museums and restaurants my guidebook suggested, only to find them closed for renovations or that the owners were on vacation.
And I was constantly getting lost! I’d be turning and turning through the cobblestone streets, going over bridges and down alleys, only to come around a corner and find myself at yet another dead end.
Finally, I realized that I just wasn’t supposed to be in Venice. It didn’t make any sense, and I couldn’t think of any reasons, but the Universe seemed to be telling me to move on.

So I listened to my guidance and hopped on a train bound for St. Anton, Austria. I only planned to stay one night but their summer festival was going on. There I met the most amazing people, went on an unforgettable bike ride, and enjoyed the most luxurious down comforter (in the world) on my bed.
It couldn’t have been more perfect – like I was in some magical flow that was guiding me to the right people and the right place at the right time. So, I listened to these signals and kept staying over another night for as long as my guidance decreed.

Now, I’m not going to lie to you….it’s MUCH easier to “trust the flow” when you’re on vacation, alone, with no one else to answer to and no planned agenda!

Listening to your inner guidance, trusting that the Universe has your best interest at heart, and staying in the flow, is infinitely harder when curve balls are coming at you in the midst of real life.
Spouses, clients, kids, pets, bosses, appointments, and endless necessary errands make embodying this lesson a big assignment.

But Europe gave me my first taste of what it feels like to be strong in the Power of Trust. Now, as best I can, I listen to and trust those inner messages whether I’m on vacation or in the hotseat of my full life. It never leads me astray!

The Power of Trust is an energy frequency
available to you at all times.
Access it and fall into the natural rhythm of Life!


When you do, you will:

  • Save yourself time, energy and drama by realizing quickly when you’ve lost the flow and knowing how to effortlessly find it again. Hint: it involves listening to and trusting that inner voice.
  • Realize that those uphill battles in your job are messages to you that you need to either change how you’re climbing or move to a different hill.
  • Stop overeating or injuring yourself from pushing too hard out of respect for the messages your body is giving you.
  • Look back and see how “right” things actually were when you thought at the time that they were all going so wrong.
  • Know how to tune in, understand the messages your body, mind and spirit are giving you, listen to your guidance, and trust what’s going on.

Everything is happening just as it should be.
Your only job is to roll with it.

2 Tips to Help You Develop Your Power of Trust:

#1: Sing or say this affirmation until you believe it with your entire being:

“I trust that everything happens for a reason!”

#2: Take 7 – 21 drops of Trust Vibrancy Essence daily. It will help you lay down your resistance to what is happening, and to instead align and flow with the river of life that is moving in and around you. Order yours HERE!


Tap into the Power of Trust
and the Force will be with you.

To trust in the force
that moves the universe is faith.
Faith isn’t blind, it’s visionary.
Faith is believing that the universe
is on our side, and that the universe
knows what it’s doing.

~ Unknown

Trust the force!

The Power of Wisdom


Posted by Chaya | Posted in Newsletter, Spiritual Connection | Posted on 08-09-2015

When your Power of Wisdom is strong and healthy, you “get” the spiritual connection behind everything. With this deep sense of the underlying meaning of life events, you can wisely deal with the everyday surface stuff.

But without this Power, you might find yourself in some pretty uncomfortable places. Do any of these familiar to you?

  • You’re so bogged down with job, family responsibilities, bills, and financial stress, you feel like life has lost its true meaning.
  • Your soul feels like its withering and dying of thirst in the desert.
  • You’re sick and tired of suffering in the dark with no answers.
  • Anxiety and fear are the current dictators of your life.
  • You feel lost and alone in the world, like a child separated from Mom at a carnival.
  • Sometimes you just shake your head and think to yourself, “What is it all about? What’s the point?”

What if you didn’t have any visual depth perception, and everything appeared in 2D like on a flat screen? You would bump into things, you wouldn’t be able to catch a ball hurtling toward you, and you definitely couldn’t drive a car. Being low in the Black Gold consciousness is similar – only what you’re lacking is spiritual depth perception.


Dive deep, look beyond,
search for meaning, and ask the big questions.


Chaya here…

I remember when I was 20, and grieving deeply for the loss of my Dad. I’d been feeling very lost, confused, sad, and victimized. I was looking at a bookshelf when one of the titles pulled me in like a magnet. “Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?”

It was the first spiritual/metaphysical book I’d ever looked at, and as I let it fall open I found so many words of comfort to heal my anger and fear.

To this day, I don’t remember what the pages said, but the title has never left me. “Why do bad things happen to good people?” was the beginning question of a deep spiritual quest for me.

Later it became, “Why does anything happen?” and also “Why do good things happen?” All these led me to wonder about my soul’s development. They gave me permission to contemplate the mysteries of the Universe and my life.

Do I have the definitive answers? No, but I find that the answers that have come offer new depth and give me a sense of meaning.

And I keep asking, I keep delving into the mysteries. It’s all about the journey with the Power of Wisdom.

Wisdom - owl2
Find the treasures hidden
underneath the surface of life.


When your Power of Wisdom is alive and well, you will….

  • Find meaning in all the moments and experiences of your life – whether you’re paying the bills, driving your child around, or sitting in meditation or prayer.
  • Feel your soul singing with the awareness of the spiritual essence that saturates your being.
  • See the underlying meaning behind what happens in your life and feel comforted by the realization that there are no “accidents”.
  • Relax into life, and let yourself be guided by a deeper truth, rather than be distracted by some crazy event appearing on the surface.
  • Develop an internal sense of the interconnection of all beings and the vast Universe you live in….which includes you!
  • See your life as a spiritual journey to be lived, and not just a collection of random events that torment you.

2 ways to dive into the Black Gold Power of Wisdom:


#1: Are you tired of feeling stuck on the surface of life, getting whipped around by situations that just don’t make any sense? Next time you’re wallowing in confusion, sing to yourself 7 times,

“I trust and rely on my deep wisdom!”

Then dive in and take a conscious look at what is going on around you. You’ll be surprised by what you might discover!

#2: Keep a bottle of Wisdom Vibrancy Essence with you this week. Every time you feel like you’re having trouble connecting to your spiritual core, take 7 drops. Then let your mind open up and access the deeper truth that has been escaping you…until now! Order yours HERE!

It’s not so much the answers that draw us.
It’s the search that enlivens us.


…if we thoughtfully proceed, if we recognize with equal sensitivity
the vision of objective science and the revelations of deep introspection, we move from information to insight, knowledge to wisdom….
The best of journeys rarely lead to definitive answers.
They simply lead to more questions.

Gotham Chopra –author of “Walking Wisdom”


Dive deep, but don’t forget your headlamp!

Access your spiritual depth perception with the Black Gold Power of Wisdom


Posted by Chaya | Posted in Newsletter, Spiritual Connection | Posted on 05-09-2013

When your Power of Wisdom is strong and healthy, you “get” the spiritual connection behind everything. With this deep sense of the underlying meaning of life events, you can wisely deal with the everyday surface stuff.

But without this Power, you might find yourself in some pretty uncomfortable places. Do any of these familiar to you?

  • You’re so bogged down with job, family responsibilities, bills, and financial stress, you feel like life has lost its true meaning.
  • Your soul feels like its withering and dying of thirst in the desert.
  • You’re sick and tired of suffering in the dark with no answers.
  • Anxiety and fear are the current dictators of your life.
  • You feel lost and alone in the world, like a child separated from Mom at a carnival.
  • Sometimes you just shake your head and think to yourself, “What is it all about? What’s the point?

What if you didn’t have any visual depth perception, and everything appeared in 2D like on a flat screen? You would bump into things, you wouldn’t be able to catch a ball hurtling toward you, and you definitely couldn’t drive a car. Being low in the Black Gold consciousness is similar – only what you’re lacking is spiritual depth perception.

Wisdom - owl

Dive deep, look beyond,
 search for meaning, and ask the big questions.

Chaya here…

I remember when I was 20, and grieving deeply for the loss of my Dad. I’d been feeling very lost, confused, sad, and victimized. I was looking at a bookshelf when one of the titles pulled me in like a magnet. “Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?”

It was the first spiritual/metaphysical book I’d ever looked at, and as I let it fall open I found so many words of comfort to heal my anger and fear.

To this day, I don’t remember what the pages said, but the title has never left me. “Why do bad things happen to good people?” was the beginning question of a deep spiritual quest for me.

Later it became, “Why does anything happen?” and also “Why do good things happen?”  All these led me to wonder about my soul’s development. They gave me permission to contemplate the mysteries of the Universe and my life.

Do I have the definitive answers? No, but I find that the answers that have come offer new depth and give me a sense of meaning.

And I keep asking, I keep delving into the mysteries. It’s all about the journey with the Power of Wisdom.


Find the treasures hidden
 underneath the surface of life.

When your Power of Wisdom is alive and well, you will….

  • Find meaning in all the moments and experiences of your life – whether you’re paying the bills, driving your child around, or sitting in meditation or prayer.
  • Feel your soul singing with the awareness of the spiritual essence that saturates your being.
  • See the underlying meaning behind what happens in your life and feel comforted by the realization that there are no “accidents”.
  • Relax into life, and let yourself be guided by a deeper truth, rather than be distracted by some crazy event appearing on the surface.
  • Develop an internal sense of the interconnection of all beings and the vast Universe you live in….which includes you!
  • See your life as a spiritual journey to be lived, and not just a collection of random events that torment you.

 2 ways to dive into the Black Gold Power of Wisdom:
#1: Are you tired of feeling stuck on the surface of life, getting whipped around by situations that just don’t make any sense?  Next time you’re wallowing in confusion, sing to yourself 7 times,

“I trust and rely on my deep wisdom!”

Then dive in and take a conscious look at what is going on around you. You’ll be surprised by what you might discover!

#2: Keep a bottle of Wisdom Vibrancy Essence with you this week. Every time you feel like you’re having trouble connecting to your spiritual core, take 7 drops. Then let your mind open up and access the deeper truth that has been escaping you…until now!


It’s not so much the answers that draw us.
It’s the search that enlivens us.

“…if we thoughtfully proceed, if we recognize with equal sensitivity
 the vision of objective science and the revelations of deep introspection,
 we move from information to insight, knowledge to wisdom….
The best of journeys rarely lead to definitive answers.
They simply lead to more questions.”

~ Gotham Chopra, author of “Walking Wisdom”


Dive deep, but don’t forget your headlamp!

Get in the Flow of the Power of Trust!


Posted by Chaya | Posted in Newsletter, Spiritual Connection | Posted on 10-05-2013

We all have it…that little quiet voice inside that will guide our next step if only we let it. You can just sense it telling you

where to go, what to remember, what to avoid, and more. It’s not always easy to pay attention to it (much less trust it!) in

this noisy world of ours. But it can sure save you a lot of hassle when you do!

Trust2 - Night full moon 3

Could any of these be a scene out of YOUR life? 

  • “I’m just so out of the flow today. Everything I try to do just turns out wrong. I feel like I’m just swimming upstream, and it’s totally stressing me out.”
  • “Just getting to work every day is such an uphill battle for me. What’s that about?”
  • “My knee hurts like crazy. I’ve been trying to just ignore it, thinking the pain will go away, but it’s getting worse. Is this a sign?”
  • “I keep overeating, getting indigestion, and putting on the pounds. Why am I not listening to my body when it first sends me the message it’s full?”

These are all words spoken by people who are struggling with something in their lives, and are beginning to wonder if Life is trying to tell them something.

Do you listen to those kinds of inklings and hunches when you get them? Or do you plow on through and try to force things to go your way?


The Universe has your best interests at heart!
It’s constantly sending you signs, signals and messages.

When you tune in and TRUST your inner guidance, you find the way to flow with what’s going on around you.

Unless you prefer swimming against the current?

Do you remember the European vacation that I told you about a few weeks ago that taught me so much about the Power of Authenticity? Well, I also learned a very big lesson about the Power of Trust on that trip! I learned about how to listen and trust my inner knowing to find, get into, and stay in the “flow”.

Venice was where it all began. Soon after I got there it became almost painfully obvious that I was out of the flow and needed to listen to the inner signals I was getting.

For three days, all I did was swim upstream. I’d take the water taxis to museums and restaurants my guidebook suggested, only to find them closed for renovations or that the owners were on vacation.

And I was constantly getting lost! I’d be turning and turning through the cobblestone streets, going over bridges and down alleys, only to come around a corner and find myself at yet another dead end.

Finally, I realized that I just wasn’t supposed to be in Venice. It didn’t make any sense, and I couldn’t think of any reasons, but the Universe seemed to be telling me to move on.

So I listened to my guidance and hopped on a train bound for St. Anton, Austria.
I only planned to stay one night but their summer festival was going on. There I met the most amazing people, went on an unforgettable bike ride, and enjoyed the most luxurious down comforter (in the world) on my bed.

It couldn’t have been more perfect, like I was in some magical flow, guiding me to the right people and the right place at the right time. So, I listened to these signals and kept staying over another night for as long as my guidance decreed.

Now, I’m not going to lie to you….it’s MUCH easier to “trust the flow” when you’re on vacation, alone, with no one else to answer to and no planned agenda!

Listening to your inner guidance, trusting that the Universe has your best interest at heart, and staying in the flow, is infinitely harder when curve balls are coming at you in the midst of real life.

Spouses, clients, kids, pets, bosses, appointments, and endless necessary errands make embodying this lesson a big assignment.

But Europe gave me my first taste of what it feels like to be strong in the Power of Trust. Now, as best I can, I listen to and trust those inner messages whether I’m on vacation or in the hotseat of my full life. It never leads me astray!


The Power of Trust is an energy frequency
available to you at all times.
Access it and fall into the natural rhythm of Life!

 When you do, you will:

  • Save yourself time, energy and drama by realizing quickly when you’ve lost the flow and knowing how to effortlessly find it again. Hint: it involves listening to and trusting that inner voice.
  •  Realize that those uphill battles in your job are messages to you that you need to either change how you’re climbing or move to a different hill.
  • Stop overeating or injuring yourself from pushing too hard out of respect for the messages your body is giving you.
  • Look back and see how “right” things actually were when you thought at the time that they were all going so wrong.
  • Know how to tune in, understand the messages your body, mind and spirit are giving you, listen to your guidance, and trust what’s going on.


Everything is happening just as it should be. 
Your only job is to roll with it.

2tips to help you develop your Indigo Gold Power of Trust:
#1: Tired of always pushing against the river? Here’s an affirmation we recommend to help get you in flow of your life.

“I trust that everything happens for a reason!”

We recommend that you start each day by singing it 7 times out loud or to yourself in the mirror. Then relax and begin to find ways you can flow more easily with how things are really happening, rather than how you think is should be happening.

#2: Keep the Trust Vibrancy Essence in your back pocket this week. When you feel yourself getting tense and frustrated because things aren’t going the way you want, pop a few drops, and allow yourself to align with the rhythm of life that is happening in and around you.


Tap into the Power of Trust
and the Force will be with you.

To trust in the force
that moves the universe is faith.
Faith isn’t blind, it’s visionary.
Faith is believing that the universe
is on our side, and that the universe
knows what it’s doing.

~ Unknown


Trust the Force!

More Peace in Your Life with the Power of Mindfulness


Posted by Jamie and Chaya | Posted in Newsletter, Spiritual Connection | Posted on 14-02-2013

Mindfulness is such a buzz word these days, especially with yoga and meditation going mainstream.

Maybe you’ve jumped on board, and while you’re breathing into child’s pose, or while you’re sitting in stillness, you’ve achieved some measure of slowing down your mind and being totally present to the divine energy that inhabits that moment.

But how’s it going in your everyday life?   

Cherry Tree and Park Bench - full

When the schedule gets full, people are late to meet you, or the house is a mess – is there still peace in your heart and mind?

Are you able to stay mindful of the present moment and situation when your to-do list is overloaded?

How’s your connection to the divine when your boss or a client needs you to get something done and your kid has the flu and…and….and….?

How nice would it be if when you sat down to talk with someone, you knew they were totally with you, looking you in the eye, hanging on your every word? (And not checking the text that just came in.)

Our culture seems very split, because in contrast to the popularity of yoga and meditation, we have a thousand distractions from a world moving at a breakneck pace, and the input of technology available to us every second.

The other day in a restaurant we saw a dad with his 3 young daughters out for lunch. All 4 of them sat at the table looking at their phones, texting or watching videos. The only sound coming from their direction was the occasional laugh as someone experienced a private funny moment with their device. I guess you could make the argument they were present to what was happening on their screen, but, what about the actual moment right there with their family?

And then there’s a photo going around Facebook representing what the modern family looks like at home in the evening. The TV is on, the parents and 3 kids are scattered around the room, each with either a laptop, tablet, or phone in front of them with the screen on.

What are they paying attention to? Each other? Not. The TV? Maybe partially.

How many places are you splitting your focus and not giving your full attention to what’s right in front of you?

How would your life be different if you stopped all the multi-tasking and just got present to each moment?

Here are some of the things you might avoid:

  • Mistakes and accidents caused by distraction (Seriously, can you believe we actually need a campaign to not text while driving?)
  • Feeling scattered
  • Overwhelm
  • Lack of peace
  • Never finishing anything because you jump around so much

There is no better moment than this moment to align with the Power of Mindfulness!
This Power is associated with the Color pattern of Silver Gold, and this energy frequency is always available to you in every moment. It’s in your body, it’s in the Field around you. The more you access it, align with it, and strengthen it, the more you will discover a sense of calm, centeredness, peacefulness and outright bliss.

You will:

  • Make less mistakes, have less accidents, be more efficient in your work, and, yes, be a safer driver.
  • Foster warm and loving relationships, because your family and friends will appreciate how attentive you are (and most likely radiate Divine Love right back to you).
  • Feel relaxed, present, and focused because your attention is only on what is right in front of you.

Stop and notice the Divine in each moment, and in each person whose path you cross!

Claim this Power as your own and you will see the world through new eyes – you will realize that every person, every act, and every minute has inherent value, worthy of your honoring attention.


Two ways to the bliss of Mindfulness :

#1: Feeling scattered and overwhelmed? Here’s an affirmation you can sing that is a sure cure for a wandering mind:

“I am present and mindful!”

We recommend that you sing it seven times to help you be more attentive to what’s right in front of you, rather than getting lost in all the thoughts and activities that seem to be swirling around you.

Whether it’s writing an email, working on a project, hugging your dog, or doing laundry, it doesn’t matter. Everything works better and is a lot more engaging when you are present and mindful.


#2: The Mindful Vibrancy Essence is a perfect antidote for too much multi-tasking. Take 14 drops under your tongue daily or whenever you find you’re trying to do too much all at once to the point of overwhelm.

Bless others by bringing your full presence.

The most precious gift we can offer others is our presence.
When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers.

~ Thich Nhat Hanh

Wishing you blessings of mindfulness